
The Dean

*thud*thud* Albert's footsteps resounded as his feet made contact with the tiles laid beneath his feet. The people in the halls all bowed their heads in respect as Albert continued his journey.

The people in the halls were all clothed in either red hoodies or jackets with a varying number of white stripes on their arm sleeves and a white devil's trap on their backs . After another minute Albert had arrived before a door which he opened before knocking.

"How many times have I told you to knock before entering Albert?" a voice was heard as Albert entered the office. "You called for me Dean", the office walls were painted white, the tiles covering the floor were laid out in such a way that it formed a devils trap reaching all four corners of the room, with a large mahogany desk which had a plant on it, further in. On its walls hang to abstract pictures with a large bookshelf on the wall behind the mahogany desk.

The office was clearly designed to inspire order but its current state only brought up one word to the minds of all who laid eyes on it 'messy'. On the mahogany desk mountains of files stood preventing one from laying eyes on whoever sat behind them.

The bookshelf looked so stuff it felt as if it would burst at any give moment. The design on the floor was covered up by the sea of books, files and some other random objects that occupied the office.

An old man who looked like the definition of haggard popped up from behind the mountains of files on the mahogany desk making sure not to topple them. The old man wore a red jacket similar to that of Albert but with clear differences, the devil's trap was etched unto his back but his arm sleeves possessed no white stipes rather on his shoulders the number four in a octagon was visible for all to see.

He had a head full of silver hair which looked just as unkept as the rest of his office, as his brown eyes landed on Albert who stood before him eyes closed with an expression which screamed boredom, a wide grin formed on his face which suddenly changed his demeanor to that of a kind old man.

"You don't have to sound so stiff before me, Albert my boy" the old man continued to smile at Albert but Albert only responded with the same silent face. "*tsk* you used to be so lively when you were younger. now you've began suffering from face paralysis, what a shame, truly a shame" the old man sighed.

The old man managed to garner a reaction from Albert who now kneaded his brows together with his his lips twitching as he tried to hold in his anger. "What do you want?" Albert questioned as he saw the smirk which was clearly etched on the old man's face. Albert was certain if he allowed the Dean to continue to spout nonsense he might just hit him.

*cough* The Dean let out a cough as he gained a demeanor fitting for one of his title. "This is about the Dark dragon incident" "I told you everything sir", Albert had also reverted back to how he was when he first stepped into the office.

"*sigh* I know but the others aren't okay with just that, frankly this whole thing is just piling unto my never ending paperwork. *sigh* I really need a vacation..." The old man began fantasizing about his vacation with the last sentence.

*cough* "hm, oh yeah" The Dean was snapped out his thoughts by Albert, "anyway I can't say I don't understand them, one of the seven is loose and it is but a matter of time before it tries to free the others, ah I can feel a migraine coming. just thinking about the whole thing"

"but still you did a great job"

"I failed to seal it and lost a warden, I fail to see how that is a great job"

"What you fought was one of the seven, how many grandmaster Exorcist can say that. To top it all of you managed to force it to possess a human and a mundane at that, hahaha, just thinking about it makes me laugh those pompous guys forced to possess one of the beings they consider inferior hahaha"

Albert remained still observing the old man's antics which he had gotten used to a long time ago, "so, what did you get on the boy?" The Dean asked after finally calming down.

"The boy is normal, his fitness levels aren't what you'd expect from a boy his age and he is considered a bit troublesome by mundane standards, but overall he does not seem to have any connection to our world until that night."

"hmmm... In your report you said the boy saw them?"

"Yes, but I believe him to just be clear sighted nothing more"

"I see, but some of the others aren't so sure, some of them even believe him to be one of the beifour."

"If he was one of them wouldn't he have pretended to be unable to see anything."

"Yes, but you have to understand something, no one wants to believe the escape of a being such as the Dark dragon was an accident, sure right now it doesn't seem so strong, weak even but once it regains it strength, trust me even if you were to use your eyes you would lose "

These words had a massive impact on Albert as he struggled to believe that. "Then again it would not sit right with me to harm the innocent which is why I'm questioning him as we speak"

"Questioning him huh, how long has he been awake?"

"not long and from his words it seems it truly was an accident, you could argue it was his fault but I'd say an accident, anyway lets go see the boy." The Dean who was surprisingly quick on his feet, was immediately before Albert ready to head out.

"You're running away from your paperwork aren't you"

"I haven't clue what you are talking about" came the voice of the Dean was already in the hallway.


The Seven:

This is a title given to the seven dragon Kings whose powers are each related to a specific element, they are currently sealed and hidden across the continent.

The Dark dragon:

This is one of the seven, his domain being over darkness. He was sealed for over a thousand years and was released from his seal just recently.

The Dark dragon has two forms which each state providing a massive boost to his powers. His imprisonment has caused severe damage causing him to be temporarily unable to access any of his true states.
