The Tuxedo

[Alessio in London]

Alessio wiped the tear from his eye and continued on his journey strengthening his heart. After walking down the street there was a dead end on the right sight of the street. He looked left and right to check if someone is following him or not. He covered his face with a cloth and went to the dark dead end, where some cardboard boxes were piled up and useless stuff there lay. A man was standing along the wall waiting for Alessio. The man leaned his back against the brick wall, and lowered his face with his hat covering almost all of it, he was constantly tapping his foot on the ground. He saw Alessio and said,

"How are you now my child?" The man said who helped Alessio and Samuel earlier, got them out of the jail and took Alessio to his son's clinic and took care of him until he went back to Samuel.

"Completely fine and you?" Alessio replied politely.

"I'm good too." The man said sweetly.

"Dear sir, sorry for disturbing you," Alessio said.

"Oh, no problem son." The man exclaimed.

"Sir, you have to give this to your Superintendent will you?" Alessio handed the man some documents from his saddle bag.

"Sure I will." The man said in a determined voice.

"Thank you sir it would be a big help in our mission," Alessio said while holding the old man's hand respectfully.

"I'm honoured to do it." The man said in a pleasant tone.

"Take care, sir," Alessio said and kissed the man's hand as a son does of his father.

"You too and don't worry your task would be done." The man patted his head like a father and said.

"Thank you so much, sir," Alessio said in a lovable voice.

"No problem." The man kindly replied.

"Bye, sir," Alessio said while walking outside,

"Bye son." The man said while smiling.

Alessio smiled at the old constable and went from the dark alley on the busy streets to merge into the crowd. When Alessio was going through the crowd a kid came from behind and hugged him tightly. Alessio looked behind and both his tone and heart were filled with joy at seeing John.

"John? How are you?" Alessio's voice was filled with gleaming happiness.

"I'm not good," John said while making a sad face,

"Why? What happened? Did somebody tease you?" Alessio bent down and placed his hand on John's shoulder and asked him worriedly.

"No." John refused.

"Then?" Alessio asked.

"I miss my father," John said while his voice became teary.

"Why? Where is your father?" Alessio asked worriedly.

"Brother Alessio, he has gone to the countryside because of his work," John replied.

"Huh? So who lives with you now? Are you alone?" Alessio said shockingly.

"No brother, my elder cousin Ella lives with me," John exclaimed.

"Oh, that's good to know." Alessio sighed.

"John! John!" A sixteen-year-old girl appeared prominently from the crowd. She was wearing a pastel pink net frock, the butterflies on her frock flew from her frock into the air. The new spring flower bloomed in Alessio's young heart by seeing the fair round face, pink cheeks, rosy lips and big blue-coloured doe eyes. Alessio was five foot eleven inches and she was five foot five inches. Here golden strands were tied back and secured with a beautiful pin. She was looking like a doll.

"I'm here sister Ella," John said while waving his hand, Ella saw it and came towards them.

"Thank goodness you are here," Ella said and hugged John, Alessio paused upon seeing her.

"Sister Ella, meet him his name is Alessio," John said while pointing at Alessio.

"Oh! Hi Alessio. Nice to meet you. " She said and smiled sweetly.

"I...I'm fine and you?" He asked hesitating but in a polite manner.

"I'm fine too, I heard a lot about you from John." She replied in her honey-sweet voice while her bluebell scent filled the air with its aroma.

"Oh really!" Alessio asked while smiling.

"Umhmm, you can come at Uncle Matthew's House, I am about to bake a cake." Ella invited him.

"Yes yes please brother Alessio, Sister Ella makes the world's best cake." John insisted innocently.

"Thanks for your kind compliment, John," Ella said kindly.

"Uh! I would love to come but I have something very important to do. I would visit sometime else." Alessio said apologetically.

"Oh! You also have work to do." John said while pouting innocently.

"My little brother I would soon visit I promise." Alessio bent down and squeezed John's cheeks while smiling.

"It was nice meeting you, Ella ". Alessio said while looking at Ella and smiling purely after a long time.

"It was nice meeting you, Alessio." She said and went with John. Alessio stood in the middle of the crowd, all the bustling sounds of the surroundings disappeared so did the people, only Ella could be seen and cherry blossom blew in the air along with her. He was lost in her beauty.

"Hey! Hey! " Carl called Alessio from behind.

"Oh! Huh?" Alessio flinched back into reality,

"What are you doing here?" Carl asked.

'What was this feeling?" Alessio said confused.

"Huh?" Carl's eyebrow raised.

"No nothing let's go Sir Ricardo would be waiting," Alessio said while dragging the confused Carl from the crowd.

[In Sicily]

The awaited night yet came, in The Grandeur Armani Mansion. The round tables were covered with delicate Silk from China and topped with exquisite flowers and candles. The dark brown wooden stairs were covered with red carpets and the glistening and sparkling crystals of chandeliers hung from the high and exquisite ceiling. The opulent vases from all over the world were placed beautifully, all the walls had paintings on them which were bought in auction by Mr Lorenzo, a man who is known to never have been lost in an auction. The entire champagne-golden mansion was the most beautiful and desirable mansion one could ever see. The decorations, preparations, and dinner are enough for one to have his eyes popped out. The Grand Hall was ready for the dinner hosted by Mr Lorenzo Armani himself for his son, Leonardo Armani.

The elite guests get pouring in, all of whose eyes were shocked to see the Royal Palace of Lorenzo. All the guests bought the most expensive and unique gifts of their own. The maids were tirelessly working from day to night.

"Are all preparations ready?" Lorenzo asked while sitting in the same office he was in the first meeting with Samuel, Edward and Richard.

" Yes sir." His assistant said while nodding.

" Hmm, what about the guests are all of them coming?" Lorenzo asked while smoking his cigar and leaning his back on the brown leather chair in his Lavish office.

" Yes sir they all are coming except." The assistant hesitated.

" Except?" Lorenzo's eyebrow raised and unpleasant expressions were evident on his face making the assistant gulp.

" Sir Richard Ross." The assistant said.

" Huh?" Lorenzo's forehead frowned.

" Yes, sir and one new one is coming too." The assistant said.

"Who?" Lorenzo asked in his heavy tone.

" Romeo Romano, known locally as Duke of Cambridge. " the assistant exclaimed.

"The one who is Edward's friend from London, his mother was Italian and father was British. He is an elite member, who has come here to attend celebrations of Leonardo? "Lorenzo asked.

"Yes sir." The assistant nodded.

"Hmm, make sure he is welcomed, attended and treated properly. He is very important to us." Lorenzo said.

" And sir Richard?" the assistant asked frightened.

" Who Richard?" Lorenzo asked. Telling that all the ties from Richard are cut off, now Richard is all alone, and no further business deals or help would be done by Lorenzo of Richard.

"Understood sir. The assistant nodded and went outside the lavish office.

"Duke of Cambridge, huh?" Lorenzo said while smoking his cigar which filled the entire frame.

[Samuel's Italian mansion]

The entire room was filled with darkness, a man and a standing mirror in the spotlight were to be seen only. The Man was six feet three inches tall, had a muscular chest and biceps, had elongated, aesthetically veiny hands, his physique was slim, he was as fair as snow, his eyes looked like emerald, his jaw was sharp and edgy, half of his face was covered in his black long beard, his slightly long hairs were tied in an elegant pony at the back of his head. He was wearing a black, luxurious, Italian tuxedo. He wore his diamond cufflinks and smirked.

" We shall see each other again today old enemy, there are still some pages left unturned." He said in his deep as the ocean, true masculine, husky voice. It was none other than Samuel Greco, now Romeo Romano. He picked up the perfume and sprayed it on himself, the most attractive scent.

Edward knocked on the door,

"Mr Romeo are you ready?" Edward asked in a dramatic voice,

"Indeed I am Sir Edward." Samuel turned towards Edward and said in his deep tone.

"Wow! I can't even recognise you." Edward said in a surprised tone after seeing Samuel's attire.

"Hmmm, sounds great to me then," Samuel said while looking at himself in the mirror.

"Let's get going there after all we shouldn't keep our enemies waiting," Edward said sarcastically smiling.

"You are right." Samuel agreed and smirked.

Both Edward and Samuel went down the Italian marble stairs looking dashing. All the maids had their eyes opened wide while looking at the amazingly handsome men, Romeo (Samuel) and Edward. The main doors opened and both went down the stairs stylishly while Samuel closed his tuxedo's button. The classy gentlemen sat in their respective cars.

"The journey towards the blindfolding Palace has started. Are you ready? Yes, you are the one reading this. Do tell me " Samuel said while looking towards you with his emerald eyes. Now you have to tell the comments about your views in the comment, Okay?

[In Edmondson's Italian mansion]

Edmondson Brown, the trusted leader of some betraying officials. These officials were ready to do whatever Lorenzo said. The ones who would be there to serve Lorenzo were now serving Edmondson. Like leaders like their teammates. Edmondson's eyes were blindfolded by the glitz and glam of the Palace and he was unable to see who is loyal to him and who is not.

Edmondson was in a world of his own, thinking as if he had become the Mafia King. Edmondson wore his tuxedo, tied the bow on his sharp collar, wore his premium Italian shoes and sprayed the famous Italian perfume all over. He carried his Italian beard and styled his hair and smiled while seeing his reflection in the mirror,, the arrogance in his smile was evident. Today he was about to meet Lorenzo not as his accomplice but as his opponent.

"Lorenzo your time to rule is over." He said while smiling proudly upon himself. Just after that second, Katherine knocked on the door and came inside.

"Sir are you ready?" Katherine asked in her sharp voice, she was wearing an ethereal golden gown, and her hair was tied in a side bun. Diamond dazzling areas were hanging down her ears, and a sapphire ring was dazzling on her thin fingers. Red lipstick was applied looking like red velvet on her thin lips. Edmondson was spellbound by seeing her and said after a small pause.

"Yes, I am ready," Edmondson replied in his cold tone.

" Can I say something, sir!?" Katherine asked slyly.

" Yes, you may," Edmondson asked while wearing his emerald cuffs, pretending to be unbothered.

"Sir you are looking nice today," Katherine said hesitantly.

"Huh!" Edmondson's darkened eyes suddenly widened in shock and he looked at Katherine confused.

" I am sorry." She said and left hastily. Edmondson's mouth was still opened wide by her abrupt compliment. But, Edmondson for the first time in years smiled at Katherine's childish behaviour and went outside his room with a smile.