The Proposal

The peaceful and calm morning sun was at its peak in the middle of the day. This day wasn't like every other usual day rather this day held many hidden events in it, especially the mysterious evening in Armani mansions dinner which was held in honour of Leonardo, the soon-to-be-crowned Mafia King. Elites from all over the town were coming on this lavish evening to join in the celebrations. So were three friends to enemies Edward, Edmondson and Samuel were going to honourably be part of the ceremony. Only God knows what this day encompasses.

Samuel was in the opulent living room of his mansion, he was reading the newspaper and it seemed all the printing ink started and ended up on the writing of the upcoming coronation. Many millionaires and billionaires were mentioned in the newspaper who came from a long distance to attend the ceremony of their good friend or great foe Lorenzo.

"My friend, may I come in?" Edward knocked on the lattice wooden door and asked in a serious tone.

"No need to ask come in Edward," Samuel said while putting the newspaper aside and standing.

"Did you get what I asked for?" Samuel asked Edward in his deep and husky tone.

"Has it ever happened before that you assigned Edward a task and he doesn't complete it?" Edward said proudly.

"Not a day in my life." Samuel agreed with Edward.

"Hmm, then why do you doubt your twenty years old friend?" Edward asked and sighed in disappointment.

"I don't doubt my old friend's intelligence. Now kindly give me my required documents my amazing friend." Samuel el said politely,

"Oh yes here." Edward handed him the documents.

"Thank you." He took the documents and started reading the profiles of the high-class elites joining the dinner tonight. This was detailed information about them, all their loans, their businesses, their reason for joining hands with Lorenzo and so on.

"The Undercover Detective Council has many members in this area so your given task wasn't a big deal for those efficient workers," Edward said and put his elongated hands in his pants pocket.

"Hmm, I think we have set our targets," Samuel said while averting his gaze from documents to Edmondson.

"Tell me about them too, I would like to be aware of it also," Edward said in a respectful tone.

"So, First is- " before Samuel could say anything Galio came and knocked on the door.

"Sir, may I come in?" He asked.

"Yes, Galio," Samuel answered.

"Sir, a member from Lorenzo's Council has come to meet you." He said and Samuel's jaw tightened, his eyes widened, his forehead wrinkled and the theory behind this idea started clicking Samuel's genius mind.

"Okay, make him sit in the guest's lounge. I am co6ýming. Samuel said.

"Yes sir. Galio nodded and left the living room respectfully.

"A member from Lorenzo's Council? Edward frowned.

"Hmm, let's see what is the matter," Samuel said.

Samuel walked fearlessly like a lion, he had no fear of what was to happen next. Samuel who was drenched in regrets was no longer to be seen. Samuel was becoming the real Samuel he was before the incident courageous and blunt. Samuel was wearing an aqua coat, vest and straight pants with a white-coloured shirt, maroon tie and a folded napkin in his coat's pocket. He adjusted his cufflinks, his coat wrinkled on his arms because of the tightness from his body-built muscles. The attire was looking perfect on Samuel's slim, stylish and tall physique and complimented his jet-black beard and hair which were tied at the back in a mini ponytail adding to his handsomeness.

Edward was wearing a light brown, white-lined coat, vest and straight pants with a white shirt, dark brown tie and dark brown folded napkin in his coat's pocket. His attire matched the golden brown colour of his silky smooth hair and complimented his stressed sharp jaw. He was beside Samuel thinking and figuring out the reality behind the abrupt visit which was the same going on Samuel's mind too, as they both were walking downstairs through the posh mansion for going to meet the unknown council member.

What could be the reason behind an abrupt visit?

They went towards the guest's lounge and the guards opened the wooden framed, glass doors.

The guest's lounge was having a wooden wall, marble flooring and the rest of the walls of shiny white marble too. There was a bottle green, dark wood framed sofa placed elegantly with an exquisite centre table with a delicate pottery vase, which had drawn a Chinese scenario drawn with a golden lacquer on a pearl white base, it was having fresh, classy and fragrant red roses in it. The red roses reminded Samuel of his beloved Rosanne's rosy cheeks, and her beautiful smile and brought a smile to Samuel's serious face. But it was time to work for Alessio's family.

"Hello, sir. A man nearly in his early forties, by the appearance he looked like a decent and affluent person.

"Hello. Samuel greeted that man warmly.

"Hello, nice to meet you. Edward said in a welcoming tone.

"Nice to meet you. The man said in a pleasant tone.

"Nice to meet you too. Samuel said while having a charming smile on his face.

"Please have a seat. Edward said in a well-mannered man.

"Thank you, gentleman. The man said happily and sat down, Samuel and Edward took a seat too.

"What would you like coffee or juice? Samuel asked pleasantly, showing hospitality as the core trait of Samuel as well as Edward.

"Coffee, preferably. The man said.

"Three cups of coffee, Galio. Samuel said to Galio politely.

"Yes sir. Galio nodded and went into the kitchen to tell the chef to prepare a lavish brunch and coffee.

"So how are you, gentlemen? The man asked.

"I'm good what about you? Samuel said in his deep and husky tone.

"We are suffering. The man said in a hopeless voice.

"Hmm? Samuel's emerald eyes squinted, and he slightly tilted his head as he couldn't get the point of the man.

"Struggling because of the unjust rule of Lorenzo. The man said, his jolly attire suddenly becoming a serious one.

"Unjust? I can't understand what you are saying, gentleman. Samuel asked in a confused tone.

"I heard about you in the town, they were saying you are well-mannered, well-educated, diligent, responsible and have a strong family background. The man exclaimed.

"You have heard much, but I am afraid I haven't. Samuel said.

" I am Mario Giovanni, the owner of Giovanni and Co. Here is my card. The man handed Samuel the card. On the card, it was evident that this man held a reputable value in this city and so in the Armani council.

"Hmm, Mr Mario how may I help you? Samuel looked at the back and front of the business card and said.

"As you know many are unhappy with Lorenzo's decision to handle his throne to his spoiled son, who is bringing with him a golden spoon and thinks of us as nothing more than an insect that he could smash under his feet," Mario said and his expressions showed his anger sparking for the Armani's.

"Hmm, but what is the required role for a nobody like me," Samuel asked while rubbing his chin gently.

"I need your help, people of Sicily need an intelligent, intellectual, responsible and strong leader like you to become a part of the Sicilian Council so some mindful actions can be taken." Mario proposed while Galio brought the opulent brunch with different executive foods and flavours, seeing the variety Mario's eyes opened before he could realize the entire table was filled with scrumptious food, even though there was more food being brought.

"Hmm." Samuel nodded while his forehead furrowed.

"Do you agree to become a council member?" The man asked Samuel eagerly waiting for his reply.

"I have no conflict in becoming a council member but how will you make me a member?" Samuel averted his gaze from his coffee to the man, raised his thin eyebrow and asked in a questioning tone.

"Sir, this is Sicily here no one gets selected based on his qualification here only money is the qualification required which you have...quite much." Mario Giovanni said to support his proposal, as a businessman he knew well how to impress the person in front of him and make him agree. But Samuel wasn't a routine business partner who will become in his buttering, he do things based on factual reality instead of imaginative possibilities, he thought about the idea diligently and said,

"Hmm, I am invited to the dinner today evening. We can talk about this over there, do you have other members too?"

"Yes, there are some intelligent ones who agree with me," Mario exclaimed.

"Okay then make me introduce you to them today at night," Samuel asked him to do so in his deep voice in a pleasant way.

"Hmm, so are we on the same page?" Mario asked.

"Certainly, will meet you in Armani mansion." Samuel agreed and shook hands with him.

"Hmm, thank you for your precious time," Mario said with a bright, assuring smile on his face.

"It was a pleasure meeting you," Edward said while shaking hands with Mario.

"Sure it was." Samuel agreed.

[Ricardo's secret room in London]

"I have a plan if you would like to listen," Alessio said politely as his sharp mind came up with a plan he thinks will be approved by Ricardo.

"Hmm, go ahead." Ricardo nodded.

" Our mission is not a piece of cake, but when there is a will there is a way. So, I plan that in the broad daylight we can't step outside the office. Our plan will be executed at night, to be more proper at midnight. We will take barrels to Sicily, even if all of Edmondson's men would try to find they would not be able to. The barrels wouldn't be all filled rather one of them will be sir Richard." Alessio said and made Ricardo worried by his proposal.

"Huh? Are you serious?" Ricardo said in a slightly angered tone.

"I know it would trouble your mind but that is the only option, I heard from George that earlier sir tried to disguise himself but was saved by the skin of his teeth. Trust me Sir I won't disappoint you or Sir Richard." Alessio said while patting Ricardo's shoulder,

"Okay, I will talk to Sir Richard about your proposal. Let's see what will be taken." Ricardo said while being hopeful.

"Hmm, okay I will wait for Sir's verdict," Alessio said and placed the painting back in its original place.

"Very well then, I'll get going. " Ricardo said and was about to go when,

"Uhmm, Sir Ricardo I need your permission" Alessio was cut By Ricardo.

"For?" Ricardo said.

"For going to meet my old friend," Alessio exclaimed.

"I told you, Alessio you can't leave," Ricardo said in a serious tone.

"I would only need some time, I will be back in the time you will be talking to sir." Alessio insisted.

"Okay, you can go. But do keep your promise." Ricardo said and turned the door knob.

"A true man is a man of his word," Alessio said and smiled.

"Okay, young man you may go." Ricardo allowed.

"Thank you," Alessio said and wore his saddle bag, Ricardo left the room. Alessio went outside the office and blended in with the busy crowd of London. When a flower shop came his way and grabbed his attention, a brother was placing a rose in his sister's golden, wavy hair lovingly. Alessio remembered his sister and an arrow struck his heart through. The early spring rays when he used to play with his little sister and his mother used the bring strawberries for them to eat, there were not many but enough to fulfil those little hearts. How his sister and mother would be now? A tear left his eye thinking about them.