Actions Speak Louder than Words

Alessio held his tears back in pain and gritted his teeth in anger. His eyes turned red in both rage and grief. But the young man knew that he had to control both of them for the time being and act wisely. His family's life was in the hands of a Mafia King, he couldn't afford to waste any time crying. It's a time when actions will speak louder than words.

He gulped his grief and stepped away from the oak table, he turned back. His Ocean blue foxy eyes widened with anger, his face turned red, his veins popped out his forehead and neck, he clenched his fist so tightly and he said,

"Now your bad time has started Lorenzo Armani."

He opened the door of his room and went outside. Samuel looked at him and saw his enraged self. After seeing that he went near him and said in a concerned tone and gentle voice.

"Alessio are you fine?"

"I am sure enough fine to crush those stone-hearted people either my own hands."

Samuel looked at him with a surprised look, but he also felt proud of him. How maturely a seventeen-year-old boy handled the situation.

"You are sure your brave father's son, Alessio. He said while smiling proudly at him Alessio also smiled a little when he heard this.

"So now what is the task for me, sir?" Alessio asked in his deep voice.

"Alessio, come here I want to give you something," Samuel said in a gentle tone.

"Huh?" He frowned.

"Hmmm." He nodded and called him while taking out a note from his pocket and giving it to him.

"Alessio this is the address of Richard's office." He said in a serious tone.

"What is my job there?" Alessio took the note and asked in a lowered tone.

"You will go there, UNDERCOVER." He emphasised the word undercover while looking at Alessio.

"Undercover?" Alessio asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes. You will spy on him for us and tell us about every action, every step, every move." He said in a deep husky tone.

"Hmm. But what will be my disguise?" Alessio nodded and asked with a serious tone.

"Oh yeah, please wait for a moment." Samuel went inside his room and after a short time came outside with an outfit in his hands. The outfit was wrapped in plastic and hung on a hanger looking brand new.

" Is this outfit for me?" Alessio asked while pointing at the outfit.

"Yes, Alessio," Samuel exclaimed.

"OK, but are you sure this will be enough to make him believe in me?" He asked him in a questioning tone.

"Sure it will. I hope it fits you well, both the suit and the role." Samuel said and smiled.

"I think I will carry both in my style," Alessio smirked,

"So now the plan is..." Samuel handed him the outfit and said.

[Back in Edmondson's Law firm]

Jacob came out of Edmondson's office and sighed. He then looked for Katherine, He looked at the lobby and came to the receptionist counter.

"Sir do you need anything?" The other receptionist asked sweetly.

"Uhmm, have you seen Ms Katherine?" He answered quickly.

"Mr Edmondson Brown's secretary?" She asked in a questioning voice.

"Yes, exactly." His eyes opened wide and he nodded.

"Uhmm, she went with the receptionist. " She answered him.

" Oh OK." He said and lowered his gaze to the ground.

"Yes sir," She said.

"When will she be free?" He asked while looking up.

"I don't know sir exactly, I'm sorry." She said while making an apologetic face.

"No problem I will wait," Jacob said. And went into the lounge, sat on the sofa and started waiting for Katherine. He waited for a while, sometimes he looked at the pendulum clock, sometimes examined the different expensive paintings in that lounge, and then an employee brought him tea.

"Oh thank you." He said while holding the tea in his hands.

"My pleasure sir. " He replied while smiling and left. Jacob sipped the tea and the moment he sipped a voice came from behind.

"Sir?" George his bodyguard came from behind and said worriedly. Because of his abrupt call, Jacob s sip stuck in his throat and he coughed.

"Yes, George?" He looked behind and asked while putting the cup on the glass table in front of him.

"Sir we have to leave according to orders." He said hastily.

"OK, I am coming you prepare the car." He quickly wore his coat and went outside the lounge.

"Okay, sir I will." He replied and went outside the law firm.

"Hmm." He nodded a d before he stepped outside he looked back at the receptionist counter and went near to it hurriedly.

"Excuse me?" He came to the counter and said to a receptionist who was busy taking multiple calls.

"Yes sir?" She said while putting the phone down.

"Please inform miss Katherine that I am leaving and also that the new sun has risen." He said and she quickly wrote it down on her notepad.

"OK, sir I will deliver your message to Miss Katherine." She said quickly while talking to someone else on the phone.

"Thank you," Jacob said,

"Sir?" George called him from behind,

"I am coming. " He said to him.

"Have a good day sir." She said hurriedly.

"You too." He replied and turned back towards the exit saying,

"I hope that it will be a good day." He said with a worried expression.

"Why were you rushing there?" Jacob asked George angrily.

"Sir the order had come for a sudden meeting," George replied while having a continuous worried expression on his face and son in his tone.

"What?" Jacob asked in a questioning tone and shock widened his eyes.

"Yes, sir we need to head back quickly." He exclaimed.

"Hmm. " He nodded and looked back at Edmondson's law firm once longing to see Katherine for maybe the last time but couldn't see her.

[Inside Katherine's office]

"So who came that day?" She asked her in her sly voice.

"Ma'am, I don't know what was his name." She said politely.

"Huh? You don't know his name but did allow him inside sir's office." Her eyebrow raised.

"Sorry, mam." She said while lowering her eyes in shame.

"So you are sorry? Sorry huh?" Her voice raised and she came near her,

"Ma'am but-" She tried to explain.

"I am asking you personally because of I confronted you in front of sir then you won't be seen again." She said in a lowered voice and an angered expression.

"Huh?" Her eyes widened in shock, her face turned pale and the sweat from fear was all over her.

"So tell me, who sent you?" She asked him while squeezing her eyes,

" one ma'am." She shrugged.

"If you lied you will lose your life." She said and took out her gun then pointed at her and said in a low cunning voice,

"Ma'am." She said in a trembling voice.

"I SAID-" before she could say anything she heard some approaching footsteps, she hastily threw her gun on the floor and hid it under her desk. She quickly went near the receptionist and took over her fake sweet and empathetic side. She saw Edmondson coming in and said to the receptionist in a voice as sweet as honey to hide her cunning real self and carried her cheeks while looking at her with an innocent face and asked politely,

"Please don't cry nothing wrong will happen to you. Trust me."

Edmondson entered and looked at Katherine with a cold gaze,

"Sir look at her, she is continuously crying." She said sympathetically.

"Why is she crying?" He asked in a dry tone.

"I tried to make her stop but she won't listen. I – " She was explaining to him when he looked at her with a death glare which made her mouth shut.

"I only asked the reason for her crying. "His eyes darkened and she gulped seeing him.

"Sir please forgive me. Please." She quickly went on his foot and cried while holding her leg.

He freed his leg from her and kicked her ruthlessly while dusting off his coat.

"Get your dirty self away from me. " He said while having a gross expression on his face as if she was uttering in the garbage.

"Sir I was asking her about that night so she started crying." Katherine tried to handle the situation.

"Hmm? " His eyebrow raised.

"Yes sir." She nodded quickly.

"Hey! You women stand up and answer my questions." He looked at her and said harshly.

"Hmmm. Me?" She said while her whole body was trembling with the fear that Edmondson will kill her.

"Yes, you stand up." He said angrily.

"Come on stand quickly," Katherine said while picking her up.

"Yes...Sir." She stood up and said while her voice was breaking.

"Now answer all the questions I ask.....FAITHFULLY," he said while leaning forward, in a lowered voice, a harsh tone and a dead stare on her while emphasising the words faithfully.

" I will." She said while holding herself up.

"Now tell me, who was the person who entered my office?" He asked her in an arrogant voice.

"Sir I don't know." She said.

"You don't know." Edmondson frowned and gritted his teeth.

"Yes sir. When that person came I asked for his identification but he handed me a card." She said with all the courage she had.

"Which card?" He asked as he joined his fingers and asked,

"The card that Mr Richard Ross gives to his special bodyguards." She said.

"Richard Ross?" His eyebrow raised.

"Yes sir, by seeing that card I let that person inside and his bodyguard stood outside." She said.

"What was he saying?" Katherine asked,

"He was saying he was here to collect some important documents that you asked for." The receptionist replied,

"I asked for?" His voice raised.

"Yes sir." She nodded,

"Then?" He asked,

"He went inside and then after some time you came so we all went to welcome you. I remember one of them who said to me that he is Jacob's friend-"

"Jacob's.. friend?" Katherine's eyes widened.

"Yes ma'am." She nodded.

"So?" Edmondson looked at Katherine.

"He entered your office as soon as he saw your carriage arrived. He came out with two of them and slide past you, then they went outside. I think you didn't notice them." She said.

"They slide past me?" He said in a shocked tone.

"Yes, sir I can remember there were some men who came across you but you didn't notice because of that-" Before Katherine could say anything he reprised his hand and said.

"Enough! Both of you go outside."

"Sir me too?" Katherine asked surprisingly.

"I SAID GET OUT!" Edmondson shouted.

"Ye..yes sir. "They both hurriedly went outside leaving behind Edmondson who was infuriated in rage.

"How I didn't notice them?" He bumped his fist on the table angrily and slid his hand through his silky brown hair,

[In the lobby of Edmondson's law firm]

"He said he was Jacob's friend?" She dragged the receptionist and asked while squeezing her arm tightly.

"Yes ma'am that's why I let him in too." She said while trying to free her shoulder, she left her shoulder.

"Hmm." She said while putting her thinking face on and rubbing her chin and crossing her arms. The receptionist looked at her in amazement.

"Go away. " She said coldly and the receptionist went away quickly.

"Who was he?" She kept on thinking about Jacob and his friend. When a lady who had a pile of papers in her hands looked at Katherine and abruptly said,

"Uh miss Katherine?" She said while Katherine flinched and returned to reality.

"Yes?" She looked at the lady who was the other receptionist that talked with Jacob.

"Ms Katherine sir Jacob said to tell you something." She told her.

"Where is he?" She asked arrogantly.

"He left in a hurry." She exclaimed,

"A hurry?" She asked in a questioning tone.

"Yes, he told me that 'the new sun has risen." She said with an amazed expression.

"What?" Her eyes widened with shock.

"Yes ma'am." She nodded.

"Hmm, ok thank you, can continue with your work." She said and let her act. Katherine's jaw dropped and her eyes were still open wide in shock.

"The new sun?" She said while having a shocked expression.