Reunion and Regrets

The sun shone brightly making the Mediterranean sea glisten as if the stars had come in broad daylight and were shining freely. Hydrangeas, daffodils, lavender fields, and yellow flowers swing with the air carefree. Cherry blossoms trees were in full bloom and their sweet smell filled the entire Sicily. Under one cherry blossom tree was a cafe located, from whom window one can see a pretty lady sitting at a beautifully decorated table and waiting for someone.

Lady was wearing an Edwardian, Victorian-style attire. She wore a beautiful blush pink coloured frock which had white lacing delicately done all over, she was wearing mother pearl earrings, a diamond bracelet and her sparkling diamond ring. She was nervous and also excited at the same moment. She touched her engagement ring and smiled lovingly looking at it as seeing it reminded her of Samuel. Her golden hair was beautifully styled as a princess and had roses in them. She was as elegant as a swan.

A man came inside and smiled at her, both of their hearts were beating as fast as wild stallions running freely in the vast and lush land. She smiled back showing her dimples evidently, both of their hearts bloomed in joy. He was wearing matte black attire, his tie, his coat, his shoes, his entire attire. He had a lean physique, body-built chest, muscular biceps, the height of six feet two, a sharp jaw a handsome gentleman more handsome from his inner soul.

He went towards the table she was on, and the faces were revealed. She stood up and he stood right in front of her. They both looked at each other and drowned in each other's love. He was relieved to see her and so was she.

"You look beautiful," Samuel said abruptly in his deep, husky tone. His abrupt compliment made her giggle.

"Thank you." She said while brightly smiling.

"My pleasure, may I?" Samuel asked while pulling the chair out for Rosanne.

"You are still the same." She said and sat elegantly he slid his chair back like a gentleman.

"You didn't let me change a bit." He sat in front of her and said in a joyful tone.

"Did I?" Rosanne asked innocently.

"Hmm, when I forgot everything you were the one, the flower that made me smile. Rosanne, you know?" He said with his emerald eyes showing the depth of his love for her.

"Hmm," Rosanne asked while looking into his eyes.

"If I ever had a flower that reminded me of you, I could walk in my garden forever," Samuel said which made Rosanne tear up.

"This wait was too long, it tore my heart apart," Rosanne said while her sorrow was evident in her tone.

"Then I will make sure to shower it with all my love," Samuel said in a gentle voice.

"I missed you, more than the depths of the Mediterranean," Rosanne said with a concerned tone and her sweet honey voice.

"I wish I could show you my heart to tell you all the times it cried. So much that it would fill the entire Pacific." Samuel said while his deep tone showed his deep sorrow.

"Hmm." She sniffled and tears fell from her crystal aqua eyes.

"Rosanne, those are more precious to me than anything in this world," Samuel said in his soft as feather tone while wiping Rosanne's tears with the handkerchief she gave him fifteen years ago.

"You still have this?" She asked in a surprised but gentle tone after seeing it in his aesthetically veiny, elongated hands.

"Hmm, how can I leave something that you gave to me?" Samuel asked in such a loving voice that Rosanne's heart melted.

"Ah, Samuel." She said while blushing hard and admiring his love for her.

"How is grandmother?" Samuel asked while smiling, smiling for seeing his entire world in front of him.

"She is fine but angry with you," Rosanne told him and said in a light tone.

"She should be after all I brought tears to your eyes. But soon I will fill your heart with happiness." Samuel said with love filled in his emerald eyes and the depth of his tone showed the conviction he had to fulfil his promise.

"Really?" Rosanne wondered.

"Hmm, very soon we will be together and I'm with you till my last breath now," Samuel said in a hopeful and romantic tone.

"You mean it?" Rosanne asked although she was blooming with joy already.

"Yes, I can't live without my soul, right?" Samuel said and held her hands in his lovingly.

"And I can't without my heart." She replied while looking into his eyes lovingly and both stayed like it for a little while.

"Rosanne?" Samuel said while his loving gaze was fixed on his love of life.

"Hmm?" Rosanne asked politely.

"I love you here and hereafter," Samuel said with a heart full of love and compassion for her.

"I love you too here and hereafter" Rosanne replied as lovingly as ever. The flowers were swinging in joy and were fully blooming in love, birds were singing songs and cherry blossoms were showering as a blessing for both of them.

[In Edmondson Mansion]

Edmondson was continuously tapping his leg against the dark wooden floor up and down, his eyes showed his rage, his teeth were gritted and his jaw was stressed so was his corrupt mind.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Edmondson kept saying and his voice became louder and louder until he groaned and threw everything down from his table. Then he panted trying to calm himself, his eyes were red as blood he looked like a hungry beast.

"That Romeo has frustrated me, in the town of Romeo, in the mansion of Romeo, kind duke Romeo and now Consigliere Romeo! I got to do something about him. But what after all his records are so clean like as a whistle?" Edmondson growled in frustration.

"You can still defeat him though," Katherine said while entering the room cunningly, her heels tapping against the floor and raising her curiosity.

"How? Out of thin air?" Edmondson said frustrated and leaning on his table while putting both his hands on it.

"Sir, you are intelligent and powerful though I don't think hiring an assassin would be a big hurdle for me." She said in a cunning tone while trying to convince him by trapping him in her trap.

"An assassin?" Edmondson's eyebrow raised.

"Yes sir, when something comes your way it's better to get rid of it," Katherine said while giving a sly look.

"Hmm, your right. Hire an assassin it's my way now." Edmondson said while rubbing his chin and putting some thought into the matter.

"I already arranged one sir, he will do his job as soon as you say." Katherine smiled proudly and said.

"Hmm, okay then tonight is better. Strike the iron while it's still hot." Edmondson smirked wickedly and his eyes darkened.

"Sure thing sir," Katherine said while smiling.

"Good work, Katherine. " Edmondson appreciated her.

"Thank you, sir." She replied.

"Go and rest now you worked much." He said politely while smiling.

"Yes sir." She said and went outside the room, she tucked her hair behind her. She shook her head in disagreement and rolled her eyes at Edmondson's behaviour. She went to her room and threw herself on the couch, she relaxed her tense muscles a bit and then started smiling with joy.

"Ahh well, what did I think of? It is so easy to fool him or Jacob or even Leonardo, the so-called Mafia King. Everyone knows his father is controlling everything in reality." She stood up and sat on her dressing table.

"How sharp are you Katherine? My plan is working just perfectly as it should. And I prepared a ridiculous amount of backup plans if these fail. But to my surprise, they are too naive and didn't even think twice that I want to make them kill each other to get the throne." She said while cherishing and choosing her jewellery.

"So the first fool, Mr Jacob. I don't know what sir Giovanni looked in him to make him the leader of this mission. I have to do all the work, although we are opponents of Armani it does not change the fact about the treasures those vile Armanis possess. That gold, that shine, that luxury it's a dream come true. Thanks to my looks Jacob, gave his heart to me. So it's easier to use him the way I want to just by looking at him lovingly." She said and wore gold earnings, then she took out her makeup and applied lip colour, blood red as usual.

"Then comes, Leonardo. The forged king knows how to enjoy the luxuries of his Elite life. He enjoys killing others as a hobby, just a reflection of his father. Although lacked intelligence, so the easiest catch. Just talk to him and respect him as a King. Piece of cake." Katherine smiled cunningly and said slyly, she picked up her liner and applied it while saying,

"Then, lastly my annoying boss Edmondson." Edmondson came from his room to ask Katherine something but stopped at the door when he listened to his name.

"Ahh, what a waste talking to him. Always his vile behaviour, his nagging and his bickering. I just had to bear it nonetheless, an ungrateful man. Who doesn't even realise what people do for him? And what can I expect from the man who killed his lifelong friend? His tortures won't go in vain rather I would give him magnified it multiple times, he will be my slave all his life and after his death, his body will rot. Ha, what a wonderful day it would be!" Katherine said and cackled wickedly thinking about Edmondson's condition. She made her eyes cat-eyed and looked at herself admiringly. She didn't even realise that she opened the door a bit open in her over excitement. Rage took over Edmondson, his eyes were showing the turmoil that boiled inside him, his boiling blood made his face red, and veins popped out from his forehead and neck. It was as if he would kill her right now.

"KATHERINE!" He shouted aggressively. Making Katherine shiver and she stood up, she was shivering continuously knowing what would happen now. Edmondson was drenched in anger, he grabbed her arm and dragged her harshly. She kept apologizing but he didn't listen, instead, he grabbed her more tightly, so much so that his nails pierced her delicate arm resulting in blood. All the employees were really scared and thought it was better not to interrupt.

He threw her in the carriage and the driver drove.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked frightened.

"To Death," Edmondson grunted loudly, Katherine remained quiet and was crying continuously. When they reached the mansion, Edmondson dragged her to Lorenzo's office and barged in.

"What is this Edmondson? What is she doing here?" Lorenzo said angrily while shutting his file.

"She is the spy," Edmondson said abruptly making both Lorenzo and Katherine shocked by their words.

"Huh?" Katherine said while her eyes widened in shock.

"She leaked all the information and helped Francisco flee." Edmondson needed to gain his position back from Romeo. So he did present Katherine as fodder and getting benefitted in both ways. To gain Power and to let out his anger on her.

"No, it's a lie. Believe me, sir I know nothing about it." Katherine tried to convince Lorenzo.

"You think I would listen to you over my consigliere?" Lorenzo raise her chin from his hand and asked politely.

"Huh?" She asked worriedly, Lorenzo left her to chin angrily which made her head shake.

"Kill her, Publicly," Lorenzo ordered in his gruff tone.

"What?" Katherine's eyes widened and tears fell from her eyes monotonously, realising what never she did so far, all her life gone in vain. All her efforts drowned in the ocean of regrets. She was in disbelief and shock.

"Yes sir." Edmondson nodded and smirked.

"What? No, wait!" Guards dragged her outside mercilessly on the floor on which she used to walk like an empress, arrogantly. She was in shock at what is being happening to her, she shouted but it was of no use. Only one thought came to her mind,

"Only if I was honest, this wouldn't happen."