
I would like to offer you an opportunity

"I see..." The old man held his chin, after hearing Kojo recount what had happened that night.

Kojo simply remained silent, with tears beginning to form in his eyes. Recounting everything that had happened that night to the old man, he was overcome with the sinking feeling that everything was his fault.

"It wasn't your fault, we failed to see the seal was weakening allowing for the dragon to lure you to it" he looked to the where the old man was supposed to be when he heard his voice but was stunned to see him and the chair he was sitting on sink and merge with the floor.

Kojo's eyes widened with the words he was about to utter stuck in his throat, as he continued to stare at the place where the old man was sitting.

"Really, you just had to do that without any explanation?"

"In hindsight I could see how I could have handled that better"

Kojo moved his head so quickly that he actually had whiplash, at the door stood the old man who had just seemingly vanished into the ground and by his side was the guy he had seen that night, what did he call him... right, Grand master Albert.

"Don't worry he can't read your mind" Grand master Albert spoke, seemingly reacting based of Kojo's expression which caused Kojo's back to be doused in sweat. On that night with everything going on he hadn't really noticed it or rather he had but just not given it much thought.

How the hell could this guy see with his eyes closed, "I guess we do have to explain somethings to you. As my puppet said earlier I'm Dean of this place and this boring guy standing next to me is Grand master Albert." Grandmaster Albert just nodded in acknowledgement.

"You are now in one of the medical wards of our fine school, you've been unconscious for two days by the way"

"Two days!" Kojo exclaimed, "my mother, she must be worried sick!" Kojo tried to get up once more. "Stop, don't worry about her she's fine" Grandmaster Albert spoke up.

"It is as he said the are people with your mother and you'll get to see her once we are done here" the Dean continued, showing his grandfatherly smile which somehow managed to calm Kojo down. "You must have a lot of questions considering what you have recently experienced".

"Now where to start, so the being from the book you found was the Dark dragon who is one of the seven dragons. He was actually a powerful being during ancient times but I don't you need me to tell you that..." Kojo's mind flashed back to that night with just how easy it had taken out that guy and Jake...

"What happened to my friend?" Kojo immediately asked what he truly wanted to know about. "*sigh* he was possessed" "possessed?" "At this point in time I think you have come to realize the world is not as simple as you once thought. There are beings out whose power is beyond mortal comprehension such as ghosts, evil spirits and what not due to this possessions are a fairly common thing which can be dealt with just as easily-" "That means you can save Jake right? right?" Kojo interrupted his hope restored.

The Dean and Albert shared a look before the Dean continued, "normally yes..." "normally? what do you mean?" Kojo spoke in a barely audible whisper as he newly formed hope began to shatter bit by bit. "The being possessing your friend is a dragon, dragons are originally proud creatures and thus would never resort to something such as possession but this time it was desperate. Finding it is a massive task in itself not to mentioning dispelling its possession but the most likely case is it getting rid of the body once it regains its true form, it pains me to say this but your friend will be dead".

"No, no, no, no... he... he can't die" Kojo continue to mutter to himself as his tears began streaming out his eyes. "I'm sorry, we can't save him but I can offer you revenge. As you can tell by now, we are not normal people, we are Exorcists. In fact you are in a school for Exorcists right now."

"Kojo I would like to offer you an opportunity. Most people no matter how much they want to can never become one of us but you possess the qualities to become one of us. I'm offering you the chance to be more to be apart of something greater... so what do you say Kojo?"


A black sedan came to a stop in a quiet neighborhood before a fairly ordinary house, the back doors opened to allow for Kojo to get out. The Exorcists ad performed such a good job at healing that he actually possessed no scars, if it were not for his clothes which still bared the damage of that night he would have thought the whole thing to be nothing but a sick joke.

Gathering his bearings he took in a deep breath before heading for the front door, as he came before the door he hesitated once more before finally knocking on the door. It had not even been a few seconds after he knocked when the door flung open to reveal his mother.

There she stood her hair a disheveled mess, her eyes red a puffy with tear stains running down her face. Kojo could not help but tear up when he saw the current state of his mother, "mom" that one word broke the flood gates as his mothers lips quivered with tears rushing out.

She uttered no words as she simply gripped him tightly in a hug and refused to let go.