The Red Carpet

[Rosanne in Sicily ]

Rosanne was dipping ladyfingers in the aromatic, rich and strong coffee syrup for tiramisu. She whipped the cream for it elegantly and filled the piping bag with it. She took out a beautiful China dish and layered lady fingers, she poured the coffee syrup on top of it, then piped cream over it and last but not least dusted the top with cocoa powder. Then Rosanne's special Tiramisu was ready which she only made for special ones.

She just finished making the Tiramisu when her grandmother came who was awestruck by the dessert and asked.

"For whom is this special dessert made?" She asked politely.

"For a very special one," Rosanne replied with a cheerful voice.

"Hmm?" Her grandmother said confused and just then a slight knock was made on the door. Rosanne smiled and quickly went to the door. When she opened it she was blooming with joy seeing her best friend, Eliza.

"Eliza!" She said and hugged her tightly.

"Rose!" Eliza said excitedly and hugged her. Eliza was Edward's soon-to-be wife, they are engaged for 5 years and loved each other a lot. Eliza was an average heightened lady, she was the same age as Rosanne twenty-eight. She was of porcelain colour like Rosanne, her eyes were grey, her face was round and cute, her cheeks were on a rosy hue, her lips were painted red and she as looking absolutely beautiful in a glamorous purple silk gown with a diamond brooch on it, her chocolate brown hairs were tied in a beautiful bride braid with purple silk ribbon.

"You look beautiful Eliza," Rosanne said while looking at her with a huge smile on her face,

"And you are always beautiful," Eliza replied.

"Thank you, come on I have prepared something for you," Rosanne said and took her inside the open kitchen. Eliza went to the grandmother and kissed her hand respectfully and asked in a polite voice,

"How are you, grandma?"

"I'm fine my darling and you?" Grandmother said in her warm voice.

"I'm good too." She replied and Rosanne brought the tiramisu and white porcelain plates with pink rose borders on them. She cut tiramisu and first gave it to her dear grandmother.

"God bless you my darling." The grandmother said while taking the tiramisu from Rosanne.

"Thank you, my lovely friend," Eliza said while taking the tiramisu and taking a bite of it. Rosanne waited for their judgement.

"How is it?" She asked politely while her round eyes became like a cat looking at them.

"It's splendid." Both grandmother and Eliza said at once. Making Rosanne let out a sigh and took herself a piece. They all ate and Rosanne served hibiscus tea both the girls sat down in Rosanne's Room while Grandmother was on her pink rose-printed elegant sofa in the beautifully decorated living room. Rosanne asked,

"Why are you all dolled up Eliza? Are you going somewhere? "

"Oh! You don't remember." Eliza said in a shocked tone while holding the invitation in her delicate hands,

"What?" Rosanne asked in a questioning tone.

"Today is the Grand dinner at Lorenzo's mansion." By hearing the ruthless Lorenzo's name Rosanne's happy face became a displeased one.

"Hmm." Rosanne nodded with cross expressions on her face,

"So are you not coming with me? I'm here to take you with me." Eliza asked pleasantly and politely.

"No, I don't think I want to come." Rosanne refused politely.

"I know you don't want to, but you should come." Eliza insisted politely.

"Why? Is there a special reason to be in that cursed Palace?" Rosanne asked Eliza.

"I am afraid there is." Eliza nodded and said in a lowered voice.

"What?" Rosanne's eyes widened suddenly and she asked, her heart said it would be Samuel.

"Edward told me that someone special is coming there with him," Eliza exclaimed while smiling.

"Who?" Rosanne asked her while being impatient,

"He didn't tell me the man's name but yes he said you should be there too, so it's a bit of a surprise for us," Eliza said in a mischievous voice, Eliza was just as same as Edward.

"Is that the case?" Rosanne said.

"Yes, my lawyer friend." Eliza nodded.

"I still don't want to come," Rosanne said in a low voice.

"Rosanne I know it's difficult for you but I insist please trust me as a best friend and come there." Eliza persuaded Rosanne.

"But-" Rosanne hesitated.

"No ifs and buts, let's see what you have and get ready," Eliza said while putting the cup aside and going to the closet room for Rosanne.

"Eliza wait!" Rosanne said while going behind her. Eliza examined the closet quite closely, she selected some outfits and told Rosanne to wear them.

First, Rosanne wore a plain, sleek, purple silk gown, but Eliza was not in favour of it because it was too simple.

Second, Rosanne wore a long, tailed blue gown with gold printed Chinese scenario and sequins on it. But it was way too overwhelming for the Official event.

The third time is a charm and so did it for Rosanne, Rosanne opened the floral silk curtains and behind them was a young, elegant, beautiful lady in an exquisite red, straight silk gown with lace sleeves and lace border off-shoulder neck, her collar bones could be seen visibly. Her hair was styled in a waterfall braid with her golden, wavy, long hair opened at the back with two strands hanging in the front. Her delicate feet were in golden heels, she wore the diamond bracelet which Samuel gifted her and her sapphire Diana ring which was also given to her by Samuel on their engagement ten years ago.

"Wow, you look ethereal," Eliza said in a stunned voice while looking at Rosanne.

"Really?" Rosanne asked looking at herself in the mirror amazed by her beauty, she didn't even dress up for more than a decade.

"Let's go and show it to grandma." Eliza insisted and took Rosanne to her grandmother. Grandmother was reading a book and as soon as her eyes laid upon her beautiful Rose she was amazed by her beauty and said.

"Oh my God!" You look like the most beautiful girl in this world! Stay happy like this always. Grandma said caressing her cheek and tears of joy formed in her eyes very seeing Rosanne smile.

"Thank you, grandmother," Rosanne said while smiling beautifully.

"Now you mustn't be late, go quickly," Grandma said while patting her cheeks.

"Really?" Rosanne's eyes widened.

"Yes, my darling anything for your beautiful smile." Her grandma said lovingly.

"Thank you very much, grandma," Rosanne said in a teary voice,

"Oh no problem, just take care and remain happy dear girls." Both the girls hugged grandmother and left, before leaving Rosanne looked at her grandmother and the grandmother smiled assuredly and Rosanne said silently thank you. Both the girls left for the mansion.

The shiny Benz Victoria of Samuel, Edward, Edmondson, Rosanne, Eliza and Katherine all head for the official dinner in the Lorenzo Mansion. The cars arrived, the huge black steel framed doors opened wide for them, and a lion's face made out of pure gold was in the middle of the gate. The giant gates opened, and Samuel's bottle green coloured Benz Victoria went inside, Samuel let out a sigh as he remembered what happened the last time he was within these gates. So does Edward remember all the events that took place within these vast boundaries of the Armani mansion? Edmondson and Katherine both were as arrogant as ever, thinking they were the heir and heiress of this Magnificent Mansion. Behind them, was a beautiful white coloured Benz Victoria in which Rosanne and Eliza were, they were looking like duchesses who are going to a Royal Ball. Although they were princesses of hearts. In all these years when Samuel was away, Rosanne quit her profession as a lawyer knowing that in this unjust state she can't help people with the law. But being kindhearted souls, Rosanne and her friend Eliza spent their time in social welfare. Like taking care of Eliza's shelter home where the orphan children and you know why? because Lorenzo killed their father and old people who have been left alone after all their family was shot killed by Lorenzo. Even in this city where hideous crimes took place these girls with hearts of gold never hesitated to help others. They continued their generous work and found Edward to be a supportive person and surprisingly Edmondson too, for protection from Lorenzo Armani.

The car stopped in the circular parking, in front of the marble stairs. The driver quickly jumped out of the car and opened the door for Samuel. A red carpet was set covering all the sleek long stairs of Italian marble, Samuel got outside the car and patted the driver's shoulder and said,

"Thank you mate." The driver was surprised as whoever the passenger was never a single one talked concerning him. Samuel smiled and went towards the stairs, he lifted his head and glanced at the mansion with mixed expressions of fear, sorrow and anger,

[Samuel remembered]

"Kill them!" A man said ruthlessly.

"No!" The women screamed about who was on the target and blood could be seen everywhere. Samuel felt like he was covered in blood from head to toe and the women's body came in front of him. Sweat formed on his forehead and he started losing his mind but he let out a deep sigh knowing that this was only in his head, it is the brutal past. Suddenly the Luxurious mansion which was decorated from top to bottom came in front of him with several elites passing beside him. Edward came and said,

"What happened? "

"No nothing let's go." Samuel ignored his past and went inside the Palace courageously as if he would conquer it.

"Sure." Both Samuel and Edward went inside. But who was the dead woman?

Edmondson and Katherine's car stopped in front of the red carpet and the guards rushed to open the door for them. Edmondson stepped out of the carriage with his chin risen, chest high and so was his arrogance and prestige. He signed the guards to move away and went towards Katherine's door, the guard open the door and Edmondson stood outside waiting for Katherine to come off the Benz Victoria. Katherine stood up and bent to step outside, she was about to come out by holding the carriage's door and just then her gown came stuck into her heel making her fall. But before she could fall Edmondson held her hand and saved her from falling. She was still by his action and remembered what happened once, Katherine and Edmondson came into a meeting. As Katherine stepped out she was about to fall, but being in front of her Edmondson let her fall instead of holding her. She felt very embarrassed and offended. But today was a different scenario, Katherine said in her cunning voice

"Thank you, sir. "

"No problem, BE CAREFUL," Edmondson said in his cold and gruff voice and emphasised the words be careful while glaring at Katherine. He took her bony hand into his and squeezed in a painful way which made Katherine feel that her bones would break in this impeccable pain. But she didn't say anything and went towards the mansion beside Edmondson. Edmondson continued to put on a fake smile and greet the people who were greeting him. The man who was respected by people known as a gentleman was a hideous one in reality. Katherine looked at him and said courageously in her bitter voice,

"Once my mission gets completed I would not spare a minute to send you to a lifetime jail and give you the worst tortures of history, you are digging your own grave, Edmondson. Soon when I will take over this, you will be nothing more than flesh rotting inside the jail. I will make you regret whatever you did till today. Not even once you treated me respectfully. I thought that you were changing but in return, you are a vile beast who would never change. "

"What?" Edmondson's eyes darkened noticing Katherine's blank stare at him.

"No nothing sir." Katherine stepped out of her thoughts and said.

Next, last but certainly not least, Eliza and Rosanne's car arrived on the red carpet and they stepped outside of it looking like royalty. Rosanne's elegant red lace gown lay on her beauty, her look stole everyone's heart around her. Everyone around them couldn't get their eyes away from Rosanne's elegant beauty. Rosanne felt shy and her rosy cheeks became even redder. But both of the ladies went inside being shy from everyone else's whispers about their beauty.

"Looks like someone is looking too beautiful," Eliza whispered in Rosanne's ear and teased her.

"Stop it," Rosanne replied being extremely shy, she was blushing so hard.