The Sunset

To get Mr Francisco's family out of that devil's dungeon and get justice for him. Now is the right time to make those wrong deeds of the past right. Now is the time to get that innocent soul justice.

" I know my words would not be enough to console you, I didn't know that this would have happened behind my back, but now it's the time for action," I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Our priority should be the safety of your family, and to make sure that they return safe and sound," I said

"Do you think it's that easy?" Alessio said.

"Certainly not, that's why I have a plan," I said.

"What plan?" Alessio asked.

"You will know soon, be patient," I replied

"It better works because my family's life is at stake," Alessio warned me.

"It will," I replied in my deep tone.

I finished my coffee and went to my room upstairs hurriedly, I entered my room. When I looked at my bed, instantly that suffocating memory flashed before my eyes and entangled my already tousled thoughts, I can still remember how that moment felt. That poor little boy is living in such suffocating moments which are even more painful than death. One thing that I still can't understand is how can my best friend betray me, or maybe I don't want to accept the reality. Just some days ago he sent me a letter ensuring his safety and saying that there is nothing to worry about, why did he keep what happened behind me a secret? As I was thinking my eyes laid on my typewriter, and with that, an idea came to my mind. I sat on my study table and got my typewriter right in front of me. I inserted a flimsy, onion-skinned typing page in it and started writing abruptly,

"To Edmondson Brown

House no.444, rouge road,


Thursday, 23rd October 1893.

Mr Edmondson,

I am writing this letter to you which is about the Mansion 37 case. There are many doubts and clattered thoughts related to this case which I want to clear. And many unanswered questions are in search of their answers. Please meet me as soon as possible you receive this letter at the given address.

House no.234 Brandon street,


Samuel Greco."

I put the letter in the brown-coloured envelope and sealed it securely. After that without wasting any time further because it has been already very late, I rushed downstairs. I wore my Bottle-green coat, brown hat and leather shoes and took a step forward when Alessio cried from behind,

"Where are you going?"

"I will be back here soon don't worry," I said.

"Who said I'm worried for you the truth is I don't trust you who knows what are you up to now?" he said.

"I don't have time for this nonsense right now," I replied.

"I will go with you." He said and came forward.

"no, it's not safe," I said.

"It's not safe here too the one who gave me your address and orders knows where you are and he may try to attack you again as he didn't get any news about your death," he said

"Ok, come with me," I replied.

We both walked together to the post box.

"Are you aware of the directions?" I said

"Yes I do," he said.

Suddenly he turned towards me and looked straight right into my eyes with an angered and serious look. He said in a gruff and deep voice,

"I hope you are not planning anything wicked again against my father," he said.

"No, why would I? " I said.

"Don't even think to." his aggressiveness made me worried because usually, these emotions can lead him to the wrong path too. We finally reached the post box and I dropped the letter in it.

"What is this?" he asked.

"You will know by yourself soon." I said.

Suddenly I heard a child's voice from behind.

"Mr Samuel." he said.

When I turned back he came running towards me and hugged me tightly. The child was none other than,

"John, how are you, my brave son?" I said in a joyful tone.

"I'm fine Mr Samuel, how are you?" John said.

"I'm a good son and how is your dad?" I said.

"Father is now healthy and really happy too, I took good care of him as you said." John replied joyfully.

"That's like a good boy." I replied.

"Oh Mr Samuel what a pleasant surprise, how are you, sir?" Mr Matthew placed the dishes on the table and came towards us.

"I'm fine Mr Matthew and how are you?" I said.

"I'm good thank you, why don't you come here?" he said.

"Here?" I said.

"Yes sir, I got my new job in this cafe please come and have something I would feel nice." he said

"Oh I would be really happy to come but I'm afraid I can't come right now." I said

"Please sir at least have a cup of coffee." he said

"Please Mr Samuel," John said while looking at me like an innocent kitten.

"Ok." I replied as my heart melted from the cute cat.

"Please have a seat, Mr Samuel." Mr Matthew said.

"Thank you." I replies.

"You to son take a seat please." Mr Matthew said to Alessio.

"Thank you, sir," Alessio said In his usual deep tone.

"Who is this boy Mr Samuel, is he your son?" John curiously asked.

"He is my nephew who is as dear to me as my son." I said and Alessio looked at me surprisingly.

"He is from Italy too?" Mr Matthew asked

"Yes, he is from Italy too." I said

"Can I say something?" John said.

"hmm." I nodded. He came closer to me and secretly whispered in my ear.

"He is handsome just like you." I giggled a bit and surprisingly Alessio smiled too.

"Here is your order sir."

"Please have a seat Mr Matthew it's more than enough for two people." I invited them.

We all ate together after a long time, everybody together happily. For the moment we all forget about our critical pasts and enjoyed there's the moment. Alessio made good friends with John too. Me and Mr Matthew talked about his new job and the crisis that people are facing because of the royals.

"As long as this Kingdom is ruled by the Queen justice, equality and advancement can never celebrate in our kingdom." Mr Matthew said in a despair tone.

"What is the reality behind the hatred for Queen?" I asked curiously.

"The hatred is for a long time, the reason for the hatred is that the people think Queen has killed the King to Prince was four at that time and was unable to rule until he comes to an age of maturity until the Queen had to rule. After she came to power, the Prince was sent away for his studies and military training to sharpen his ability for becoming the King of this empire. Although hasn't returned yet it has been twenty years. The most painful twenty years in the lives of the poor inhabitants. Although we all are still looking forward to the beam of hope, The Prince." Mr Matthew replied

"Let's hope for the best my friend." I said

"What else we peasants can do." Mr Mathgew said

"Hmm, well I think it's the time we should go." I said

"But I'm still playing with Alessio." John said

"Oh so now Alessio is your new best friend, not me?" I teased him.

"No, it's not like that you both are." He quickly justified himself.

"Really?" I asked him while having a suspicious look on my face.

"Yes, you are." He said.

"Ok so if you're my best friend then you have to make a promise to me.' I said

"What?" John said

"Until our next visit, you will take good care of your father and become a son that your father can be proud of, promise?" I said

"Promise." John said

"That's like a good boy, Mr Matthew we shall leave now and thanks a lot for this delicious food." I said

"Oh no problem sir, we will wait for your next visit. Take care sir and you too young man." Mr Matthew said

"I will sir thank you for this hospitality." Alessio replied

"No need to thank son, your kind and humble uncle did way more than this for us." Mr Matthew said

"I did what any good person would've done, no need to be grateful."

With that, we waved each other goodbye and went on our way back home. This serene time of the sunset symbolically tells us that a tiring and hectic day has finally ended it's time to be proud of yourself that you survived it bravely and now is the time to prepare yourself for an arriving battle of the next day but before that we should seek peace and relax as this peaceful night arrives or is it peaceful?