The Dungeon

Samuel went to Lorenzo's house and through the entire journey, only one thing intrigued him, why Lorenzo was calling him? He was travelling through the rushed streets of Taormina. Taormina was a beautiful town, people adored it for its several picturesque bays, with grottoes, rocky coves and good sandy or pebbled beaches, soothing greenery, and beautiful Mount Etna. There was a Greek ancient theatre which was still enjoyed by the elites only, locals weren't allowed near it. Near the theatre was a cliff where riots were on the Amalfi coast. This city was beautiful but unfortunate because it was in the hands of the people who were just greedy land grabbers.

This beauty meant nothing to the inhabitants of the cursed city. They were living a life where they feared every moment. In a moment their life can become a complete disaster, like a flood took away all of their belongings and loved ones. This was a catastrophe struck in the lives of many like Alessio who got the news of his father's death on his seventh birthday when he was waiting for his father on his special day. Samuel, who was now thinking to live a good life finally, got engaged and bought a new house, everything was becoming like a dream. The dream was made a nightmare by Lorenzo.

Samuel entered the mansion, the Royal gates opened and Samuel's Victoria Benz went inside. At the other side of the pathway were guar lined up with proper black and white suits holding guns in their hands and alert as ever. Samuel had a subtle personality with a bossy attitude with the ones who needed that and with others, he was a kind-hearted soul.

His car stopped and the guard quickly came and opened the door for Samuel, Samuel greeted him with a kind smile and the guard was surprised by seeing such an attitude from the consigliere. Luca was standing there to receive Samuel (Romeo).

"Ciao! Piacere." Luca respectably greeted Samuel.

"Grazie," Samuel replied and a thin smile came on his handsome.

"This way, consigliere." Luca showed the way, Romeo swiped his hand in between his silky, jet-black hairs. Samuel closed the button of his matte black coat and went inside the mansion.

The lady servants were awestruck by seeing Samuel's handsomeness.

Samuel went recklessly and entered Lorenzo's office room. As he placed a foot to step inside, a memory struck him when he came for the first time to meet Lorenzo. He smiled and entered the room, walking with the same style as a decade before. A man who was unbothered by Lorenzo's power, a man who stood with the right and didn't fear his enemies. Seeing him walk inside, Lorenzo also got the same flashback but he logically thought that how can a dead man be alive? Leonardo was sitting on the long sofa arrogantly and smoking cigar wearing a pine striped black suit.

" Ciao! Signor." Romeo replied and stood upright with confidence.

"Ciao! Consigliere." Lorenzo replied with a warm smile and smoked his cigar,

"Why did you call me here ?" Romeo asked with an unflinching attitude.

"An important task or responsibility will be given to you which will be a huge burden on your broad shoulders," Lorenzo said and his eyebrows furrowed, while his face was depicting the importance of the matter.

"Then I shall see, how weighted is it?" Samuel said in his deep, husky tone.

"You surely will," Lorenzo replied and walked near his window, from where the beautiful Mediterranean sea could be seen.

"Hmm," Romeo replied.

"Have you read the contract and all the details I sent you?" Lorenzo asked in his gruff tone.

"Yes, I have read and signed the contract and also have gone through the documents you send me as much which will be enough for me," Romeo replied in his affirmed voice.

"I have to say I am impressed by your speed," Leonardo said in a serious tone,

"Grazie," Samuel replied in a polite manner,

"A consigliere should be a capable person who knows to make the right decision at the right time," Leonardo said in an arrogant tone,

" A consigliere should give the right decision to his King," Samuel replied which brought a smile to Lorenzo's face.

"Hmm, I think you're the right choice as a consigliere," Leonardo said and exhaled smoke arrogantly like his father.

"I am glad I met your expectations," Romeo said with a firm tone.

"Is there anything you're hiding from me? Anything from your past that I should be aware of?" Lorenzo turned back facing Samuel and asked.

"No, nothing that you should know," Samuel replied.

"It means you're hiding something," Leonardo said and smirked.

"You can get a thorough background check about me," Romeo said in a blank tone,

"Overconfidence kills," Leonardo warned Samuel.

"Only when one is lying." Romeo (Samuel) replied in a slightly angered tone,

"I just wanted to check on you, I believe in you. That's why I made you consigliere." Lorenzo wrapped up the entire conversation.

"You trust, but I don't." The door opened wide, and Edmondson entered saying bluntly.

"Edmondson?" Romeo's eyebrow raised,

"How you dare enter my room without my permission?" Leonardo grunted.

"Apologies, signor," Edmondson said in a cunning tone.

"Don't fly too high or you'll be dead," Lorenzo said and bored his angered eyes in Edmondson's eyes which made him gulp in fear.

"The way you entered I assume, you want to tell us something very important," Romeo said while making an unpleasant expression on his face as if he didn't want to meet Edmondson.

"Sure it is." Edmondson nodded proudly.

" Spit it out!" Lorenzo said in a gruff tone.

"I was curious about your background so I went through thorough research. After which I found-" Before Edmondson could finish Lorenzo scolded him.

"Who gave you the permission to inquire about my consigliere!"

"I don't mind it, so did you find anything?" Romeo said in a polite manner,

"I found-" Edmondson was about to speak but the door knocked.

"SIR!" Luca called.

"Yes come in Luca," Lorenzo replied while averting his gaze towards the door.

"Sir they-," Luca said,

"Who?" Lorenzo asked.

"Sir they have -," Luca said,

"WHAT IS IT SPEAK UP!" Lorenzo said in an enraged tone,

"Sir they have escaped the dungeon," Luca said while looking at Lorenzo and fear was evident in his eyes.

"WHO?" Lorenzo said annoyed,

"The Francisco Family had escaped." Luca slipped the beans,

"HUH?" Lorenzo's eyes widened I'm shocked.

"WHAT HOW CAN YOU LET THEM GO!" Edmondson said in a loud voice which made Samuel see him in wonder,

"Didn't expect this from you, Mr Lorenzo," Samuel said in a sarcastic tone.

"Huh?" Lorenzo said and went outside his Office, Leonardo, Edmondson and Samuel followed him too.

They all went through the long halls of Lorenzo Mansion, the halls were looking like they were oozing gold and gems, with beautifully painted high-rise ceilings from which were beautiful chandeliers hanging down and their crystals shining like diamonds, golden carving on the frames hung on the walls delicately, all paintings were so captivating that if n glance at it, he can't keep their eyes away from it, somewhere were placed the awards he got from bidding the highest in auctions, the man theme was crème, gold and red of those lavish halls.

But soon the scene went dark and gloomy instead of shiny and lavish. There was a narrow incomprehensible staircase which seemed like it has no end. Luca and other guards lighted the lanterns and lit the way for us.

Lorenzo was getting angrier and angrier after every step and Edmondson was getting annoyed, Luca was so nervous that his colour went pale, his eyeballs went red and he gulped frequently. Samuel was not worried from the inside but he pretended to say that he was concerned too.

All men in black went down the hazy staircase and in front of Samuel were prisons as far as his sight could go there were only prison cells. The place had little or no light. Many people were there begging to get out, some were getting brutally beaten and some were getting tortured by pricking their eyes, pulling off their nails, making them go rounds on a wheel tied up, and some were getting poured hot water on their skin. The brutality was at its peak, and these people to be clear weren't any criminals they were the ones who spoke against Lorenzo's unjust rule. Many needed help.

Samuel clenched his fist tightly, his teeth gritted, a vein popped out his forehead and the fire of fury was evident on his face. He wanted to go and torture Lorenzo to death.

They finally reached the prison, which was vacant as expected. No one was inside and not even a hair of them was left there.

"WHEN DID IT HAPPEN? WHERE WERE YOU? HOW DID IT HAPPEN?" Lorenzo said in a loud and grunting,

"Signor, it happened on the night of the event," Luca replied hesitantly.

"WHAT?" Lorenzo became more angered,

"I was busy managing the party when someone took benefit and fled them away," Luca said while his head was bow downed and his eyes were down to being ashamed.

"AHHH!" Edmondson screamed in frustration.

"They are not birds who flew away! How did they manage to get out from such vigilant eyes?" Lorenzo said while he looked like he would kill Luca,

"Signor, I am afraid that I don't know. " Luca replied and pressed his lips tightly in fear.

"YOU DON'T KNOW! YOU-" Leonardo said and his eyes went blood red kept scolding him while Samuel knew what happened.

"How can he know this possibly?" Samuel thought and smirked.

[At the night of The Grand Celebration]

The celebrations in the mansion were at their peak, everybody was enjoying the party to the fullest. Nobody has attention to the prisoners in the dungeon. Under the bright moonlight, from the dense forest Undercover Detective Council men come from the dark and tried to enter the Lorenzo Mansion from the back gate. Suddenly, some guards came up and asked,

"Who are you?" Both the guards were armed.

"We are here from Mr Edmondson." One of the men replied.

"What's the message?" The second guard asked,

"Your death note." The second man replied.

"What?" The guard said,

Both of the guards said before they could pull the trigger of their guns. The man twisted their hands, swirled around like wind and locked their arms then they held their necks and twisted them which made the guards die immediately. So the men dragged the guards behind a bush, the men changed their clothes and disguise themselves as guards and went inside the mansion.

They were as quiet as the lighting of a fly on a feather duster. But it was the silence before a storm.

They sneaked into the dungeon as the guard and said,

"We are now here to keep an eye on them, you may leave. " They said,

"Okay then, here is the key bundle. Ahh, must back is killing me." The guard yawned, it was late at night all in the dungeon were sleeping.

"Sure we'll take over." The second man said,

"Hmm." The guards said and went outside, as soon as they closed the door. The men opened the lock of the prison and the door which woke up Alessio's mother and sister. Alessio's mother was in her forties, she was a slender thin woman, and her golden hair and whole attire were messed up. Alessio's sister was fifteen, she was a very beautiful and pretty girl, her height was short, her hairs were blonde and her eyes were blue although bruises were all over both and both were in pitiful condition.

"What are you doing with us?" Alessio's mother asked worriedly while dragging back in fear thinking they were sent to torture them.

"Leave us alone!" Alessio's sister cried,

"We are sent here by Mr Edward." The men said.

"We are here to take you." The other man said,

"Mr Edward?" Alessio's mother was shocked and in disbelief.

"Yes, we'll drop you at a safe place." The man assured them.

"Okay, quickly stand up daughter." Alessio's mother said,

"But mother -" Alessio's sister said.

"Don't argue, just try to get out of here quickly and silently. Alessio's mother said in a voice as low as a whisper. Guards quickly opened their locks and freed them from the heavy chains. Wrists of both mother and daughter had chains imprinted on the hands. They stood up but were about to trip first. Then they managed to balance, one man was in front of them and another behind. One first took out his gun and checked the lobby then signalled others to follow him.

Others went behind them, similarly, he whenever sensed a danger he stopped them and whenever the path was clear they went. Finally, they got away from the mansion and sat in a Victoria Benz, which started and stopped finally at Mr Samuel's (Romeo's) mansion. Both mother and daughter were in extreme joy after being able to get out of that dungeon after almost a year. The mother cried and hugged her daughter tightly. It was a sigh of relief for them.

They were warmly welcomed in the mansion and were shown their beautifully arranged, luxury bedroom. Food was already served for them, clothes were ironed and lined in the closet.

"If you need anything you can tell me freely." The maid said with a gentle smile on her face.

"That's very kind of you." Alessio's mom said in a grateful voice.

"No issue." The maid smiled.


Samuel smirked and tried to hide his smile. They didn't even notice, when they were busy on the floor dancing and celebrating joyfully, the task was completed.

Samuel took them from under Lorenzo's nose.