The Key

By seeing the key in my hand Richard was lost, shivers were sent down his spine, his face turned pale and his hands started to shiver. Even a blind man could tell that he was scared to death. His emotions were mixed, fear of getting caught and losing all the respect on the other hand how I got my hands on this evidence. He pointed towards my hand and said with a shaky voice,

" get ....this?"

"Hmm, how did I get this well by judging your condition I am sure that this is your key. Well to answer your curious question, every detective has his sources." I replied while putting my leg on the other and leaning back on the chair.

" between the both of us...then?" he frantically said.

"Well seems like it's now in between three of us before it gets leaked to the British Court, oh but then what about your highly paid post? Ahh, it will be in loss wouldn't it?" I said in an innocent voice.

"It would please.. please spare my life...please." He sat on his knees and become pleading with me.

"Leaving a cruel man like you would be tyranny on the innocents," I replied straight.

"Please...please" he kept begging as if I would become pitiful and forget his past malicious deed and spare his life which he would use further to ruin others' lives as he did.

"Now has come the for you time to pay for your crime has come," I replied in a deep tone.

"please." He grabbed my shoes.

"It's better for you to confess your crimes yourself then maybe the court will reduce your trial otherwise when I will reveal your truth then there would be no way out!" I warned him while looking directly into his eyes.

"What?" he said in a confused tone. His fake behaviour made me even more furious but I kept control of my emotions, I clenched my fist and tried to calm myself down.

"You have time till tomorrow evening, I want your answer by that. The only option is your death, either way, way there is no escape but you can either do a good deed before it maybe God will show some mercy on you then or keep doing bad oh no, malicious deeds." I said in a clear tone.

I shrugged off his filthy hands from me and walked out of the cafe. What would he do now? Will he keep doing worse or will choose to repent? God knows what he will choose. He has a chance to do something good to overcome his guilt if he has, Otherwise I would reveal his real image in front of everyone. The key I have made him crippled on his toes, he might seek help from Edmondson against me. But I have also taken measures, this time Lorenzo Armani would pay for his deeds.

I walked to my house thinking about Richard, Lorenzo and Edmondson. The cold that is outside can't cool the fire that is burning inside me. This fire would only be extinguished when those tyrants would face their end. I unlocked my door and went inside, I looked at my surroundings and closed the door. I hung my beige overcoat on the coat hanger and went inside. I felt tightness and clenched the back of my neck which was tense in pain, I placed my briefcase on the dining table and dumped myself on the sofa. I rest my head and closed my eyes suddenly something fell on my face and I panicky opened my eyes and dust my face off. I looked at the ceiling and saw its poor condition of it. Ugh! it screamed for getting repaired. A picture suddenly appeared in my eyeballs and memory took me to the past,

"Mother you shouldn't do it now, give it to me let me carry this for you." I carried the heavy basket of fruit from my mother's hand and walked to the backyard.

"Oh thank you, my son." She dust his hands and said kindly.

"No need to thank me, mother you do all the work for us, you raised us and did everything on your own this is the least I can do," I said while keeping the basket on the floor of our house.

"That is what a mother would do." She sighed.

"But for us, you're both mother and father. You're the bravest women I ever met." I said politely while looking at her.

"Ahh looked at my little bun all grown up, enough big to butter me up huh?" She said while squeezing her eyes.

"Uh no, I'm not buttering you mom I'm not." I quickly said to cover myself up.

"Hmm, You may be the best detective but I'm your mom, huh and nothing can be hidden from my eyes. Now tell me what is it about that pretty girl who often comes with you to visit us?" She said while smiling.

"NOOO, it's not that mother!" I loudly said, but my cheeks were all red like a tomato.

"Then?" Suddenly a piece of plaster fell on my head from the roof.

"Huh? Mother, I always tell you to shift with me. Now your son is no longer an ordinary detective he does own a luxurious house so you should come to live in there." I took it from my head and said while looking at it.

"I know that my son is now a rich man and I'm very proud because of that, but." She hesitated

"But?" I asked curiously.

"This may seem to be an ordinary, old and damaged village house to you but for me, it is my everything. Your dad earned each penny with his blood and sweat I can't leave it that easily. In this house I still feel his presence around me, I still feel he is with me. Besides, I do visit your house often, right? And I would keep visiting you too. But don't force me to leave this house it's really precious to me, I can't abandon it."

Tears start forming in her most beautiful eyes, I hugged her tightly and patted her back.

"My beautiful mother nobody will force you to leave this house, hmm?"

I kissed her forehead and reassured her. Then we both looked at the serene sunset, the sky was beautifully painted with orange, yellow and purple colours. The sun calmed down and turned itself into a golden majesty, it could be seen setting behind the beautiful alps of Sicily. The wide sea at the foot of the alps was gleaming and getting fiercer as the night was approaching. Our house was on the hill, it was surrounded by a coniferous forest on the left side, right side the entire village could be seen and the reef of the sea to see how the water was crushing with the mountains. Our village-style Italian house was fenced from all sides and at the back was the end of the hill beneath a deep blue sea, crushing our evergreen hill continuously. Both the sun and the moon could be seen in this magical moment. It was a picturesque view.

I sighed and went tiredly to my room. It was about nighttime by now, and everybody around me was celebrating with their families which made me miss mine too but my job was greater than that I need to save many other families so that they could live together happily. I took my typewriter and put it on an onion-skinned, filmy typing paper and started typing fast as I could

" Dear Twilight,

I hope you have successfully collected the information I asked you to collect previously. I need it urgently, give me the details about it as soon as you could. I also have something really important to tell you. I will wait for you tomorrow at my address.


The Black beret."

I placed the letter in the envelope and lightened the candle burner. I melted the wax in it at poured it into the opening of my envelope to carefully seal it. I heard a knock on the door and went outside hurriedly while taking the envelope in my hand too. I went into the living room and tried to see from the window who is it, I smiled when I looked at the man and went to open the door. The old man was a fine postman, he had a moustache on his face and beneath it was a big smile, his eyes were crystal aqua and his face was wrinkled too. He came off his bicycle and came towards me then asked,

"Has the dense fog cleared in our beloved Sicilia?" the man asked.

"The dense fog remains yet," I replied sadly.

"Then let's clear it." He said

"Indeed." I smiled

"Put the snake to death." He ordered

"This key would grab the filthy, thanks for your help." I handed him the letter.

"My pleasure indeed," I replied.

The man took the letter and put it in his brown sack, he bid me farewell and continue his journey forward I saw him until he disappeared in the thick fog. I smiled and went back in. I went inside my room and slept peacefully with the hope that we will soon reach the snake's head and kill him.

I heard a knock on the door and went outside, I looked at the time and it was quite early. Who would be here this early? I rubbed my eyes and opened the door.

"Edward you?" I asked surprisingly,

"Yes me I came here as soon as I read your letter," he said

"Come inside it's freezing outside," I said

I made us both warm coffee and gave it to Edward,

"Thanks, mate," he said

"Did you get some information?" I asked hopefully

"Yes I did," he replied firmly

"What?" I asked curiously

"Mr Francisco's family is locked up in the basement of Lorenzo's gigantic mansion. They are yet alive but we don't know for how much longer. Their condition was as if they were being starved for a long time and were being tortured to death. Lorenzo is planning to marry Mr Francisco's daughter and torture her mother until she spills anything about us or Alessio. The marriage would be held soon we don't have enough time. With every passing second their tortures are increasing. We have to do something now!" He said worriedly

"What? Marrying her? But she is only 15 how can that vile person marry a girl who is the same age as her daughter? I have seen enough of his oppression. You are right we don't have much time but I do have the key to reach Lorenzo." I reacted in an angered tone but then got reminded of the key!

"What really?" he asked as his eyes widened.

"Yes, Richard Ross," I replied

"Richard Ross, Lorenzo's crime partner in London right who paves the way for him?" he asked.

"Yes him," I said in a lowered voice.

"But how?" he asked while raising his eyebrow.

"By this." I showed him the contract in my hand

"This?" he asked in a disappointed tone.

"Yes, it is just not an ordinary piece of paper but it's the key to crushing Lorenzo's head. It is the contract which was signed between Edmondson and Richard earlier it has both of their signatures and the Official stamp of Lorenzo. This document has their drug trafficking, arms trafficking, fencing and other crimes agreement. It clearly states that Richard is Lorenzo's business partner in his illegal business and will support him to carry out his crime easily." I replied confidently while putting one leg on the other.

"You are a true genius Samuel, elections are right around the corner and if this leaks then he probably would rot in jail!" He said in an amazing voice and a big smile.

"Yes, my friend." I smiled back and cheered the coffee

"Now we have the key to put that snake to death," he said happily

This is just the start keep with me to see their end." I am saying by looking at you with my emerald green eyes directly hmm and smiled.