
Grandmaster Albert

Albert simply remained floating in the sky, both his eyes remained close, his face having an expression that seemed to scream he was bored.

Kojo who remained in hiding had his mouth agape, his mind unable to process what had just happened. A minute ago that creature emerged from the book, destroyed the library and revealed dozens of grotesque creatures he could only call monsters.

The creature on its own had dominated the librarian who turned out to have some sort of supernatural abilities, and just when Kojo had lost all hope believing that the creature was going to kill them all this guy appeared and made the creature look like a joke with but a few moves.

"Don't look so shocked" The librarian who was still bleeding from his injuries stood by Kojo observing the fight as well. "That man there is none other than the Grandmaster Albert, the dragon in its current state, is no match for him", the librarians words left Kojo with more questions for example 'dragon' was that creature a dragon. It looked nothing like the depictions of dragons in the media but then again no one has actually seen a dragon.

Also this Grandmaster Albert just who the hell was he, but Kojo held his tongue and focused on the battle not wanting to miss anything.

"Sh*t, to think I met a Grandmaster just after escaping that shit hole. What sh*tty luck, but if you truly think I'm going to let you put me back in there then..." the dragon was cut short by Albert appearing before it and delivering a punch to its gut that sent it flying through two buildings.

"You talk too much" Albert continued to speak in his monotone voice, "hm" Albert suddenly noticed as massive fireball composed of what seemed to be black flames which caused him to stretch out his hand in response [Five Walls of Jericho] five gigantic complex golden seals appeared before him instantly.

The massive fire ball rushed straight towards Albert smashing through three of the seals before being stopped by the last two. " It seems the tales of the destructive might of Dragon fire was grossly overestimated" Albert spoke up nochalantly once more as the last two seals disappeared into golden lights.

"I guess its my turn right" he continued as the dragon rushed towards him screaming its lungs out. Albert simply remained in the same position with his eyes still closed, [Swords of Binding light] with a snap of his fingers, the sky was covered in over a hundred golden seals which caused all present to look up mouth agape.

"Impossible... it wasn't some trick?... this bastard can truly cast seals instantaneously!" the dragon muttered to itself incredulously. Out of all those seals swords began to rain down on the dragon causing it to let out heart wrenching screams of pain. The dragon who had come out so proud as though it was the ruler of the world was now down on its knees with countless swords embedded through it preventing it from making any moves.

The Librarian who watched the whole fight had even forgotten about his own wounds as he stood dumbfounded. He had heard countless tales about the might of Grandmaster Albert but he would have never expected him to take out one of the dragons so easily.

"Oi what are you waiting for, come seal this thing" Albert's words brought him out of his thoughts, "right" he pulled out a book to seal the Dragon but with a single step he suddenly felt a chill from behind which caused him to push Kojo out the way as a whistling sound was heard.

This sound was immediately followed by a sharp pain, looking down to the source of the pain he a bloodied hand sticking out of his chest with his heart in hand, "I was aiming for the boy but... then again its always a good thing to kill an exorcist" The librarian heard those words and turned around in disbelief.

Behind him stood Jake, but a single look was all it took for the Librarian to realize the truth. The dragon had at some point possessed Jake, "goodbye" yanking his hand out the Librarian fell down dead leaving the possessed Jake who had a pair of black horns as well two massive wings, his eyes were now pitch black like the starless night sky.

Albert now seeing the truth attempted to rush at the possessed Jake but was brought to a halt by the dragon who he had now realized was a clone, before him whose power levels rose rapidly before it exploded causing him to bring both his arms before himself for protection.

*Boom* the force from the explosion was so powerful it sent even Kojo who was some distance eyes locked on Jake with disbelief away, flying with his head landing first knocking him out.

The dust on the ground below cleared revealing an unharmed Albert who looked rose his to face the dragon with his eyes still close, for the first time that night the Dragon finally saw another emotion on the face of Albert, anger.

"Hahahaha, goodbye Mr. Exorcist we will do this again sometime when I've fully recovered. At that time I'll show you the true power of a dragon hahahaha" the mad cackle of the dragon resounded through the sky as it disappeared, escaping before Albert could get his hand on it.

Albert stood still for a minute before moving towards the librarian's body he placed both his palms together in a praying motion as another seal formed before him.

Unlike the seals he had formed before this one was not instant and took a whole minute to form, "Thank you for your service" as Albert uttered those words the body was bathed in a flame but strangely it caused no harm to the body itself but rather caused what looked like embers to escape the body.

As Albert completed his ceremony he turned to the unconscious body of Kojo with a frown etched on his face.