

And so here he was... before his mother. Their touching reunion lasted a while but it still came to an end and now Kojo sat before his mother who was brimming with questions.

The interior was an unfamiliar mess, Kojo had always known his mother to be a person who abhorred dirt. He remembered how she would always scold him when he tracked in mud or made a mess without cleaning it up, but now there she was in a disorganized room with her attention completely fixated on him. It was at this moment that Kojo realized just how much his disappearance had affected her.

Before he came home they had given him a cover story one which would give an answer as to where he was for the past two days, apparently they had even produced alibis and everything to make his story believable.

At the speed at which they came up with everything, Kojo could not help but wonder 'How many times had they done this?'

Kojo parted his lips ready to tell the story he was given but stopped, looking into his mother's eyes which stared right back at him, he couldn't do it. He could not bring himself to lie to his mother.

Now it was not as though he had never lied to her before, but all those lies were normal lies kids told their parents on a daily basis. Okay, there might have been a serious one here and there but Kojo never said he was perfect.

Lying about this though, about what he had been through, about everything. That just felt different, this was something that was just too big to lie about.

Despite the loud unceasing protest from his mind, Kojo told her everything, from when he first laid eyes on that God forsaken book to when the Dark Dragon made its appearance. Kojo his nothing and told his mother, who simply remained silently seated everything.

As the last words left his lips a blanket of silence overcame the two. Kojo remained seated as began to nibble on his lower lip as he saw his mother remain still.

Her lack of reactions caused a seed of doubt to be placed in Kojo. He pondered over his words wondering if it was truly the right decision to tell his mother everything, after even he found it hard to believe and he personally experienced it.

"I believe you"

"What?!" Kojo looked at his mother with disbelief, sure he wanted her to believe him but wasn't this a bit too fast.

"I said I believe you. This all sounds... frankly far fetched but I can see it in your eyes, this is the truth and so I believe you, but son is this your decision?"

Kojo's expression froze as he understood his mother, his decision was not going to affect just him but her as well, but thinking back to that night and that smug smile on the dragon's face. He steeled his heart his mind clear on what he had to do.

"Mom-" "I know" she cut him off looking at him with a kind smile with tears starting to form. "Everyone says you're a troublesome child but I'm your mother. I know who you are deep inside and if you believe this is what you must do, then do it"

"Thanks... mom"

"What about Jake's parents? we have to tell them-"

"No" Kojo cut his mother off, she was about to argue when she noticed the new look in his eye it was a look she had never seen on her son's face.

His eyes were clear and shining with determination.

"I won't tell them because I don't believe Jake is dead. I don't care what they say... Jake isn't someone who will fall that easily. I will prove it , no matter how long it takes. I'll find it and prove Jake is still alive and bring him home."


*Bang!* the door was kicked in as a livid Albert burst in holding on to a folder.

"Oi! I told you just not long ago to knock" Ohene spoke as he held on to one of the mountains on his desk, which was threatening to collapse right then and there.

"I just received the names of the recruits assigned to me." Albert spoke in a tone that did extremely little to hide his anger.


"They were supposed to be three so why have you added him in there?"

"The class limit is five so what's wrong with assigning you four recruits"

"You know my problem!"

*sigh* Ohene let out a sigh of resignation, "look you are one of the few who know about him and dose not have any connections with one of the others"

"I thought we settled on the verdict that it was an accident"

"We did. I might be the High Chancellor but that doesn't mean I can order the others the title is more like an honorary one than one with real authority these days."

"You are worried about him?"

"Who better to protect him, than you" with those words there was silence between the two. Albert simply turned around to leave, "the next time you do something like this, It won't end with a simple conversation"

*Bang!* Albert slammed the door causing the mountains of files to collapse. "haaah, he used to be so understanding" Ohene began muttering to himself as he moved to reorganize or rather try to organize the mess of files.