Chapter 5: Wedding Preparations

Returning back to his room, Perseus set the glass bottle on the table and lied down on the bed.

He was exhausted after having talk to the three Titanesses but also happy at the same time.

He had been an orphan in his past life and was too busy working to find a wife to get married. Even until the end, he never felt a sense of kinship. He didn't consider that backstabbing sworn brother of his to be kin.

In this life, since he was basically married to those three Titanesses he decided to give it his all in this relationship and try to make them fall in love with him.

As he was thinking on how to win the hearts of the three titanesses, he unknowingly fell asleep.


Being one of the only four empires in Tarturus as well as having a Primordial Goddess as the empress, the Night Empire was considered as the strongest empire in Tartaurs. Hence, when the three Titanesses announced that the three of them were getting married to the same person, it brought about shock and confusion throughout the whole of Tarturus.

In just one night, the Imperial City which was more than 100,000 kilometers long, was covered in red silk, and there were cheers and laughter everywhere.

Today was the day of the grand wedding of the three Great Empress of the Night Empire, Nyx, Themis and Tethys.

This incredible news immediately swept through the entirety of Tarturs, and at one point of the time, it became a hot discussion topic for the people.

Even some of the Beginning Titans that had been in seclusion for thousands of years had awakened one after another. They transformed into a stream of light and flew in the direction of the Night Empire's Imperial City, preparing to witness this once-in-a-million-years joyous event.

"Crius, Titan God of the Divine Constellations, has arrived!"

"Coeus, the Titan God of the Northern Axis of Heaven and Intelligence, has arrived!"

"Hyperion, Titan God of Heavenly Light, has arrived!"

"Iapetus, Titan God of Mortality, has arrived!"

"Oceanus, Titan god of the great earth-encircling River Okeanos, has arrived!"

"Mnemosyne, Titan Goddess of Memories, has arrived!"

"Phoebe, Titan Goddess of Bright Intellect, has arrived!"

"Rhea, Titan Goddess of fertility, motherhood, comfort, and ease, has arrived!"

"Theia, Titan Goddess of Sight, has arrived!"

The peak of the Night Mountain was already covered in silk. Suddenly, nine streaks of light flew over from afar.

"All the beginning Titans have come huh."

(A/N: Beginning Titans refer to the 12 original titans birthed by gaia and ouranos)

As a Primordial Goddess, Nyx could sense the aura of the nine titans before they could even sense hers.

"Well, it will be a good opportunity for Perseus to get used to his new family."

"Imperial Eunuch, get Perseus prepared for the wedding in one hour. If he's late I'll kill you."

Bowing to Nyx, the Imperial Eunuch hurriedly ran in the direction of Perseus' room, not wanting to lose his life.

"What do you think sister? Do you they come with ill intentions?."

Nyx looked at Tethys and asked softly.

Currently, Nyx had already changed into a beautiful red robe. Her pure white skin creating a mesmerising contrast against her wedding gown.

"It's alright. Today is our joyous day. Even if they had ten thousand guts, they would not dare to cause trouble at this moment," Tethys said.

"They most likely came today just to see who our husband is. Afterall being able to marry two Beginning Titans and one Primordial God is unheard of."

"And yet we gave ourselves out just like that. Was it really the right decision?"

Nyx didn't reply but Tethys could feel that Nyx was confident about her decision.

Seeing that her eldest sister was so confident, she relaxed a little.

The reason why there were no major disputes amongst the four empires despite the constant small frictions over the years was because they all have a common goal and still acknowledged each other as family.

However, Nyx was extremely cautious. Since she isn't blood related to any of the beginning titans.



Perseus was awoken by the frantic knocks outside his door. Slowly crawling out of bed, he walked towards the door while grumbling.

"which idiot is knocking on my door this early in the morning."

Perseus slowly opened the door, unaware of the storm that was brewing outside.