The Pulled Trigger

"We did get a way to get Richard on track finally," Edward said in a solemn tone.

"Yes, sure we did," I affirmed.

"Samuel I'm curious about one thing." He said in a definite tone.

"What is bothering you?" I replied in my husky voice.

"Did you get anything likely from the case file?" he investigated.

"I did but only despair and betrayal," I said in a faint voice.

"Huh? What do you mean?" he asked in an alert tone.

"The documents I collected over those past years endangering my own life were all replaced by forged ones. " I said in a concerned tone while putting my hand under my chin.

"What?" he stood up and said in an explosive tone.

"The evidence that I collected was all missing from my suitcase, and most importantly the suicide note of Hernandez, the personal servant of Lorenzo was also missing," I explained

"How could that traitor do that?" he said while expressions of shock, disbelief and anger were visible on his warm- ivory-toned face.

"You can expect anything from a traitor," I replied in a mournful voice while looking at him with a worried expression on my face.

"As we are trying to solve this mystery the more we try to untangle it the more we get tangled." He said worriedly.

"But we must solve these complicated cases, and we will." I stood up and placed my hand on his shoulder affirming him and saying in a resonant voice.

"But how We have lost all the evidence then how will we get them back?" he looked at me in disbelief.

"We will get them," I assured him

"What's your plan?" he abruptly asked with a stern expression.

"We need to get the evidence back at any cost," I said in my original husky deep voice but a gleeful tone.

"How will we? explain yourself, I want to know what is making the engines run of your genius brain." He anonymously asked me persuading me to know the idea that I have.

"Well, Richard is under our hands we will use him to get those evidence back and save Alessio's innocent sister from that demon Lorenzo. " I said

"Hmm." He agreed

"Lorenzo is getting stronger day by day, Richard will be the key which will take us to Lorenzo. We need to save Alessio's sister first and then we will get our evidence back. I am meeting Richard this evening, there I will get him on track." I told him and walked to the table behind him, took my shining silver-coloured watch and wore it.

"Samuel I hope you are well aware of the fact that Edmondson has got his back in London. He will reach Edmondson and get his men before us. Your life is in danger mate, I won't let you go in a death trap!" he made me face towards him and said in an obnoxious voice.

"Ahh! Eddie I'm happy you remain unchanged all these years and so do I. Don't you know me? I am used to being on the brink of death, I'm not scared of Edmondson or Lorenzo. I would get them to their end until that rest is forbidden for me." I said in a definite tone.

"Hmm, yes Sam I do know that you're the same still. But friends are with you when you are in need, I won't leave you alone." He said while concern was in his tone and his worry for me was evident in his eyes and expression.

"You're my brother, I won't let you leave me alone too." I smiled.

He wore his coat and said to me.

"Bye, see you soon."

"Bye. See you very soon indeed" I said and smirked.

I went inside and looked at the time, that hideous man still got some time before I get to him. I walked to my room and looked at the window, I went near it and opened it to let fresh air in giving me a refreshed feel. I inserted my hands in my grey pants pocket and started looking outside, I saw the street which was as busy as ever. People rejoiced with the feeling of combining with their loved ones, for this time of the year significantly people were enjoying themselves despite the fact how much they had in their pockets or not, or everybody was celebrating Christmas with full zest and joy. I kept feeling the aroma of Christmas and something intrigued my mind, how come Richard Ross kneeled in front of me so easily something is there which is still hidden from my eyes. I rolled my eyes annoyingly as my gaze laid on the scattered forged documents which were still lying on my study table hopelessly, I went near my table and grabbed the paper in my hands.

For anybody else, they would be just a useless piece of paper but for me, they are nothing less than a treasure. I would take them to the court as evidence to prove how they tried to hide their horrendous crime. Anything we find in this case even a mere piece of paper is precious to us. I placed the paper back and sit on my bed while holding my temples in stress. Lorenzo is getting stronger with each passing day, first, the only matter was to take revenge back for Francisco but now it is even worse. Why things are getting worse day by day? What will happen after this? I need to get her out safely before they use her as a shield against us.

I stood up from the bed and looked out the window behind me. The calm setting sun could be seen indicating the arrival of Richard Ross.

I went outside my room and wore my coat from the coat hanger hurriedly. I was about to step outside when I glanced at myself in the mirror and said,

"This is your second chance Samuel Greco don't let it go!"

I confidently smiled and went outside to seize my moment. I was walking through this lavish and bustling street of London, and I saw many joyful sights along my way people were singing with joy, and laughing carelessly but there were still some who were sitting on the streets hoping to get food tonight. For them, the only thing is to fulfil their hunger. They don't know if they will get something to eat even or not. On other hand are the families who are enjoying lavish dinners, their children are laughing and the family is having the best time of their lives, while the poor children are seeing the window with their eyes full of desire to live a life like that. These innocents were made to do this forcefully to earn and fill the pockets of the corrupt ones. When he first saved me I thought Richard is a good-hearted man but he turned out to be a greedy beast and nothing else. Sure, never judge a book by its cover. People like Richard Ross use them for their benefit, and what they get in return is nothing but contemptuous gaze.

I reached the lavish burners café and searched for Richard, I went near him when I saw him. He sat while his back facing me, I went and sit in front of him. He was still terrified and looked down ashamed. I looked around the cafe and noticed something unusual, there were men everywhere who hid their faces like bandits, A gun was revealed by one's coat amongst them. I understood that this is a trap set for me by none other than Edmondson Brown. I looked back at that terrified man and said in a rasping tone,

"So you decided it yet?"

"I did." He said in a plaintive tone.

"What?" I asked while crossing my arms.

"I will confess my crime and get the required punishment and-"

"And?" I asked

"I will also help you to get Lorenzo," he said in an insipid tone.

"Well you made a wise decision, I guess you decided to repent," I said in an expressionless tone and smirked.

"I thought about myself and what I did previously and decided to do something good before I die," he said innocently and looked at me.

"Good, now let's get to work." I was quite unsure of this sudden change in Richard, it was making me more alarmed.

"What work do you require from me?" he asked having a confused expression on his face.

"I need you for really important work which you can only do. You are close to Edmondson right?" I asked him while having a perplexed expression.

"Yes, I am still in contact with him." He said in an urbane tone.

"I need you to get me in Edmondson's office." I leaned forward and said in a lowered voice.

"Huh?" he asked surprisingly.

"Yes in his absence, I need to take some things that belong to me," I said

"I...I" he hesitated

"You can't do it?" I said abruptly

"Yes I can but when?" he asked

"As soon as possible, we can't waste a minute even!" I said in a repulsive tone.

"I would do anything I could for you." He reassured me, my mind was bound to think that he is deceiving me because they won't lose this easily.

"OK, then meet here at sharp five o'clock tomorrow morning, for the rest of the details." I gave him a piece of paper which had the address on it.

"OK." He took it and nodded.

I stood up and wore my coat. I was about to outside when my ears were alerted by someone pulling his chair out and the sound of pulling a trigger. I flapped my coat back in the air, took my gun out from my leather waistband and pointed directly at Richard. Instantly all his men stood up and pointed their guns towards me hastily.

"Tell them to drop their weapons or I will shoot you right now," I said in a hoarse tone.

"Lis- " he said to me trying to calm me down.

"NOW!" I pulled the trigger which made Richard gulp.

"Lower your guns, Quickly!" he signalled his men by moving his hands frantically.

"But boss-" one argued.

"I SAID LOWER YOUR FREAKING GUNS YOU FOOLS!" he said in a rough tone and loud voice while having a frightened expression.

"I told you not to play smart with me didn't I?" I said to him while having displeased expressions on my clean-shaven, sleek and admirable face in a warned tone.

"You-" he said angrily

"You know that is the issue with me, when people like you don't listen to me they regret their actions," I replied in a triggered voice and walked towards him.

"Huh?" he had a surprised and frightened expression on his face.

"I thought you would repent but no, you didn't listen to me, did you? " I said and stepped forward towards him.

"I'm sorry." He started walking backwards slowly.

"Enough of your fake apologies! You asked for this, NOW!" I ordered and my men sitting on the tables next to Richard's men stood up and placed their guns on Richard's men's temple they all frantically left their weapons.

"Did you speculate that I would come unprepared knowing your and your Master's incompetent nature? SHOOT-" I ordered.

"NO-" he said in a frantic and loud voice

"What is it now huh, anything left to say?" I asked

"These are not my men they are Edmondson's, he has been spying on me all along. It's none of my faults kill them but spare me!" he quickly spilt the beans.

"What?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes, he did warn me yesterday that he would kill me if I would tell you this that's why I hid it." He explained himself.

"You think I'll believe you still?" I asked him and was about to pull the trigger.

"They are Lorenzo's men, the proof I'd the tattoo on their wrist. Only Lorenzo's men have this tattoo on their wrists, it's his official stamp!" he said.

"Check them!"

My men took their hands and opened their cuffs, he was right there were tattoos underneath the cuff on their wrists. It was Lorenzo's official stamp.

"See, I told you!" he said while smiling as if his life has just been saved.

"So? You think I would forgive you?" I asked while looking back at him

"Bu-" he fell and said worriedly, he was about to cry almost.

"Collect their weapons and back off."

My men collected their weapons and went outside carrying them, I followed them out but suddenly I sensed something, a man behind me took the sharp knife from the table and raised it behind my back, I turned back facing him then held his fist and making the knife engraved it in his chest. My eyes were evident with rage while I stared at him, my gaze averted I glared at Richard with fury. He started to drench with nervousness, tremble and fear.