
Let me reveal this awaited secret too. I said while the memories flashed in my Emerald Green eyes and the scene in my eyeball zoomed in.

" Flashback:

The doctor came outside with his coat covered in splashes of Alessio's blood.

What happened son? The old man asked worriedly.

Is Alessio ok? I stood up from my chair and asked with my eyes widened.

Hmm, yes he is fine. He slightly nodded with a blank expression.

Then why are you flustered? His father asked.

No, it's nothing. Who is his guardian father? He said.

This man is. He pointed towards me.

Yes, I am, what's the matter? I asked eagerly.

I need to ask you some questions. He said in a serious tone. His father went inside to Alessio.

What? I asked. He offered to sit and I took a seat.

What is the boy's relationship with you? He asked coldly.

I'm his uncle. I said

Where are his parents? He asked

He is an Orphan, his parents died at an early age. I said in a lowered voice.

Does he live with you? He asked curiously and raised his eyebrow.

No, he does not, he lives on his own because my profession requires me to travel continuously. I replied politely.

Hmm. Did you notice someone else in his house or is he getting bullied by someone? He rubbed his chain.

No, he is not. What is the matter? I asked while frowning.

I never saw this many bruises, cuts, and wounds on a seventeen-year-old boy. His entire body is covered with ruthless wounds and deep cuts, his condition was worst when you brought him here. What happened before? He asked me abruptly.

Huh? I was startled by his question.

You have to tell me, sir, to avoid police involvement. He warned me.

It's not like what you think. I clarified.

Then, what is it? Answer me, straight sir. He said in an angered tone.

I and my nephew were travelling at night. There we encountered some bandits, those bandits were sent there to kill us. We fought with them for our survival, in which his men were injured so were we. Police came out of nowhere and misunderstood the situation, they locked us up and beat both of us to death. I tried to save Alessio but I couldn't. There Law only works on helpless peasants. Your father was enough kind to save us from there and get us here. Alessio was badly injured and lost his breath, life was never easy on him previously too. I sighed.

I can't believe even after decades still their corrupt souls remain the same. He said lowering his face.

Sadly they do. I said.

I'm sorry for doubting you. He said in an apologetic tone.

It's okay you didn't know about the reality and had every right to doubt. I said in my husky voice.

May I ask you something? He said suddenly.

Yes, you may. I replied.

You and the boy doesn't look British, are you foreigners? He asked in his soft voice.

Yes, we are from Italy. I replied while nodding.

Oh, I have heard that Italy is a beautiful place. He said while smiling.

Indeed it is, but unfortunately, beasts rule there. I said while sighing.

So do here. He replied in an aggrieved tone.

Hmm. I nodded sadly.

Why did the bandits come to kill you both? He asked while looking at me,

Huh? I frowned and my face went blank, what should I say now? How can I tell him the truth? Should I tell him the truth? Or should I not?

Uhmm, sir? Are you okay? Je asked while waving his hand in front of my face.

Uh, the bandits? I asked in a surprised tone.

Yes, the bandits. He said while looking at me with serious look.

You can say that the beast's approach is still here and they are hungry for our lives. I replied deciding to tell him the truth instead of making my way easy with a lie.

But why? He furrowed his brows.

I can't tell you this yet. But what I can tell you is that my job is to put those beasts in the dungeon, the beasts who killed your older brother and my older brother too. I said affirmably.

Huh? His eyes widened.

I can understand your pain, I went through the same. This boy, his mother, and his sister lived a horrible life after my brother's death. Those poor people always feared that vicious devil, Lorenzo. I said while anger was evident in my eyes for Lorenzo.

Lorenzo? He said in a familiar tone.

Yes, do you know him? I asked him seeing his familiarity.

I do, everybody here does. He is the man behind my brother's death too, if it wasn't for his dogs my brother would be alive now. You are trying to kill him? Lorenzo Armani? He asked in a curious voice while his eyes widened knowing my mission.

Yes, Lorenzo Armani head of the Italian mafia. I replied while my eyes went dark.

The path you are on mate is full of danger. He said in a soft voice with a worried expression.

I know that bit if I won't take it then our generations would suffer the pain we suffered. I have to do this, I have to stop that devil's wretched hands. I said,

There are a few people who are this brave to put their lives in danger for others. I wish you the best of luck friend. Let me know if I could help you to stop any other child from losing his father, mother or sibling. He said while smiling.

Thank you for your understanding friend. The corners of my lips turned up and I said in a grateful tone.

My pleasure. He slightly bowed.

Son! His father called from behind, and we both stood up quickly.

Yes, father. He replied worriedly.

The boy is awake he wants to see this man. He said pointing towards me.

He is awake. I ran towards the room and went rushing to Alessio happily. Alessio lay on the bed stiffly, he was covered in whisper bandages and was looking at me through the pain he smiled. I forgot my pain while seeing that poor soul. I went near him and stood next to him.

Are you ok? I asked impatiently.

He nodded slightly.

I'm glad you are ok, son. I said and the corners of his lips turned up slightly by listening to the word son.

The doctor came in and pleasantly asked Alessio,

Are you feeling any better now? He nodded.

Can you move your left toe for me? He moved his left toe slightly and the pain was shown on his swollen and injured face.

Can you move your right toe for me? He moved his right toe and squeezed his eyes in pain.

Now your fingers. He slightly moved his fingers painfully.

I'm happy to say that he is fine. He just needs to stay here for some time. He confirmed while smiling.

But the police? I asked in a worried tone.

I would take care of that, don't worry. He replied.

Thank you, doctor. I said in a grateful tone

Don't worry, you can trust me mate. He said while smiling and I smiled too, then I looked at Alessio and said in a polite voice.

Alessio, I would return soon hmm?

He nodded slightly.

After I left the hospital, with bandages and gauze around me. I went to my old house straight, and as I was going near it, I saw a couple of armed bodyguards standing in front of my house, I knew that I can't go back to my old residence as the hyena is well aware of it. Then I sent a letter to Mr Matthew saying that:

"Mr Matthew,

I am leaving for Italy because of an important matter and would not come soon. I would require a favour from you, I am in urgent need of a residence for my friend who is shifting here very soon in business matters. Please find a residence for him as soon as possible.



The next morning, I stood a bit away having a keen and sharp eye on the mailbox waiting for Mr Matthew's arrival. I was covered from head to toe to avoid Edmondson's sharp-eyed men. He came there and was about to enter his letter when I came and took it from him saying that I have been sent by Mr Samuel. He gave me the letter which had the address of my new residence.

I stayed here for a few weeks until I got better enough to fight back again. When I regained my strength, I collected information about Edmondson and Richard Ross's business relationship and Richard's past vicious deeds. After collecting the necessary information I informed you to meet me urgently at your place with the documents related to the case. Now my only mission is to capture Richard, our key to Lorenzo Armani's luxurious mansion where we would put an end to this devil.

Alessio was living in that man's house for the time being. He was recovering slowly day by day so I was relieved. The kind old man used to send me letters to inform me about Alessio's current condition. He was getting better as I was busy investigating further about his father's case. Finally, after weeks he got fully recovered, I sent Alessio the letter in which there was the address of Richard Ross's house and the task he needed to do there to get Richard in our pocket."

"So this was the reality behind? "Edward said while looking towards the floor and putting both of hides hands under his pointy chin.

"Yes, this was the reality behind it," I replied while leaning against the wall and crossing my arms.

"I thought that Alessio was dead, I didn't know you were planning something really big." He said in an admiring tone.

"To put down big devils big plans are required as well, brother," I said while smiling.

"Hmmm, so now what is our next step?" Edward asked curiously.

"We will meet Richard Ross at the given address tomorrow," Samuel replied in affirmed tone.

"You think he would come unarmed and ready to do anything for us?" Edward asked in a worried tone.

"No he wasn't going to, I eavesdrop on his and Edmondson's conversation. They were planning to meet and kill Samuel tomorrow. But-" Alessio said

"But?" Edward asked.

"From what I did, he would not have enough guts to do it now," Alessio said.

"That is a relief." Edward sighed.

"Indeed it is," I said while looking at Alessio.

"Sir Edward?" Alessio asked Edward.

"Yes," Edward replied politely.

"You came from Italy recently right?" Alessio asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"Do you know how my family is doing there?" he asked with a hopeful tone.

"Uhm, well they a-" Edward hesitated.

"What is that vile man doing with them?" Edward clenched his fist and pierced his nails in his fists.

I and Edward looked at each other confusingly and remain silent.

"What is it? Are they OK? Are they Alive?" Alessio asked us in a concerned tone.

"They are alive my son, and are fine till now." I patted his shoulder and said to calm him down.

"Till now?" he asked while his eyebrow raised.

"Alessio we know that the place where your mother and sister are is hot and safe for them. We need to get them out before something worse happens, hmm?" I said politely.

"Hmm, but they are fine right?" Alessio asked in a distressed way.

"Yes, they are," Edward confirmed and Alessio sighed in relief.

"Now let's get some sleep boys, we got some important work to do tomorrow," Edward said in a light tone confirming that everything is fine in Sicily.

"Sure we do." I smiled and went into my room.

Alessio and Edward went into their rooms. I lay down on my bed and looked outside my window. Moon was hidden behind the building outside my room, only the shop and the lonely street could be seen, I became lost in its loneliness and this rested my heavy eyelids hoping for a better tomorrow.