La finale

Armani Mansion was about to witness a Public Punishment. Lorenzo's men went to every alley of Sicily, just to announce the gathering in Armani Mansion, to witness the punishment. Although people knew it might be unjust they still went without resisting to save their lives. As this town is on Lorenzo's law of first which is that one has to act according to what Lorenzo said otherwise their generations would be destructed. Every merchant left his work as it is and hurried to the mansion, and every peasant left and rushed to the mansion. A huge flood of people reached the mansion in no time.

Officials sat on the important, premium leather chairs lined just for them and in between was the royal throne of Lorenzo, the seating was made on a raised platform, especially for all the elites. It was scorching hot that day, people were drenched in sweat but didn't mumble a single word.

Officials and the crowd were too. All guards from every corner, more like an army were on the vast, lush lawn of Armani Mansion. The tall gates of the Mansion opened and Lorenzo Armani was surrounded by a dozen of bodyguards. He wore a dark suit striped with matching vests and pants, a black round fedora hat, a contrasting tie and his signature fat cigar in his mouth. He came arrogantly, and all the officials stood up in honour but the crowd were terrified.

Then came Samuel, a man of his words complimented by his sharp and stylish looks. He entered the lawn in style, he wore a black pine-striped suit with a matching belt and pants, and his shoes were so shiny that when sun rays shone on them, his shoes reflected the light on his handsome face which was covered by a black mask. When he entered, some officials mumbled and some welcomed him with a smile, but the crowd had a glistening smile on their faces and hope that the consigliere would save the unjust dead.

Luca came forward being prominent from all the men in black. He said in a raised voice while breaking the pin-drop silence.

"People of Sicily, you all know the reason you have been called here. Today you will witness in front of your eyes the end of a person who we fed for years, and gave a reputation anything an orphan girl ever imagined but what she did in return was good was a betrayal. She was a spy sent by our enemies. Now you will see her head chop off"! Luca announced and went back.

A large number of men in black came, they held the burden of the Guillotine on their broad shoulders. They placed in front of the crowd, a giant and wretched Guillotine, the highly sharp and shiny blade of it made the people gulp and the corrupt officials had sweat formed on their foreheads.

Katherine was getting here dragged by guards ruthlessly. The Katherine whose everything was always on top whether it was her blood red lipstick or her cat eyeliner, her high heels or her expensive midi dresses. Now that same Katherine was covered in her blood. Her white dress was dyed red in her blood. She had bruises and cuts all over, she was barely breathing. Her cunning eyes only showed helplessness and a plea for herself. People who ever met her were in shock even Rosanne and Eliza who were blended in the crowd.

"Oh gosh is that Katherine?" Eliza said while her eyes opened wide in shock, being soft-hearted from the inside both the ladies were angered by Lorenzo being like this.

"I am afraid yes," Rosanne said while the anger was visible on her face, the anger was boiling her blood.

"What they did do to her? She is unrecognisable!" Eliza said in a concerned tone.

"What else did you expect from these brutal vile man?" Rosanne said with her enraged tone and angered expression.

"What will happen to him now? I wish a saviour comes and save her. " Eliza said extremely worried.

"Well, someone will come," Rosanne said in a sighing tone.

"Huh?" Eliza shockingly looked at Rosanne.

"Just wait and watch," Rosanne said while her eyebrows were furrowed in fury.

Katherine was hauled brutally to The Guillotine, Katherine was almost unconscious because of the torture she tolerated earlier in the dungeon. The luxury life she planned with all her cunningness was ending before her eyes. She accepted her defeat and repented for her deeds, now her last wish was that someone comes to save her.

The guard brought her to The Guillotine, he tied her already helpless hands and placed her head on the platform forcibly. Edmondson was smirking arrogantly at her condition. Lorenzo was satisfied and contented with the death of Katherine, it was like smashing a bug under his shoe. Samuel looked away from her because he couldn't see the brutality. Although he and Edward both waited for the right time.

Katherine was hopeless, she closed her eyes and a tear fell knowing they would never open now again. She regretted her entire life and her life flashed before her eyes, all her crimes, her cunning plans, and the people she betrayed. The crowds' eyes were awaited and their hearts were beating like a fast-paced stallion. This moment was the moment Katherine would die on the lawn of the mansion she dreamed of living in a Queen as. So this was the end of Katherine who spoke in a cunning tone always.

Katherine was secured with stocks at the bottom of the frame, positioning the neck directly below the blade. The blade is usually then released, swiftly and forcefully decapitating the victim with a single, clean pass so that the head falls into a basket or other receptacle below. Which Katherine envisioned in her mind, making a stream of tears fall from her eyes.

The blade was about to release and cut Katherine's delicate neck. Suddenly the person who held the Guillotine got shot, Samuel stood up and pulled Katherine back. The Blade fell right as the second Katherine was pulled back, it cut one of her strands she took in a deep breath and her eyes opened in shock thinking her head was about to be cut like that. Samuel Greco made her sit carefully behind like a fast-paced cheetah. He asked her like a gentleman,

"Are you okay miss?" Samuel asked politely.

"Yes, I am," Katherine said confused by just what happened, it all happened within the blink of an eye. A brave lion saved her from death, maybe it was a second chance for her.

Samuel nodded and went like a stroke of wind through the bullets. Katherine was amazed by the sudden happenings. Her wish was granted unexpectedly. Rosanne and Eliza came and took her behind the strong pillar of the mansion,

"Are you okay Katherine?" Rosanne asked seeing Katherine's fragile and pitiful self.

" Yes, Rosanne," Katherine said amazed by her kindness as she wrapped her with her woven shawl.

"Stay right here okay?" Rosanne instructed her carefully and politely.

"Yes, I would." Katherine nodded. Rosanne and Eliza both stood up, and in front of them, they saw two guns. They picked it up and went inside that War of Justice.

Rosanne and Eliza were both fierce and strong women. Who fought fiercely on the battlefield along with their men against the evils. They didn't hesitate once, they pulled their gun triggers and shot at every vile man who tried to fight with them or anyone who tried to harm a peasant. Rosanne shot a man from Lorenzo's side who was trying to kill a woman,

"Thank you very much, Madam." The woman said gratefully.

"No need, go somewhere safe okay," Rosanne replied while smiling suddenly someone was about to attack her from behind, she took her dagger from her cross-body and struck his jugular vein. She pulled her dagger back again and stood up, she looked behind and saw a person who was about to kill Samuel from behind. She shouted,

"SAMUEL!!!!!" He looked behind and she threw her dagger which went straight into that person's heart. The assassin fell to the ground straight. Samuel looked at her and smiled as if saying thank you, she smiled back too as if saying you are welcome.

Samuel went forward towards the Guillotine, he stepped at the edge of two guards' shoulders and jumped high, at that moment he flipped back his coat and took out his gun. He pulled the trigger and it was raining bullets behind him as his mask opened by the wind Each bullet on each guard of Lorenzo and also on the corrupt officials even Leonardo, sunlight shone above him. It clearly showed his clean shaved face, the man behind the beard. Lorenzo stood up from his throne and shouted,

"What the hell is happening here?" He was seeing all the chaos in front of him. Alessio emerged from behind Lorenzo's throne and kept his gun on Lorenzo's temple.

"If you slightly try to move, I won't hesitate once," Alessio whispered while gritting his teeth and his tone darkened. His deep angered tone made Lorenzo gulp as Alessio immersed the gun in Lorenzo's forehead.

"Who are you?" Lorenzo said clueless about who the person was.

"Your death," Alessio said and his eyes darkened, while he took him away.

Edmondson who sat beside Lorenzo was astonished to see the boy he ordered to kill months ago, was fine and alive in front of him. He could see the young, enraged man in front of him.

"Does it mean he is also alive?" Edmondson thought thoroughly and his eyes popped out of the sockets by seeing before his eye, No.1 Detective Samuel Greco. He realised that Romeo was Samuel all along. He tricked him into his trap, he was right beside them and they couldn't recognize him.

All the men who were attacking the mansion were from Undercover Detective Council. Lorenzo's guard on one side and agents with high expertise on the other, it was raining bullets everywhere. They surrounded the Armani mansion, there was no escape. There was chaos and confusion everywhere, people were running here and there struggling to save their lives. The Officials couldn't think of what was happening, they were scared to death seeing their fellows right beside them covered in blood and shot dead by Samuel.

Samuel was running holding his two guns and continuously firing at Lorenzo's men. A person came from behind trying to shoot him, Samuel sensed it and as soon the bullet came out Samuel moved aside a little, though the bullet went slid past his cheek. Samuel turned back, took the gun from that man and hit it on his forehead to make him unconscious.

Hey! Hey consigliere, it's time to ascend! They said and shoot the bullets. Samuel smirked and dodged the bullets, he ran forward and jumped, he swirled and boom! He smashed their faces with his epic flying kick.

Edward came all panting and shooting, He saw Samuel and said,

"Got a taste of their own medicine." He said seeing both of them pass out.

"Sure did," Samuel said and smiled.

Just then some men came and surrounded Samuel and Edward. They all were armed, Samuel looked at his gun and Edward loaded his. They both pulled the trigger, Samuel and Edward joined their backs and Samuel said,

"Are you ready Edward?"

"Sure am." They said and both started shooting their bullets while moving in a circular motion. Before they knew it, all the men were lying dead. They both looked at each other and smiled like warriors.

"Your expertise is just the same brother," Samuel said while looking at Edward and anticipating a proud reply.

"Ahh well, I'm born with it," Edward said in a proud tone which made both of them laugh and then they saw before their eyes. The entire lawn was a huge blood pool, bodies lying all over it, but the good part was that those bodies were of corrupt elites.

Samuel let out a sigh and then, a bullet struck his shoulder from the back. He took a deep breath in and his eye pupils dilated, the agonising pain went to his heart. Edward's eyes widened in shock seeing Samuel. Samuel turned back in shock and before his eyes were his life in danger. It felt like his whole world will collapse apart, this pain was much more than his wound.

"Rosanne?" Samuel said while his eyes showed the concern and worry he had for her.

"Samuel!" she cried.

"Edmondson?" Edward saw him shockingly.

"So, so my old friend Samuel, long time no see huh?" Edmondson said while smiling wickedly.

"Why are you doing this?" Samuel asked in an enraged tone.

"Me? Oh not much. I just want to have my life from you." Edmondson said casually.

"Edmondson leave her, NOW!" Samuel said in a roar whole his emerald eyes darkened.

"No, I won't leave her instead you will leave this place!" Edmondson said in an angered tone.

"No, no Edmondson please leave him. I will do as you say!" Rosanne said abruptly while crying.

"You certainly will," Edmondson replied in his gruff tone.

"Yes, take my life but don't even think to hurt her. If you do, then you will face my rage." Samuel said as his tone darkened and he clenched his fist so hard that his nails pierced his palms.

"I wouldn't take your life now, I will after you give me something you possess or stole?" Edmondson said in a sly tone.

"What?" Samuel said surprisingly.

"The Key Samuel," Edmondson said firmly.

"What key?" Samuel said.

"Don't become sly, hand me over the key of the treasures you stole when you raided my office in London." Edmondson said in an infuriated tone.

(Samuel remembers the Key, he got from Edmondson's office earlier, Edmondson knew he had lost the key so he wanted to find the man who barged into his office. Because he knew that only he has the key.)

"I will give you the key, give me Rosanne. " He said.

"First Key," Edmondson said.

"Okay, okay don't shoot her," Samuel said while pretending to take out the key, he took out his gun and pulled the trigger behind his back. Then with a glance, he shot Edmondson's arm making him leave both the gun and Rosanne.

Rosanne ran towards Samuel and he hugged her tightly, she could feel his warm embrace and he could feel her racing heart. She was sobbing and so tears left Samuel's eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"Yes, I am." She replied and broke the hug.

"Ahh! SAMUEL GRECO!!!" Edmondson picked up the gun and was about to shoot him when Jacob shot him from behind. The bullet struck his brain and he died immediately. Splashes of Edmondson's blood were all over the ground, soil even refused to absorb his blood. There was a moment of complete silence, everyone was shocked for a moment but then went away. Except for Samuel whose emerald eye had an agonising and traumatic tear. He said in a lowered voice,

"If only you didn't follow your vain desires," Samuel said while a tear dropped from his eye, he wiped it and went away. Leaving behind the dead Edmondson, a vile man who could go to any extent just to fulfil his vain desires. A man in whom blood betrayal runs and always manipulates and uses people for his benefit. Alas! This is the end of him, the End of the great tyrannical Mafia King. Who thought he was immortal and never repented, he was not even ashamed of a few of his vile acts rather he was proud of his disgusting achievements.

Rosanne came rushing and hugged Samuel, he inhaled her lily of the valley scent and hugged her gently. Pearl-like tears were falling from her eyes as she was so scared that something would happen to her love, who she got after a decade.

"It all happened because of me. She said crying with a heavy heart while she touched her beloved's wound with shivering hands. Samuel took her hand and placed it on his wound.

"The wound is healed with this gentle touch," Samuel said while smiling lovingly at her, both looking in eyes of each other gleaming with joy all over and having teary eyes.

They all gathered at the place the platform was placed. Alessio held Lorenzo by the collar and forcibly made him bend down on his knees. People who were hidden, frightened and agonised appeared and gathered on the ground, mothers hugging their children tightly, elder members, and men standing like a shield in front of their families. Samuel came onto the platform and stood on his left were Edward and Jacob, and on his right were Eliza and Rosanne. Katherine also came while limping, and Rosanne rushed and got her. She said,

"I'm okay don't worry," Katherine said in a polite tone the first time.

"Still you should take care," Rosanne said while smiling.

"Hmm," Katherine said while smiling. Jacob got worried for her as soon as he saw her, she was about to fall but he took a hold of her.

"You should sit, Kate." He said softly while making her sit on one of the chairs behind, them gently.

"Thank you, Jacob." She relied kindly upon him while smiling, he smiled back. The first time Katherine smiled purely at him. Katherine realised that a person who cares and values you is more important than any other worldly treasure. She decided to repent and use her second chance in the right way.

"People of Sicily!

Till now you were oppressed under the tyrannical rule of Lorenzo. He lived with his violent acts proudly like an achievement for him. He pushed innocents like they were bugs, but he forgot that one day he has to end too. This man here, did the worst with you, me and this boy. He escaped from the hands of justice continuously thinking he would escape the Wrath of The Creator. But like him, every rise has a fall, no matter how high you become the burden of your vile deeds will drag you down. No one can escape the Wrath of The Creator and so now you will see the end of this vile man before your eyes." Samuel said loud and clear to convey his message to all Sicilians.

"Alessio Francisco, you are free to avenge your Father's death. " Samuel said in his deep, masculine tone.

Alessio pulled the trigger of the gun. All his memories with his father flashed before his eyes, when he played with him, laughed with him, and celebrated his birthday, every memory flashed. Then his eye teared up remembering the disfigured face of his father when his dead body came from the mansion after that night.

"Alessio Francisco, huh? The son of that wretched Francisco right?" Lorenzo said and smirked as a way of mocking Alessio.

"Shut your bloody mouth." Samuel punched his face so hard that his teeth fell out and said, Lorenzo, spit out blood but still smiled stubbornly.

" I proudly killed many but I remembered Francisco, what a loyal dog he was.- "

"I swear I will kill him," Edward said and punched him hard that he coughed up blood.

" Always responsible and sincere. He served me for a lot of years tirelessly, I thought of promoting him but that man listened to something he was not supposed to and has to die an agonised death. I didn't even think once and shot him, files fell from his hands and I still remember the shocked expression he had, ha that poor man. You know what his last words were?"

" It was, "Alessio my son." And there he lies in front of my door helpless, like a stray dog. I still remember what excruciating pain he was going through, his every breath was choking in his throat, and his heart was about to burst. " Lorenzo said to persuade Alessio to kill him because he knew if Alessio won't then the people will not leave even a shred of him.

" DON'T YOU DARE UTTER A WORD ABOUT MY FATHER!" Alessio said and shot Lorenzo's ear, his ear blasted and he growled in pain so loud that his scream echoed in the entire Mansion. He cried from that pain that he always gave to others but never tasted his own medicine.

"Sir, if I shoot him. His death is going to be so easy and not only I suffered because of him, these all did" he said while pointing towards the people of Sicily.

"They all have the right to avenge their loved ones," Alessio said.

"You are right, I hand this vile man over to you. You are free to choose the punishment for him yourself. " Samuel said to the people of Sicily and Samuel himself dragged that vile man in between the crowd, his face was being hauled on the ground as he deserved. First, people hesitated to touch him but then the pain they remembered and the anger they had inside for him all burst out. They all came and beat him, beat him till all their anger, pain, agony, suffering, and the disfigured faces of their loved ones came before their eyes. Each Sicilian beat him mercilessly, their eyes filled with tears in sorrow and rage. Lorenzo kept saying that they were doing a mistake but they didn't listen nor did they care. They could only hear the mourning sounds at the funeral of their loved ones and the cry of agony of their family members who didn't even find their bodies sometimes to say the last goodbye.

Rosanne, Eliza, Katherine, Jacob, Edward, Alessio and Samuel all saw the rage people had in themselves for years. They were relieved in seeing the end of this vile man finally. People stepped aside and they saw, a barely recognisable man, his expensive tuxedo torn apart, his face disfigured so much that he was unrecognisable, his entire self covered in blood from head to toe he was in a miserable condition but a condition he deserved after his acts. The Mafia King Lorenzo who think he was immortal and he controls everything, was now dead.

All the crowd looked at Sameul and recognised their old hero, they all were rejoiced and had tears if happi ess in their eyes seeing their hero back again. They know, now things will be better. It's the end of oppression for once and all.

"My People,

You saw the end of this vile man. We killed him and end the tyrannical rules of Armanis once and for all. But remember my people, it doesn't end here. There is an abundance of corrupt men like him filled in this world to make it difficult for others to breathe. For that, every vile man, a Samuel like me, people like you should be ready determinedly to defeat him. We should not hesitate to stand for right and against wrong no matter how much strong it seems. Remember that even a slight beam can eliminate the darkness. This World is a Cosplay and we are its characters and we have to act up to our role efficiently. This story doesn't end here, from today till years to come whenever there will be a man like Lorenzo, A Samuel would be there." People rejoiced in happiness after hearing Sameuls golden words and applauded Samuel wholeheartedly.

"There is still something you all deserve. Please take your respected possessions with you." Edward said while smiling pointing at the gold which was being distributed by some agents to the people. The treasures of Armanis which Edward and Samuel took out long ago when they came here. Samuel smiled at remembering it and also the people who rejoiced as their loves turned up for good. Sicily bloomed in joy after all the efforts that were made by Samuel and his team. Samuel stood up for right without any fear in his heart seeing the magnitude of evil. He trusted God and kept doing all his efforts to defeat evil and protect the innocents.

"Remember whenever something wrong is happening you have to stand against it no matter what," Samuel said while looking right at you and hoping you will listen to him.

And the book closed and sighed a hopeful shimmer reflected in her brown doe eyes. A gentle smile formed on her pink rosy lips and she looked out of her train window, The sparkling ocean of Sicily and the fresh breeze gently slid from her pink silk dress. She said,

"Surely this world is a Cosplay and we are it's characters" - Author of The Cosplay.