The Crushed Ego

I found myself in the middle of a beautiful and picturesque flower field. As far as my sight reached were flowers and flowers, all yellow coloured. I looked around me amazed, Where am I exactly? What is this beautiful place? I was examining the place when I heard a sweet and familiar voice from behind me.

"Samuel!" My mother cried.

"Mother"! I said in disbelief and walked near her, I touched her beautiful face surprisingly if it was reality or my dream.

"How are you, my son?" She took my hand from her face in her hands and asked sweetly.

"You are here mother?" I asked in an incredulous tone while my eyes were wide and a teardrop was in them.

"Yes, my son it's me your mother." She said while smiling.

"Mother how..?" I asked.

"I missed you very much, son." A tear left her eye rolling down her cheek.

"Mother". I cried a lot and hugged my mother tightly.

"I missed you too mother, Where were you, mother? Why did you leave me?" I asked while crying.

"I never wanted to leave you, my son, never." She caressed my hair and said in a quivering voice.

"I know mother, I know." She sat in the middle of the garden, I laid my head in her lap. I kept on crying and she kept caressing my hair gently, in her lap I felt as if I'm in the most peaceful and safe place in this whole wide world. Flowers kept swinging with the flow of the breeze gently and blue butterflies were flying in the field freely.

"You remember who killed me, your sister and your father don't you? " By listening to this I sat up straight and looked at my dear mother.

"I very well do mother, that vile Lorenzo. "I said coldly.

"Hmmm, the same man who killed many innocent lives. Didn't he?" She asked me politely.

"He did mother and he will pay for this". I said determinedly.

"You must put him to death right?" She said while placing her soft hand on my cheek.

"Yes, mother I want to but-"

"But?" Her eyebrow raised.

"Sometimes I become worried for others around me," I said in a lowered tone.

"So you would let those innocent people suffer till death?" her expression became serious and she asked me.

"No, I can't let that happen ever," I replied.

"The son I gave birth to is a courageous man, he fights for the innocent and determinedly puts vile to death. He stands determined even if he has to risk his life for it." She said proudly.

"Mother I'm not afraid to put my life in danger, but with me are other lives too. Like Alessio, his mother, his sister, Edward's family, Edward himself, Rosanne's family and Rosanne. How can I put their lives at stake?" I said in an earnest tone.

"My kind-hearted son when you are on the right path God is with you, you know that right?" She said in an impassioned voice.

"Yes, mother," I replied gently with hopeful eyes.

"Then what is the matter son, believe in God he knows your pure intention. He will surely help you" she said in a gentle tone.

"You are a right mother. I am sure He will help me protect my loved ones. I promise to you I will make sure to put that hideous villain to death and save the people from his cruelty, even if it costs my life." I said enthusiastically.

"Then go and conquer my son, finish that beast from this world permanently." She said in a motivational way.

"I would mother." I held her hand and said.

I last saw my mother's warm smile then my eyes opened to this early morning. Whatever might come in my life, I would not stop protecting people. I would save both the inhabitants and my loved ones, right now I and Alessio are dead for Edmondson and Lorenzo so no way they would threaten our loved ones, which makes them secure. For further precaution, I would ask Edward to move them to a safer place away from Lorenzo's wrath hands.

Today is the day when my journey to Lorenzo's mansion begins. I freshened myself up and hid under my clothes from head to toe, only my eyes could be seen barely. I went outside to see, Edward and Alessio who were already ready and waiting for me in the lounge. Edward looked at his wristwatch and said,

"You are a little late Samuel."

"Better late than never mate." I smiled.

"Hmm." He agreed.

"Good morning sir." Alessio greeted me like a well-mannered gentleman.

"Good morning Alessio. Are you both prepared gentlemen?" I asked them enthusiastically in my husky voice.

"Sure we are. " They both replied firmly while smiling.

They loaded their guns with bullets and hid them in the inner pocket of their coats. I smiled at them and so did they at me. We all left the house for the location where I and Richard are supposed to meet. I stood there alone and searched my whereabouts, there was no trace of Richard or his loyal dogs. Edward and Alessio went inside the building right in front of me, they took out their guns and put them on the edge of the window pointing towards my direction. They both hid behind the curtains of the window and we all waited for Richard Ross.

"What do you think Alessio will come?" Edward asked Alessio curiously.

"He better would if he loved his life." He replied in his usual deep tone while setting his target.

"He loves it excessively for sure, you are a wise man," Edward said in an appreciative voice.

" Thank you, sir." He replied.

"After all who is your teacher," Edward said while straightening his collar proudly which made Alessio smile.

I was looking at the farthest corner of the street, my hands were in my pocket because of the extreme cold. Where is he? Why hadn't he arrived yet? Is he trying to plan something vicious against me? As I was thinking I saw a fat man covered in his winter attire coming towards me, I could tell from his beard that it was none other than Mr Richard Ross. He came towards me attentively and scared looking right and left if there is someone. I signalled Alessio and Edward the arrival of Richard by slightly nodding my head and they pulled their gun triggers and were fully alarmed for any kind of situation.

"So you decided to show up huh?" I asked him coldly.

"Get to the point straight." He said hoarsely.

"That is what I am saying, stop wasting your time and listen to me straight." I stared into his eyes.

"What do you want from me?" he asked in a lowered voice.

"You will get me into Edmondson's office, ok?" I said which made his eyes widen.

"What?" I took out my gun from my waistband and placed it right in the middle of his wrinkled forehead. His eyes widened in shock.

"Do you have any other choice?" I asked him in a bitter voice and pressed it against his forehead hardly.

"Uh-Uh" he was sweating continuously and his face turned pale.

"You think I'm not aware of your men pointing guns at me huh? " I asked in an angered voice,

"How do you-" he hesitated.

"But now they won't be able to kill me seeing their boss like this would they?" I said and smirked.


Right after he shouted, I saw some men revealing themselves from behind the windows and doors even from the roof, they all gathered in front of me and placed their guns down.

"Leave our boss, nobody will harm you!" Ronald said while raising his hands in the air in a form of surrendering.

"Get out of here!" I said while directly looking at him.

"Huh?" Ronald and Richard both said surprisingly.

"I SAID GET OUT !" I yelled in rage and pulled the trigger.

"Listen to him just go," Ronald said in a trembling voice.

"But what if he kills you, boss?" Ronald said worriedly.

"I won't kill him if you would leave," I said in a detached tone.

"How can I trust you?" Ronald raised his eyebrow and asked me.

"Do you think everyone is like your boss? Unlike him, I am firm on my words." I said while averting my gaze from Richard to Ronald.

"Just leave Ronald, IT'S MY ORDER," Richard yelled.

"OK we are leaving, we are just lowering your gun."

"Leave first." I shot in the air quickly which made them leave. I kept looking at them until they disappear in the morning fog and I lowered my gun.

"Now would you take me to Edmondson's office?" I asked him in a churlish voice.

"I would certainly." He let out a sigh of relief and said.

"No more cunning tricks of yours or you'll be dead straight. Understood?" I glared at him and placed my gun at his heart.

"Yes... I won't." He said in a shivering voice.

"Better." I lowered my gun.

"When do you want to go?" He asked me in a lowered voice.

"Huh, good to see you on track so hastily. Well as soon as possible." I replied to him while rubbing my forehead with my gun.

"Tonight?" he asked me while being horrified by my action.

"Hmmm?" I said in an agreeing tone.

"Edmondson is out of town he left last night it's a good chance for you." He explained to me.

"Great then I will wait for you here tonight, don't play smart with me hmm?" I said while playing with my gun and suddenly looked at him.

"I know, I, I, I won't." He said while hesitating.

"Good." I nodded.

Alessio shot the gun, the bullet strike passed Richard's face onto the wall behind him. It was enough to horrify any normal being to death. His widened and fear was evident in them, his jaw dropped and his eyebrows waggled. After seeing his facial expression I smirked, played with my gun between my elongated fingers and left from there while whistling and walking in attitude. I looked back at him suddenly and pointed my gun towards him which made him hold his heart. I put it back in my waistband lifting my black coat up. His soul was about to leave his body, he sat on the ground shocked. I smirked at him and with that, I left from there, on my way to my house.

I walked down the early morning streets, winter fog hid behind the golden beam of the incoming sun, and the streets were quiet and harshly cold. Only we three were there, we all reached my home. I turned the door now and entered inside. We all hung our coats, hats and mufflers on the hanger and stepped inside the house. I took some steps forward in my house and turned behind me. I looked at both Edward and Alessio with serious faces. They both looked at each other with an amazing looks and then averted their gaze from me. I went near them and,

"Well done gentlemen." I clapped for them and congratulated them in my husky voice.

"Our pleasure sir. "Edward said and bowed.

"But our task is not done yet," Alessio said in a low tone and deep voice.

"Yes, our task is not done yet," I said while side smiling.

"The good news is that Mr Richard Ross would help us now FAITHFULLY to get into our FRIEND'S office," Edward said while emphasising the words faithfully and friendly.

"We all sat in the living room."

"The way Richard is receiving death threats continuously from us will prove beneficial for us. Now I am sure he won't betray us."


"Hmmm, finally." I looked directly into the eyes of the audience putting my hands under my chin and smirked.