Splash of Blood!

We both refreshed our old memories and decided to restart a life which is meant to help the people who are incompetent, impoverished and defenceless. The night has ended with the rising sun which has glorified my soul and made me reincarnated. Now is the time for falsehood to end!

"Be careful with the hyenas Samuel" Edward said concerned.

"The hyenas are afraid of lions don't you know?" I mischievously smiled.

After leaving Edward's home, I walked upon the path to my home. Entire London was covered in a thick white snow blanket. As I was walking I could hear the voice of the crinkling snow with every step I took. It was the time for everybody to rejoice with their loved ones and celebrate Christmas. Many kids were rushing along the street and joyfully playing with snow. Outside was all dazzling with snow and cold while inside the houses were lovely and decorated by shining lights and grandma's stories near the fireplace kept it all warm and cosy. I was pleased to see these people have smiles on their lean faces.

The celebrations were going with full zest and joy but they were all black and white for me with my deep thoughts. After a moment of being happy in the gleaming lights, my mind was intrigued by thoughts of this dark case. There are many questions in my mind and many unsolved riddles. My priority is to ensure the safety of Francisco's household so that I can save them from Lorenzo's filthy hands.

Meanwhile, I thought about Edmondson too. Edmondson is still on loose, he is unaware that Edward is working for me now to get justice for Mr Francisco. Edmondson previously investigated me from some people I knew near my old residence. His mean even threatened Mr Matthew and John for telling them the truth. He confirmed by his strong sources that Alessio and I are dead and by knowing it he left back for Italy. But I'm still not sure if he is setting a trap for me by spreading the news or did he believe in my corpse. Edmondson has become a real threat to me and to avoid him I have to hide my true identity. Many things have changed in this short time between the end of the withering autumn and the start of this harsh winter. This started with the Arrival of Alessio and ended with the betrayal of Edmondson.

Although, this is the time for Edmondson Brown to pay for his deeds. I stepped inside my house and gazed at it. My previous home was nice, cosy and homely but this house has a more minimalist design with less furniture one good thing is that it is wooden and brass material which makes it a bit more like home. I placed my coat on the table and took the briefcase and the file with me. I sat at my study table and opened the case file which was made with extensive effort. It contained everything that I needed to prove Lorenzo was the culprit of Mr Francisco, it had all the hidden statements of the manor's maids, the evidence collected by risking my life and most importantly the suicide note of another maid Hernandez. But wait where is that suicide note, and the statements that I had were replaced by some fabricated statements? My eyes were full of rage and my blood was boiling upon this, the culprit is none other than Edmondson Brown. I skimmed and scammed the file over and over again but it was of no use. All the effort I and my mates put in was wasted in a jiffy. Now the statements and other evidence would be given by only one man and that is, Edmondson Brown.

The next morning, I woke up with my enraged thoughts. I dressed myself up in my new undercover look, I grew a beard to hide my overall appearance and grew my hair long too. My eyes were covered with glasses and my suit was not as fine as it used to be, it was rather an ordinary winter attire with a black hat on my hair it was like the cherry on top, I wore my worn-off shoes which were beside my Italian leather shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror by the entrance of the house, I was satisfied because I was looking unrecognisable and then I stepped outside my house.

I was shrugged by the cold winds of London morning, I sighed and carried on my way. It was early but London was bustling with the sounds of the bakers selling their freshly baked goods accompanied by the discount deals from the shopkeepers. Many people were lined in front of the bakery by attracting the fragrance of the freshly baked fruit cake and women were gathered in the crockery shops to present new, delicate crockery on their dining tables on Christmas eve. I was observing the street when I suddenly bumped into Mr Matthew and John, their things fell on the road which I bent down and collected with them.

"I'm sorry sir it's my fault," I said while being ashamed.

"No problem sir it's okay" He kindly replied.

they both passed by me but didn't recognise me even a bit. This made me sure of my look that it is a true success. My new workplace was the street too, I went inside the Burners café. It was a lavish cafe by the street where only rather officials used to gather to discuss important matters. It was the place where only rich people gathered, so I applied for the job when I came to know that Edmondson come here too. I wore my apron and went on to my job as a waiter. The most significant thing that I faced was when people looked at me with a gaze full of contempt. But my sharp eyes were determined and desperate to find that traitor. I eavesdrop on two men seated near the glass window while I was placing their coffee on the table. One man was Edmondson's man who came that day I the prison and beat Alessio to death. The second was a new face, he was a chubby man with a serious look on his face he was in his near forties. By his black suit and red tie, I could tell he was amongst the upper class. They were talking about Edmondson,

"When is Edmondson paying me back?" He asked in an annoying tone.

"He will soon be patient," the other one said in a lowered voice.

"You always say soon but now I want it or else you have to face my men," he said clenching his fists.

" You don't know the power of Edmondson he will crush those mice underneath his thumbs" Edmondson's man said while gritting his teeth.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT?" The man stood up from his chair and shouted abruptly.

"Relax before you have to pay for it" Edmondson's man warned him while anger was visible on his face and he closed his eyes to calm him down.

"I WOULD NOT-" Old man raised his voice again.

His man raised his gun and pointed towards the man. He was about to pull the trigger when I came in front of him. His gun was at my chest I faced him and stared right into his eyes.

"Stop right there! you have no right to shoot him. Lower your gun."

" Get aside or you will lose your life!" Edmondson's man said angrily.

"I won't LOWER YOUR GUN! " I shouted.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY" He yelled.


The bullet ripped my shirt and went right into my chest. His face and shirt were covered by the splash of my blood. My whole body jerked and my breath stopped for a moment in shock, I couldn't breathe at all. My eyes widened with shock, my emotions were mixed with pain and shock. What just happened to me? I raised my shivering hand and touched my chest, my fingers were covered in blood. I stumbled while standing at held the table before kneeling on the ground. I coughed and saw blood coming out of my mouth abruptly. The place was covered with my blood and my clothes were drenched in it. Before my eyes flashed the scene when Alessio was lying on the ground the same way and looked at me with hope for his life. Hope that he would survive for vengeance. Everybody in the cafe was shocked and scared by seeing this but nobody dared to come and help a suffering being. That man ran away as soon as he shot me to get away with this, and some people ran behind him to catch that jerk. I fell on the floor and my ruby blood soon spread out and covered the white marble floor entirely like an ocean.