Chapter 4: Styx Contract

Perseus nervously waited for answer. He was half expecting the three of them to laugh before stripping him naked and fuck his penis off. But thankfully, that didn't happen.

Seeing that their expression didn't change, Perseus felt a little more confident and continued

"I'll help the Titans overthrow Olympus, in exchange you let me leave Tarturus immediately."

Right after saying that, Perseus felt a surge of divine energy in the room directed at him.

Before he could say anything else, a cold voice sounded

"Do you see us as fools?"

Tethys' eyes glowed a bright blue and Perseus felt the Divine Energy in the room get even heavier, nearly causing him to fall to his knees.

"Besides, what can a mere mortal do against demigods and gods"

"tread your next words carefully mortal.. This goddess will give you one last chance."

Hearing her words, cold sweat poured down Perseus' back. Even in his past life he had never felt a aura as powerful as this.

Suddenly remembering that he needed to be within two metres of the three Titanesses to sign-in, Perseus eventually gave up on the idea of leaving Tarturus until he got strong enough.

"Haha.... what I meant was..... Uhmmm... from the one week that I've been here, I heard a lot about the ongoing war, and that the Titans are losing quite horribly."

Just as he finished that sentence, he felt a wave of divine energy so strong that he spat out blood, barely being able to keep standing.

Knowing that he would die if he didn't say anything to remedy the situation, Perseus quickly added

"The Titans are currently losing the war due to the 3 Sons of the Big Three and the alliance of the Greek and Roman Demigods."

"They also have great Strategists like Chiron, which have already ruined three of the Titan's plans"

"The armies in general are also weaker than matured demigods, and the Olympians have also been secretly helping the Demigods while you Titans can't."

"The only advantage that the Titans have is the advantage in numbers."

Before Perseus could continue, he was cut off by Themis

"Cut to the chase. We already know everything you've just said."

Nodding his head, Perseus continued

"The number one issue that the demigods face right now is the lack of soldiers. Even one demigod would greatly affect the Olympians. Not only are they low in numbers, demigods also need time to mature and grow while demons can go from infant to adulthood in a span of one month."

"And one of the major reasons why the Titans are losing is because the only way for your armies to leave to the surface is through the doors of death, and countless scouts have been placed there to monitor the number and relay the information back for them to create strategies."

"I can be a spy for the Titans, and as long as I become an important asset for the Olympians, naturally I would be able to access secret information like their attack plans. Besides during warring period, it would be the easiest to earn merits and ascend the ranks."

When I finished, I could see the three Titanesses deep in thought.

Silently praying that I succeeded in convincing them, I waited for their verdict.

"Hmm... that is indeed a decent strategy. But there's one main problem. How can we trust you?"

"We are essentially leaving the fate of our armies in your hands. What if you decide to betray us and feed us false information. Wouldn't we suffer major losses?"

What they said does make sense. After thinking for a while, Perseus couldn't come up with any ways to assure the three Titanesses.

Seeing that Perseus had no answer, the three Titanesses decided for him.

"We will sign a Styx Contract."

Styx Contract, a contract created by the River of Styx and can never be broken even after death.

Perseus had read about it in the library during his free time and knew about it.

He honestly did not want to sign the contract since it would most likely be an unfair one. Afterall they weren't negotiating on equal grounds. The three Titanesses could literally kill him and he could do nothing about it.

"I agree." Perseus sighed.

As soon as he said that, a pale white sheet of paper materialised out of thin air.

The three Titanesses immediately started writing on it, and after a few minutes of them whispering to each other, they were done.

The three Titanesses signed their names on it and passed the contract over to Perseus.

Reading through the Styx Contract, Perseus was shocked.

{Styx Contract}

Contractee: Nyx, Themis, Tethys, Perseus


1) Perseus will marry Nyx, Themis and Tethys

2) Perseus will not betray the Titans

3) Perseus will assist the Titans in winning the war

4) Once the war is won, Nyx, Themis and Tethys will belong to Perseus


In the end, Perseus signed the Styx Contract. He bit his thumb and let his blood drip onto the piece of paper.

The paper glowed a crimson red before splitting into four pieces and entering Nyx, Themis, Tethys and Perseus.

Perseus thought that it would be an unfair contract like having to work for the titans till his death or something, but it was surprisingly more beneficial towards him.

All he had to do was to help the titans win the war and he would get three beautiful and faithful wives. What was there to complain?

The only thing Perseus was confused about was why they wanted him to marry them.

"Why would the three of you want to marry me? I'm just a mortal."

"We thought that it would be a good encouragement for you. And also, you won't be a mortal anymore."

"To enter the Greek or Roman Camps you would need to be a demigod or in your case a half titan. You wouldn't even be able to see the camps if you don't have divine blood."

"So I will give you a drop of my prime blood essence to turn you into a half-titan. Make good use of it. From my birth till now I have only created five of those."

As Nyx finished her words, she immediately performed a few hand signs and soon a pure black drop of blood with stars shimmering within came into sight.

Placing the prime blood essence into the glass bottle, Nyx handed it to Perseus.

Looking at Nyx, Perseus realised that her beautiful face was scrunched up in pain and he could feel that her aura got significantly weaker. Her ashen face broke Perseus' heart and he wanted to help her relieve her pain.

But before he could even get close, he was pushed out of the room by Themis and Tethys.

"Don't let us down okay husband?"

With that, they closed the door and Perseus was left alone for the night.