
In the middle of the night, the moon was shaped like a crescent, the stars were all over the dark sky of Sicily. The city where many dark things have taken place and are continuing without a rest. Sicily is the land of injustice, the land where only the Mafia are the lawmakers, bribed officers, and no courts that serve justice, billions of those who tried to were put to death without hesitation. The beauty, heavenly beauty of this Island, lush green mountains, aqua and teal clear water, surrounded by the Mediterranean sea. Yet was drowned in darkness because of The Armanis Lorenzo was not the only Mafia King nor is Leonardo Armani the second heir, Sicilian Mafia the strongest in Italy have a long chain of heirs who pass these horrendous honours to their sons.

But no matter how much the darkness is light even being a beam makes the entire place enlightened. The time for these Mafia Kings has been over, now it's time for them to pay for their crimes. To pay for all the crimes, from taking away that hard-earned money from the poor, loan shaking, taking several times multiplied interest, killing innocents for their ugly satisfaction to abusing their power intensely, every crime will be paid by them. Samuel thought and clenched his fist.

"Here you go, mate," Edward said in his actual Sicilian accent.

"You changed your accent pretty quick huh?" Samuel said sarcastically.

"Ahh, mate! The joy to speak in your accent is just different." Edward said in a light-hearted tone.

"Hmm, right signor!" Samuel spoke in his Sicilian accent which made both of them laugh and suddenly Edward asked something which made them both serious.

"Samuel, can I ask something?" Edward said hesitantly.

"Hmm." Samuel nodded while looking at some extremely important information.

"Samuel, don't you think we need to talk about the past? "

Edward asked with a concerned expression. Samuel's hands stopped immediately, and his expression suddenly became serious, he gulped and sweat formed on his broad forehead making him loosen his collar. Then he looked up at Edward overcoming his fear from his past and exhaled.

"Okay, I will talk about it. Ask what you want to ask." Samuel said while putting both of his hands on his desk.

"Why did you continue the case when Lorenzo did say that it was a shootout by his opponents and brother Francisco died because of it?" Edward asked with a serious expression on his face.

"Edward, you remember the day when he called us," Samuel said

[The day when Lorenzo called Edmondson, Edward and Samuel]

A servant knocked at Lorenzo's Grand office door,

"Yes," Lorenzo said with his heavy tone while smoking his cigar.

Samuel, Edmondson and Edward with Samuel stepping in first, wearing a bottle green tailor-made suit with a brown collared shirt and a beige coloured vest and a matte black tie. He was ten years younger than his current age, a muscled man with a slim physique, six feet three inches tall and with a clean shaved charming face. After all, he was the most handsome man in Sicily at that time, his character was even more handsome which made him truly charming.

"Come in Mr Samuel," Lorenzo said. Lorenzo was a muscular man although a middle-aged man nearly in his late forties. He was half bald, and his colour was fair but his intentions were dark. He was not a very handsome man or maybe his evil deeds made his face ugly. So he used the finest suiting to hide his facial features.

"Thank you." Samuel came inside recklessly without care with his high prestige gained with true honesty. Samuel was the hero of the innocents, the only man who fought with them against the Mafia. Samuel sat on the chair and so did both of his friends. Edmondson was lost in the shine of that magnificent office, Edward was concerned about the case and so was Samuel.

"I heard a lot about you, you often meet with my men. " He said sarcastically.

"Hmm, it's an irony that there is a constant conflict between right and wrong," Samuel said with an attitude.

"Well, what's the matter today?" Lorenzo said while smoking a cigar.

"Sir, we are here to talk- "

"Vincent!" Lorenzo cut Samuel's sentence and called his guard from outside. His guard came rushing in.

"Yes sir!" The guard said.

"Would you like coffee?" Lorenzo asked the three young men.

[Edmondson] Yes.

[Edward]No sir thank you.

[Samuel]No I am fine. They all said at once, Both Edward and Samuel looked at Edmondson in surprise at his excitement. Lorenzo said sarcastically,

"Two cups of coffee."

"Yes sir." The guard went outside closing the door behind them.

"Yes, so what were you saying?" Lorenzo said arrogantly.


"Ronald!" Lorenzo again cut Samuel's word and called another guard.

"Yes sir." Ronald came in.

"Has Leonardo left for his Shooting training?" Lorenzo asked.

"Yes sir, sir Leonardo went there. " Ronald said.

"Hmm." Lorenzo nodded and told the guard to leave. The coffee came too, Edmondson greedily took it and sipped like the owner of the Grand Armani mansion.

"Keep talking Mr Samuel," Lorenzo said while sipping the coffee and smirking.

"What happened on the night of 28th December?" Samuel asked in an angered tone.

"Hmm, hmm. I couldn't understand what you said." Lorenzo coughed and pretended not to know a thing.

"You very well understood my point," Samuel said while glaring right into Lorenzo's eyes.

"Well, Samuel is asking about the night when Mr Francisco died," Edward said politely.

"Oh! My servant. Ahh, he was a loyal one although unfortunately died in the shootout." Lorenzo said carelessly as if it was not a human dead but a mere insect.

"Shootout? " Samuel's eyebrow raised.

"That night the shootout took place. It was a sudden attack in which he died there was massive chaos." Lorenzo said in his Italian accent.

"Hmm," Samuel said.

"Give the family my condolences. Lorenzo said and stood up from his chair.

"Yes, sir we surely will, thank you for taking your precious time out for us." Edmondson stood up and shook his hand with Lorenzo and said gratefully.

"Hmm." Lorenzo freed his hand from Edmondson's and cleaned it with his napkin. Both Edward and Samuel glared at Edmondson for his abrupt and absurd act which made Edmondson feel offended and ashamed both.

"Thank you, sir," Edward said.

Samuel stood up and looked at Lorenzo who was looking at him arrogantly. Samuel tied his coat button and picked up his diary from Lorenzo's table. Lorenzo put forward his hand but Samuel ignored it and said in his husky voice professionally,

"Thank you. "

Samuel turned back and went out with attitude. His colleagues followed him too, while Lorenzo's hand was still left in the air.

[In Present ]

" A detective always trusts his instinct more than someone's words. Lorenzo was lying, I couldn't believe him at all. How is it possible that in a massive shootout only one man was killed? "Samuel said clearly.

"Hmm, you are right the statement seems vague to me too. But I am quite sure that wasn't the only reason. What about Mr Hernandez's suicide note? " Edward asked while raising his eyebrow.

[In London at Richard's hidden business site]

Alessio was looking at the ambience of the scarcely populated town, it was a very lonely place and people were barely there. There were only guards and guards everywhere.

"Alessio follow me," Ricardo said and Alessio followed him inside a big warehouse where people were being persecuted brutally, even kids were not left. The guards were telling them to beg for their food and the ruthless sight can't be explained by words, those innocents, those starving children the shine in their eyes when they saw food and the cruelty of those guards and how they threw food at those kids. In some places, packets of drugs were filled inside backpacks of children or bags of adults.

On the other sight, some people were beaten brutally, those were the families of the ones who refused to beg or take part in any of the hideous crimes. The sounds of crying echoed there, blood was continuously seeping from the wounds of the poor. Alessio couldn't bear to see more, he gritted his teeth, and clenched his fist, the nerve on his neck popped out from the rage that was inside him. The rage to kill those heartless people and the urge to save the innocent but at this moment the thing was to control this rage for the right time. If he wants to save them so he has to wait patiently. Samuel already told him about his secret business Richard but still seeing it with his own eyes was more painful.

"So, Alessio this is Sir Richard's Hidden Business, as you can see the drugs which are filled in these bags will be transported from here by these people, they will distribute them in their workplaces to the people who need them and then the material is safely reached to the clients. These people here will beg and the profit will be ours. The material that is sent from Italy is carried out by these people this is our courier company you can say. Now you might be thinking that being on a high post and earning a handsome amount still needs more money. So it's clear that no matter how much money is still human's stomach can't be filled. This sector is under my control, you may go and look around if you want to. " Ricardo said in an unshaken voice.

"No I think I am fine, I have known enough," Alessio said in his deep voice.

"Hmm, then let's head back to the office," Ricardo said and went past Alessio going outside the warehouse.

"Hmm." Alessio nodded and went outside after seeing those faces calling for help. Alessio quickly looked outside and went in the car with Ricardo, the car started and they went on the journey back to their office.

"So Alessio what are your thoughts about the business? " Ricardo asked.

"My thoughts aren't more precious than Sir's business. " Alessio said in a professional tone.

"Sure it is. " Ricardo replied.

"You still didn't tell me about our mission Sir Ricardo," Alessio said while changing the topic.

"I am going to as soon as we head to our office," Ricardo assured him.


Alessio said this entire journey for him was very uncomfortable for him. This tour became more like torture for him. The necessity for sending Richard to jail is more important than any other thing. They need to save those innocents as soon as possible, he needs to inform Samuel hurriedly. Alessio needs to hurry up he realised while thinking about the letter he got earlier which was sent by Samuel. Now they have proof against Richard too so the process will be easier.

"Richard Ross your time is up." Alessio thought and gritted his teeth.

[Rosanne's Room]

Days went by after Rosanne received the package from Samuel, everything was going the way it used to, and Rosanne did the daily chores as she does. She was tirelessly working all day, all the time, and even started going to the orphanage to keep her attention diverted by those angelic kids, she was working to keep her mind busy no matter how much her inner soul was saddened she never hesitated to help anyone, she didn't become brittle with others, she never showed the grief inside her although her grandma could see that in her eyes. After a tiring day at night, She bought milk for her grandma,

"Here is your milk grandmother. " She said kindly and helped her grandmother sit, she set the pillows for her grandmother to lean her back against the pillows comfortably. She also gives her grandmother the comforter too.

"Thank you my darling. " Grandmother said politely and put her knitting tools aside.

"No need to my lovely grandma. " She said in her beautiful voice and was about to leave when her grandmother called from behind.

"Rose my dear please sit with your grandma it's been a long time since we talked." Grandmother said sweetly.

"Yes, grandmother what is it? " She asked politely while sitting on the beautiful rose-patterned comfy bed end in her grandmother's feet who was leaning her back against the pillows.

"My dear Rose, I can't see you withering like this." Grandmother said helplessly.

"What do you mean grandmother? "Rosanne said acting confused although she knew what her grandmother was going to talk about.

"Do you think I don't know why you work all day unnecessarily, do you think I can't see you secretly crying?" Her grandma questioned her and she held her frock tightly from anxiety.

"Grandma- "

"What grandma my dear? Why don't you move forward? You are still young why are you sacrificing yourself for a man who doesn't even come once to meet you?" Her grandmother said concerned.

"Grandmother please," Rosanne said controlling her tears back.

"That man didn't even care to meet you once doesn't he know what you are going through? Doesn't he care about you? When he came to me for your proposal he was claiming so much, that he would care for you, he won't let a tear shed of yours because of him, he would be with you till his end, he will never leave your hand. Is this his partnership? Is this his commitment? Does he even remember you?" Her grandmother said heart-wrenchingly.

"Grandmother please don't say this, he does care for me and will come back I told you that he is busy for now but he will come soon," Rosanne said politely to calm her grandma.

"Soon? Soon after my death!" Her grandmother shouted.

"Please grandma please, don't say this don't you know how much you mean to me? How can you say this grandma?" She said while crying and left the room quickly to hide her tears.

"Oh, my poor granddaughter! Until when will you wait for that man" Her grandma was crying too.

Rosanne went to her room quickly and closed the door behind her and looked at the bracelet Samuel gave her and tears formed in her crystal aqua eyes. She went to her light brown wooden table and opened a beautiful box in which she carefully placed all the letters and gifts from Samuel. She picked up the letter and read it. As soon as she read ' My beautiful Rosanne I would never leave you She broke down in tears.

"Where are you, Samuel? Where? Please come back I need you more than ever."

Although her grandma's cottage was a very beautiful, fairy-tale house but the fairy inside the house was saddened as ever. The blue moonlight was shining like a spotlight on her, filling the entire room and making it even darker disappearing the delicate and beautiful interior inside it. Her beautiful face was washed by her tears. The Roses on her white mesh dress felt like they were withering just like her heart. The withering petals came off her dress and flew in the air out from her white arched window. The petal kept on swinging in the air and went inside Samuel's room window and lay gently on his desk. He looked at the petal and picked it up. Suddenly his dear Rose came to his mind and a sad smile came on his handsome face.