A Love Confession

"The new sun means- " Katherine's eyes widened in shock and she said in a cunning voice.


As she was lost in her thoughts she felt an earthquake has occurred due to the growl of Edmondson Brown. She quickly went inside her office and saw an enraged Edmondson. Edmondson's looked like fire was all over him, the fire is his rage. She dared to went near him and ask him,

"Sir- " she hesitated and as soon a word slipped from her mouth he raised his hand angrily telling her to stop.

"I don't want to hear any of your nonsense. Just answer my questions with yes or no. Do you understand?" He said hoarsely while turning back towards her.

"Yes sir." She nodded.

"Now tell me, Did you know about all this earlier?" Edmondson asked.

"About what sir?" Katherine couldn't get his abrupt question and said confusingly.

"About what so ever happened that night, when BEHIND MY BACK SOME PEOPLE BARGED IN." He said in a loud hoarse voice.

"No sir I didn't know anything earlier." She shrugged off her shoulder and said.

"Really?" Edmondson's eyebrow raised.

"Yes sir." She said firmly.

"You know I hate lies." Edmondson came near her and said while gritting his teeth.

"Yes, sir I know. (Look who is talking) " She thought.

"Do you know Jacob?" Edmondson asked.

"What sir?" Katherine looked at him surprisingly.

"Do you know JACOB? LEONARDO'S GUARD!" He yelled.

"N-no sir, what would be my work with Leonardo's bodyguard." She said while lying and looking straight into his eyes.

"Hmm." He looked into her eyes and said while lowering his tone.

"Why sir though?" She asked.

"None of your business." He said while his eyes darkened.

"Yes sir." She said and smirked,

"What about my meeting with Richard? Has he come back yet?" he asked firmly.

"Uhm, sir I got the news earlier that his work was over but he had to go to a meeting." She exclaimed.

"What meeting?" Edmondson asked and tilted his head.

"Sir as much as I know Lorenzo has held a meeting with all the high-ranked officials. "Katherine said while holding one hand in another.

"But why?" Edmondson asked in a questioning tone.

"Sir, the reason is still unknown. But it was told that the meeting is really important and urgency is required." She exclaimed.

"Hmm, I think I am aware of the reason, prepare my car," He said and smirked.

"I'm afraid, I didn't get the news yet sir for your invitation," Katherine said hesitantly.

"Katherine, aren't you aware that I don't like to repeat myself? pack the documents and get my car ready." Edmondson leaned forward and said while his stare pierced into Katherine's soul.

"Yes sir." She said and hurriedly went outside.

"Wait for my arrival now, Mr Lorenzo Armani," Edmondson said in his hoarse tone and smirked.

[Back in Samuel's residence]

"I will not let you down sir. Alessio said firmly while standing at the door.

"I know that very well son," Samuel said proudly with his usual smiley face.

"Good day to you sir, hope to see you soon," Alessio said in his deep voice.

"Hmm. Be safe from the hyenas Alessio." Samuel said in his deep husky tone.

"I will be sir. Sir? Alessio asked curiously

"Yes, Alessio," Samuel replied.

"When will Mr Edward arrive?" Alessio asked.

"Perhaps in a week ." He replied.

"That would be close to my arrival too." Alessio smiled and said.

"Hmm, The Night Shadow," Samuel said and the corners of Alessio's lips turned up.

"Alessio I hope I cleared your tangled thoughts," Samuel asked in a concerned tone.

"Yes sir you did, now I am ready to crush my enemies with an untangled mind," Alessio said firmly.

"Best of luck with your mission Alessio. "Samuel patted Alessio's shoulders.

"Thank you, sir, see you in a week," Alessio said while raising his hat and seeing off.

"Hmmm." Samuel nodded.

With that, Alessio Francisco went on an undercover mission with full determination and preparation willing to bring all of his enemies down. Samuel looked at him continuously until Alessio disappeared from his sight. He felt proud of his nephew, he never thought that one day his nephew would follow in the same steps as him. With that pride came a worry, that this path is not a smooth, paved path. Here one has to risk his life for being on, at times you feel like you have lost everything maybe yourself too.

"I pray that what happened with me won't repeat with you ever. " He sighed and went inside with a concerned expression.

As he came inside, he locked the door and went to his bedroom straight. He sat on his study table which was more like an office desk, it was a dark-coloured wooden desk, it had files of papers on one side piled up and a typewriter on the other. Just right beside the typewriter was a copper lamp and a candle stand with an almost melted candle lit on the right side. A wooden cup was placed right beside the candle stand having warm coffee inside with a white feather and an ink pot beside it. In the middle of the desk was an empty page waiting desperately to be coloured in blue ink.

Samuel picked up the feather and dipped its nib in the ink pot and start writing a letter for his beloved Rose. Usually, the letters are written with a typewriter or an ink pen but sometimes it feels nice to write especially for a special someone. So, Samuel wrote in his exquisite calligraphic writing wrote a letter for his loved one Rosanne.

"My Dear Rosanne,

How are you doing? How is your family? Are you guys safe? I am fine and safe for now. I am writing this letter for you, to express my true feelings for you. Although I believe you know how much I love you, sometimes it's necessary to express your feelings. The time which we both spent together was the most beautiful time of my life, if I say that time stopped the moment I see you, everything and everyone disappears before my sight. Only you glow there like a North star in the night sky. You are the only one I see. My heart starts racing as soon as I see you, cherry blossom blooms everywhere and the little blossoms swirl in the air around you, a special magic surrounds you. Magic that captures my heart.

When I see your beautiful eyes, I see my world in them. When you smile for me my heart blooms in happiness. For me, that moment is just you and me.

Do you know what was the best decision in my life? It is to choosing you as my partner, loving you as a person, talking to you like a best friend who would understand me no matter what and trust me blindly, my support who never let me drown in my sorrows always shows me the rays of hope. Whenever I look at you I feel like I am seeing the most beautiful angel on earth.

I always am grateful to God for making you for me, and sending you into my life as a form of my best friend, partner, supporter and my only true love.

Thank you for never leaving me even in my absence, even when I was fighting with death, even when there was no sign of me, even when everyone believed that I was dead. Thank you for loving me with all your heart even when I was in the dungeon with no hope of being released. Thank you for being sincere, loving, caring, beautiful, amazing, supportive and a loving friend and fiancée.

From your very own fiancé,


Samuel blew gently on the letter to dry the ink and in the meanwhile took out a box from his desk's drawer and opened it with his eyes filled with love for Rosanne. He opened it gently and inside was a glistening, dazzling sparkly diamond bracelet which he bought for Rosanne a while ago but wasn't able to give to her. He packed the box nicely and sealed a flower on top of it, he took both the letter and the gift and put it in a brown paper envelope and sealed it tightly while writing Rosanne's address on top.

As held the package in his hands and warmly smiled at it, heard a knock. So he went outside his room, to the lounge and off to the main door and opened it. He smiled at seeing the person in front of him.

He was the same postman who came earlier, he smiled and said while looking at the package in Samuel's hands.

"I wonder if you require someone to deliver this package?" The old postman always had a constant smile on his face which made his eyes close entirely,

"You are right sir." Samuel smiled and said.

"Hmm then give it to me young man I will deliver it safely." The old postman said gently.

"Thank you, sir," Samuel said while smiling warmly.

"No need, hmm to Sicily." With that, he took the package from Samuel and went off on his bicycle.

A stroke of fresh air went past Samuel's cheek. Samuel looked at the pleasant night and thought to go outside for a walk. He wore his coat and muffler to hide while putting the gun in his waistband, he safely locked his door and started walking on the street.

[Samuel's thoughts]

"I hope you will like the letter Rosanne and I hope to see you soon." With that Samuel smiled and went inside the bustling market of London, making his way towards the coffee shop he used to work at.

[Inside the café]

"Long time no see." He said in a low voice remembering the incident that occurred the last time he came here.

He looked at the crowded, lavish café and beside the window, he saw a vacant table and sat there. A waiter saw him and came to him asking,

"What would you like to have sir?"

"A cup of black coffee," Samuel said while looking at the menu.

"Only the black coffee?" The waiter noted and asked.

"Yes sir," Samuel said politely.

"Okay, sir your order will be ready in a jiffy." The waiter said politely.

"Okay. "

He nodded with a pleasant expression on his face and started gazing outside the window. The Night in the market was at its full. Dozens of people were coming into the market and shopping, every shopkeeper was showing the 'best in the whole market' product to his customers, some shops held a reputable value in the capital and were adored by the riches so they didn't need to do any other efforts, while some of them called out discounts and other appealing offers for their customers. Some got attracted and some simply refused to even look once at those shops whose owners were drowned under loans from their husbands.

"Here is your coffee sir." Samuel flinched as the waiter served the coffee.

" Thank you." He replied to the waiter politely and paid the bill.

He sipped his coffee and suddenly he heard the voice of the two men behind him talking continuously.

"Did you hear about the news?" one said secretly.

"What news?" the other frowned, grabbing Samuel's attention too.

"You haven't heard, I am amazed?" The other one said coldly.

"Stop playing, cut it straight." The other one said harshly.

"Calm down man, well the news is that.... the new sun has risen." The other one said. And Samuel frowned,

"WHAT THE NEW SUN HAS ROSE!" the other one shouted,

"Yes, slow it down." The other one said while asking him to sit down.

"You mean that-"the other one said,

"Yes, Leonardo Armani is now going to be crowned as the New Mafia King." Samuel's eyes widened.

"Huh? What?" Samuel's eyes widened in extreme shock, droplets of sweat formed on his forehead and his mouth opened wide.