The Call from the Mansion

Edmondson entered his mansion proudly like a King who was going to his throne. After all his cunning plans are for the Armani throne. For this throne, he betrayed his best friends, his boss all the people who trusted him. Some people won't repent even after seeing and knowing the end of such a person. For them this world is everything and they need to get all the treasures. Edmondson was wearing a navy blue, white-lined, fine, tailor-made three-piece suit with a white shirt and a red tie. He went to his bedroom, placed his coat on the sofa and loosened his collar. He went onto the balcony and slammed his hand against the cream-coloured cement railings.

"What should be done to get rid of the consigliere?" He said in a loud voice and sucked his teeth, annoyingly. He couldn't swallow the fact that he was dethroned brutally and was made irrelevant like a bug. Romeo met him in the patty and warned him, and the next day he became the consigliere of the Armani Mafia. How did he become? What magic or curse did he do? What is the secret that he told Lorenzo? What key he had that unlocked the seat of consigliere?

"May I come in sir?" Katherine knocked on the door in a respectful voice.

"Yes, you may." He said in an angered tone while rolling his eyes.

"Sir, you called me?" She asked in a cunning tone. Katherine was wearing a black coloured midi, velvet dress with gold earrings. She was looking beautiful but Edmondson didn't care about it a bit,

"Yes, I did sit down," Edmondson grunted.

"Yes sir." Katherine sat instantly without questioning after seeing Edmondson's temper.

"You have seen the new consigliere right?" Edmondson turned back and asked her while coming inside his room.

"Are you talking about Mr Romeo Romano?" Katherine asked while her eyebrow raised.

"Yes, that man," Edmondson replied while gritting his teeth.

"I did see him at the party and the meeting," Katherine exclaimed and gulped in fear at seeing Edmondson's anger.

"I want to know everything about him. His bank balance, status, parents, loved ones, job everything and anything which can be useful for me." Edmondson ordered Katherine while coming towards her.

"Okay.. but can I ask why sir?" Katherine hesitantly said.

"Katherine my dear don't ask questions, just do what I SAID." He became silent while leaning on her and said in a lowered tone and suddenly screamed in her face making her flinch.

"Okay, sir I would get the information by evening." Katherine nodded hurriedly, picked up her diary and stood up.

"Hmm, good." Edmondson nodded and stepped away.

"Can I go, sir?" Katherine asked while tucking her silky hair behind her hair.

"Get out," Edmondson said in a lowered but hostile tone.

"Okay, sir." Katherine closed the door and when she closed it she cursed Edmondson for his vile behaviour in her heart.

"Let's see who Mr Romeo is. And how did he get a high rank just in his first meeting with Lorenzo? I remember what happened to me." Edmondson said while a cross expression came over his face. He was a tall man with a good reputation but he surely didn't deserve it. Inside he became a beast with all his greed, vileness and power which was now necessary to bring down.

[ Past]

Edmondson was going to meet Lorenzo. He was wearing the finest suit in his wardrobe, highly expensive shoes and carried an Italian leather briefcase. He entered the mansion in a style, being highly confident that Lorenzo will like him as soon as he meets him. He was about to enter the mansion, his footstep was paused when a guard blocked him and said,

"What are you doing here?" the guard asked in a hostile tone.

"Huh? Who do you think you're talking to" Edmondson said in an angered tone.

"Why are you here?" The guard with the same vile behaviour.

"I'm here to meet Mr Lorenzo Armani," Edmondson said while dusting off his coat.

"Did he call you?" Lorenzo's bodyguard came to the scene and asked arrogantly.

"No, I want to talk about something important," Edmondson said in an angered tone.

"Okay, I will let him know, wait outside." The bodyguard said and went inside,

"What?" Edmondson said d when someone rebuke

The guard went inside the luxurious mansion and came after a long time, Edmondson was infuriated by this behaviour. He remembered how last time they weren't asked e and now he has to wait until evening.

"Sir can't meet you come tomorrow. "The guard said and shut the door in Edmondson's face.

"What?" Edmondson said.

Edmondson went d and came the other day. The same happened many days when finally Lorenzo accepted him as his consigliere after he shared a secret with Lorenzo. A secret that they swore to not tell. The secret was so convincing that Lorenzo gave him the position.


"Hmm, let's see what tricks were played to get the position?" Edmondson said in an awaited tone while sitting on his brown leather chair and joining his fingers.

[Rosanne's home]

Rosanne was hanging clothes on her own with a gleaming smile, the sun was shining beautifully and the rays played through the leaves of the tall trees in her garden. When she finished, she took the wooden basket in her hands and went inside. She placed the wooden basket in its place and till then the milk for her grandmother was warm enough. She picked a cup from an exquisite selection and pour the milk into it, then she opened the porcelain white honey pot and poured the honey into the milk. She placed the tea cup and tea plate in the golf-rimmed tray and gave it to her grandmother who was sitting on an armchair weaving a woollen sweater.

"My dear grandmother here is your milk," Rosanne said in a honey voice.

"Thank you, my dear daughter." Her Grandmother replied warmly and received the milk cup.

"Do you need anything else grandma?" Rosanne asked while putting the pink rose-painted tray aside and massaging her grandmother's feet.

"No, I'm good my child. You should eat something you work much, why don't you hire a maid for this? You're not poor." Grandmother said in a slightly complaining voice.

"Oh no, it's nothing grandma," Rosanne replied sweetly.

"My child, you take care of me, this entire house, you handle the matters of the women here, you handle the orphanage. You don't take care of yourself, my dear." Grandmother said in a concerned tone.

"Grandma, I think one should keep working to keep one's mind busy. Don't you think? And also they are all the people who need me like the women of our town in their matters and the kids at the orphanage always look up to me. Weren't you the one who taught me to help the ones who are in the same position as we were once?" Rosanne asked politely.

"My dear you will get a reward for your kindness," Grandmother said while drinking the warm honeyed milk.

"Thank you, grandmother. I'll take my leave for the orphanage then." Rosanne said in a soft voice.

"Okay, you should go my child," Grandmother said,

"Take care grandmother I'll be back soon," Rosanne said and smiled elegantly.

"Have a good day daughter!" The grandmother replied.

"You too." She said while smiling, she gently stood up from her grandmother's feet and went to her closet room.

She looked for some dresses, and then her eyes laid upon the one which the children of the orphanage gifted her. A delicate smile came on her face while remembered the playful and cute children at the orphanage. She wore the dress, it was of blush pink colour with crystal hangings on the border of her flare and some crystals were on the dress.

Rosanne sat on her dressing table elegantly and took out her jewellery box. She opened it and wore the diamond earrings, they matched beautifully with her engagement ring and her gifted bracelet. She then put on some makeup, like very natural rosy, dewy makeup.

She was glowing beautifully, after meeting Samuel, her inner self is gleaming with joy which is evident on her face. She smiled at herself and the dimples on her fair face were visible.

[ Romeo Romano, the consigliere mansion]

Samuel was going through the documents which were sent by Lorenzo, so he has an idea of how things were working here. Many lists of corrupt elites were there who were the most prominent in Lorenzo's vision. Lorenzo mentioned all about his faraway properties and his businesses. Samuel was not a bit surprised by seeing how drastically Lorenzo has grown in these ten years.

Samuel wore a fine fabric, tailor-made, three-piece suit. It was an entirely matte black suit. His beard was even short now but enough to hide his real face. He was working like a hardworking and looking like a dashing Consigliere. His looks were on point, his style, his attitude everything made him look like a Mafia boss. Except his behaviour was like a kind-hearted King rather than a brutal Mafia King.

Edward was wearing a plain brown three-piece suit with a dark brown tie, it was also a fine, tailor-made, classy suit. He helps him out like a very real and good friend who left his personal life aside and answered whenever Samuel called him. Edmondson is the total opposite of what these two gentlemen are. They were working being focused when suddenly Galio knocked at the door.

"Signor, may I come in?" Galio asked in a serious voice.

"Yes you may," Samuel replied politely and leave his work to listen to Galio.

"Sir, your package has arrived," Galio said and handed over the package to Edward.

"Oh thank you, Galio," Edward said while taking the package and replying with gratitude. Galio left the room leaving behind Samuel who was curious about the package.

"What is it, Edward? " Samuel asked in a questioning tone.

"Your required information," Edward said and looked at Samuel.

"Ohh! That's great, can I have a look?" Samuel asked and put his hand forward.

"Sure," Edward said and handed Samuel the parcel.

"Ahh well, let's see the real faces behind the poise elites." Samuel opened the package and took a box outside. This box wasn't an ordinary box, it contained special information from the special resources.

Samuel opened the box and inside was a letter, with a bunch of documents.

"Let me check those," Edward said while taking the stack to his desk to check, Samuel picked up the letter and read it.

"Dear Sir,

The information you asked for is in this box, we have mentioned all the details in these documents. Keep it safe because if this would land in the wrong hands then I'm afraid that it will be misused for one's desire. I'm satisfied that it's in your safe hands. We have gotten a lead about another thing too which can be pivotal in this case. For that, you have to meet me at the Specilitia Granite because this information is going sensitive to be leaked.




"Yes, Mr Romeo?"

"There is a letter of you."

"For me?"

"Yes." Samuel gave Edward the letter and he read it.

"I am going with you."

"No, you can't they will not trust me or else."

" I'll send some guards, just in case someone is following you."

"Hmm." Edward grabbed his coat from the coat hanger and left for the cafe.

Samuel was left behind, but he was not here waiting for Edward's arrival for long. Some men from Lorenzo knocked on the door and came inside like a protocol.

"Yes?" Samuel looked at them with his eyes widened.

"Mr Lorenzo wants to meet you, Consigliere." Lorenzo's bodyguard came and respectfully said to Samuel.

"Okay, I'm coming." He told them and they went outside while he placed the documents in the box, wore his brown overcoat and went outside. He locked the door and kept the key inside his pants pocket.

"What is in Lorenzo's mind now?" Samuel thought worryingly.