The Blindfolding Palace

By seeing the withered rose petal, a sad smile came on Samuel's handsome face. As he remembered his dear Rose, Rose who waited for him all these long, lonely years. Both loved each other deeply and longed to see each other. Yet, the only way they could meet was through their letters, which were sent by Rosanne mostly and Samuel occasionally. Samuel's life was never easy, maybe his childhood, adolescence or even when he was in his twenties. The Hero of Sicily was always used to helping others although wasn't able to help himself. The girl he loved since his childhood was when about to become his life partner a catastrophe struck making their worlds apart. The days when he used to be with his childhood friends, living happily with them, working tirelessly together to fight for justice in that Mafia World, were a part of his memories now. The people who were behind are joyfully living in their mansions, while the innocents still suffer.

"Samuel?" Edward called him.

"Huh?" Samuel flinched.

"What happened my friend?" Edward asked worriedly seeing Samuel's expression.

"Nothing such, I am sorry an agonising thought passed by," Samuel said apologetically while holding the petal in his hand.

"This agony feels never-ending," Edward said helplessly.

"There is no such thing as never-ending, every rise has a fall," Samuel said in an assuring tone.

"Hmm. " Edward agreed.

"You asked something from me, I am sorry I couldn't get that," Samuel said while rubbing his temples.

"I was asking about Mr Hernandez's suicide note. What was in it which stopped you from closing the case?"

Edward asked in a curious tone, while Samuel was in silence. At that moment, it felt like the entire of Sicily was in silence, deep silence. Only the sound of the fireplace was to be heard in that exquisite living room. Samuel's broad forehead frowned, his emerald eyes became expressionless, and his edgy and fair face was showing a glimpse of his inner self. The secret he kept buried in his chest for a decade, was now to be revealed before the curious ones. Samuel loosened the sharp, pearl white-coloured collar of his expensive shirt. Samuel wiped his face with his elongated and aesthetically veiny hands. He sighed and said in his deep voice, which was deeper than the ocean,

"In Mr Hernandez's suicide note was the truth behind the shootout, the cosplayed shoot out," Samuel exclaimed in an angered tone.

"Cosplay?" Edward's eyebrow raised.

"When we came outside of Lorenzo's office room...

[The time when they went out of Lorenzo's office after the brief meeting]

"Samuel, what were you doing inside? Edmondson who was walking beside Samuel asked him angrily. Edmondson was wearing a matching chocolate brown suit with white broad checks.

"A meeting."

Samuel said in his deep, husky voice while they all were walking inside the extremely luxurious mansion of Armani. It was a hereditary mansion passed on from generations more like a Palace. It consisted of hundreds of rooms, each room was unique and Royal in its way. Every inch, every corner was showing the black wealth of Lorenzo Armani, every area was shining with gold lacquer, chandeliers, Italian marble floors, beautiful borders and pillars, accompanied with a large luxurious indoor and outdoor swimming pool, a glamorous dining room with exquisite chandeliers hanging from the high roof, a giant living room with a view of the golf courses in the back of the mansion and Lorenzo's sumptuous home office. It was like a Magnificent Royal Palace with wide beautiful, lush green gardens surrounding it. It was at a premium waterfront location.

"I know that but what was the need to be so arrogant? You know who he is right?" Edmondson's anger was rising.

"I very well know what kind of a vile man he is," Samuel said in a serious tone.

"Samuel you need to drop the arrogant act of yours," Edmondson said, while all of them were going through the hotel- lobby foyer.

"If being straightforward and honest is arrogance, then I am sorry I can't leave it," Samuel said unflinchingly.

"Stop it, I mean we should know about our place," Edmondson said in his hoarse tone.

"We very well know it Edmondson and so of Lorenzo's. You need to be clear that we are the ones who are helping innocents from whose cruelty." Samuel stopped in the mid of the mansion and glared towards Edmondson Brown. Both were looking at each other the way two lions look at each other.

"Okay, stop it both of you. Why are you fighting over here? And over that man?" Edward came in between and slightly pushed both of them away from each other. Edward was wearing a beige-coloured suit with a red tie and brown leather shoes.

"I am not fighting I am just telling him that his mind is blinded by arrogance," Edmondson said with his eyes filled with rage and so were Samuel's.

"Thank you, sir, for your kind gesture," Samuel said sarcastically while smiling and Edmondson scoffed. They all went down the long Italian marble stairs towards the circular driveway of the sumptuous mansion. Edmondson angrily called his car and went inside, pushing Samuel and leaving on his way to the law firm. While Edward and Samuel were left there, Samuel sighed to cool himself down.

"Sir! "An old woman which was known to be the household by her dress came towards Samuel.

"Yes ma'am, do you need any help?" He asked kindly.

"No, sir but I think this might help you to figure out the real culprit". The woman said worriedly handing Samuel the envelope.

"Huh?" He took the envelope and looked at it confused.

"What is this ma'am?" Edward asked who was standing right beside Samuel.

"I can't tell you, please just forget we ever met!" She said and rushed back towards the mansion.

"What was that?" Edward frowned.

"We will find out soon, right now let's leave. " Samuel said and both the cars came in forward of them.

"Hmm." Edward nodded and sat in his car, and so did Samuel following back to their Law firm.

Soon they all reached the Greco & E Law firm, which was the biggest firm in Italy. Several guards came to open the car door for them and they came out of their cars heading straight inside their offices without wasting a single minute.

When Samuel opened the door to his expensively decorated office, Edmondson was waiting for him already and they started a conversation just like how childhood friends talk, the rage and fury they had for each were all washed with their friendship.

"What is this?" Edmondson asked Samuel looking at the envelope in his hand.

"I don't know yet, but we need to verify the shootout details about the Mansion," Samuel said while sitting on his armchair.

"Well, I think it's true," Edmondson said in a lowered voice.

"How?" Samuel's eyebrow raised

"When I came here my informant told me that, Lorenzo's elder son, Lionel died just now because of the shootout," Edmondson said in a grieved voice.

"What? We just came back from the mansion." Samuel said shockingly and stood up from his chair.

"I know, yesterday he was shot too. He was undergoing treatment when we were there, unfortunately, he couldn't survive." Edmondson said in a lowered voice.

"May his soul rest in peace, When is the funeral held?" Samuel said kindly.

"Tomorrow morning. " Edmondson replied,

After attending the funeral the following morning, Samuel gave his condolences to Lorenzo and all three came back to the firm. They worked all day solving many unsolved cases till it was late at night when Samuel was lastly going through some documents before he could leave for home, Edward knocked at the door and came inside,

"Samuel, I would inform you about the closure of the case to Mr Francisco's family tomorrow," Edward told Samuel.

"Hmm, they have the right to know about the reason Brother Francisco died, I will go with you too in the morning," Samuel said.

"Hmm, all the documents related to the case are given to Edmondson," Edward said.

"Hmm, ok. You should rest too now it's quite late." Samuel said while smiling.

"You too." Edward smiled back and said,

"I am leaving soon," Samuel said.

"Good night mate," Edward said.

"Good night. " Samuel said while smiling and Edward went outside. After some time, Samuel stood up, and wore his beige overcoat and leather brown beret, he was about to leave when suddenly he saw the envelope the woman gave him earlier. He opened it and read, after reading the letter his eyes widened and lightning struck behind him.

[In the present]

"Hmm, I remember that day. But what was inside the letter of Mr Hernandez?" Edward asked.

"Here you go, you can read and see what was the secret behind my resistance." Samuel handed Edward the letter, When Edward read it he looked above at Samuel in a state of shock.

[Outskirts of Edmondson's mansion]

The Crescent was shining delicately in the dark blue sky, along with a couple of stars. The people of Sicily were sleeping in fear, no one knows when Lorenzo's men will come and take someone from their house to beat and earn money from it. They couldn't even lock their doors as the ones who locked were never seen again. The terror was all over Sicily, but for how long?

Taking benefit from the concealing night, Katherine hid in her fox fur coat and was walking the street secretly. Her footsteps were too low to hear, she went inside a small cottage-like house. She looked left and right before closing the door to make sure that no one was following her.

"What are you doing here?" Jacob said in Edmondson's voice.

"Huh?" Katherine's eyes were opened wide, her breath stuck in her throat, and she froze. But dared to look back, and when she looked back she saw Jacob,

"Did I scare you? " Jacob said while smiling.

"Yes really, I was scared I thought it was-" Katherine said while breathing heavily,

"Edmondson, your boss right?" Jacob said while pouring a glass of water.

"Hmm." She nodded and went towards Jacob to drink the glass of water,

"Well, you're lucky it wasn't him," Jacob said while smiling.

"Well, why did you call me here?" Katherine said while putting the glass on the wooden table.

"To deliver the message of our boss," Jacob said in a serious tone.

"What message?" Katherine asked.

"Our boss said that The rising sun is a benefit for us. He would be helpful in our plan because he is a mindless youngster who only does power abuse". Jacob said.

"Controlling a man whose mind is blinded by anger is the easiest target," Katherine said slyly while hanging up her fox fur coat.

"You have a sharp mind," Jacob said while smirking.

"I know it very well. Katherine said while straightening her yellow skin-tight midi dress.

"Our plan would continue like it was supposed to be, Lorenzo may think that his useless son would be a threat to his enemies but it's the other way around. The young man would be like our puppet." Jacob said while his tone was filled with evilness.

"Hmm, I will do my job perfectly. Soon the Armani mansion will be ours as well as the power of Armani's." Katherine said and her red lips formed a cunning smile.

"I know about you, perfectionist. You never leave a mark behind." Jacob said proudly.

"Boss has hired me for a reason," Katherine said arrogantly showing off her vile skills,

"Sure, sometimes I pity Edmondson," Jacob said with a pause,

"Why?" Katherine asked confusingly.

"He thinks he is the one controlling the Sicilian Mafia but in actual he is being deceived by you," Jacob said,

"That's how this world is, what goes around comes around. Katherine said being unregretful.

"And sometimes I am jealous of him too," Jacob said and his happy expression turned into a sad one.

"W...Why jealous?" She asked pretending to be innocent.

"Because he has you, he can see you whenever he wants, he can listen to your sweet voice, he can look into your beautiful eyes, he can smell your mesmerising scent." He said while looking into Katherine's eyes.

"Jacob," Katherine said.

"Hmm?" Jacob asked.

"I have to go." She said in a lowered voice,

"Please stay a little longer." Jacob insisted like a helpless man.

"No, I can't." She said politely.

"I don't ask for any longer than some moments with you," Jacob said while tears formed in his eyes,

"Jacob-" Katherine was about to say but Jacob cut it by saying,

"Please Kate please." He said while still looking right into her deceiving eyes.

"Okay, just for a cup of coffee." She agreed,

"Hmm." He nodded.

[In Edmondson's Italian mansion]

Edmondson was eating his incredible supper when he asked the servant,

"Where is Ms Katherine?"

"Sir, she is sleeping in her room. Should I call her?" She said politely.

"No, let her sleep." He said in a cold voice,

"Okay, sir." She said and kept standing there,

"Why are you standing on my head? Go away." He said rudely.

"Yes sir." The maid said hesitantly and closed the door behind her.

"I can't understand why Richard is out of reach still? What is the benefit for all these guards all they do is fill their greedy stomachs with food. They have become lazy from all the comfortable life they are living. The comfort has made them forget their true purpose, they shall be punished." He said rudely while eating his pasta.

The luxuries have made Edmondson's mind lose, the lifestyle that Edmondson is living at Lorenzo's expense. It's a pity that he traded his honesty for having a powerful seat. The first time he saw the Armani mansion, his eyes popped out although his mansion at that time was an exquisite Italian mansion but seeing Lorenzo's Blindfolding Palace his intentions became bad and so he killed his honesty brutally to serve his greed.