
School of Exorcism

It had been a week since Kojo had returned home and now he was ready to begin his new journey. During this week Kojo had gone to have a look at the school.

He had expected the site to be in ruins as he remembered the absolute destruction caused by the Dragon, but the scene before him was one he couldn't believe.

The school was still standing without any visible damage whatsoever. If it was not for the Library which was now just rubble he would have thought he might have been in the wrong place.

That sight just built up the mystery of the Exorcists even more.


"Remember to call whenever you can!" Kojo's mother called out to him as he headed for the car parked, before his home.

"I will mom", Kojo responded as he gave her one last hug before entering the car. The car ride was a silent one, as the driver did not attempt to start a conversation and continued to give terse answers to any of Kojo's questions.

After another hour or so, the car arrived before a compound. From the outside, the compound seemed to be four times the size of his old school.

" Go in, someone is waiting for you" The man finally spoke up before driving off leaving Kojo standing before the compound's gate with his bags.

Taking in a deep breath he stepped in, as he crossed the threshold an inexplicable feeling washed over him. His eyes and mouth were wide open as he gawked at the scene before him.

The inside of the courtyard was massive to the point it looked like a small town, no, a small town was not an apt descriptor. It looked like a large one, a really large town.

"Kojo Asare?" a voice calling out his name managed to snap him out of his stunned state. Turning to the source of the voice he saw a man wearing a red hoodie with a white stripe on his sleeves.

"Yes!" "good follow me" the man immediately began walking with Kojo following closely behind. Kojo's eyes kept wandering around as he followed the guy into the place.

Large amounts of people, with a majority of them wearing either red hoodies or jackets with a varying number of stripes on their sleeves, moved all over the place.

Kojo continued following after the guy with his eyes focused on the architecture of the place which was a splendid mixture of ancient and modern design. Looking at all this, Kojo could not help but wonder how was all this possible.

"Here we are" the guy spoke once more as they arrived before a massive building that was five stories high. "Go in and find an empty room, matriculation for freshmen is tomorrow at 9 am, don't miss it."

"Huh" before Kojo could say anything, the guy had vanished into the crowd leaving Kojo standing there confused as to what exactly he was to do.

"Yeah, don't worry they are like that to everyone" turning to the source, Kojo saw a young girl. The girl was a head shorter than him with her hair tied into four hair buns.

She wore the same red hoodie which looked baggy on her, but without any stripes on her sleeves with a blue backpack. She wore a pair of tight-fitting shorts alongside a red pair of slides.

"Hey, I'm Abena Qwansah, a first-year recruit as well" She reached out for a handshake with a wide grin on her face.

"Uhm... Kojo Asare, a... first-year recruit as well, I guess" Kojo responded with a handshake. The girl let out a laugh at his answer, "you are mundane born aren't you?"

"Mundane born?"

"Yeah, you are one. Mundane born, it's just a term used to refer to Exorcists born of mundane parents, basically normal people, and considering your lack of knowledge it's kind of obvious."

"Is that so..."

"Don't worry about it, I'm one as well but I guess only half because my dad's an exorcist as well"

"Alright come on let's get you a room, see that's the boy's dorm so where you will be staying."

"Thanks for helping me around, this school is way bigger than I expected," Kojo spoke as he followed after her. "School? Oh, yeah this isn't the school. This is the institute, the Academy is located in the institute, over there" Kojo looked through a window, to the building she was pointing at and saw a massive building.

"The person who recommended you really didn't tell you anything, huh?"

"Yeah, now I think of it neither of the two looked all that reliable, especially that guy with his eyes closed."

"eyes closed? Like both his eyes?" Abena came to a halt staring at him. "Yeah, I think was Albert"

"YOU WERE RECOMMENDED BY THE NEW GOD GRANDMASTER ALBERT!" the girl screamed looking at him with pure disbelief. "wait, wait, wait, what do you mean New God"

"Right Mundane, the new gods are the strongest exorcist under demigod rank and are believed to be the new 13 crowns if not surpassing them to achieve the fabled God rank. I can't believe you met one and even got recommended you must have some crazy level of talent."

"yeah...sure.." Kojo muttered as he followed after her, digesting this new information that he had received.


"Okay, here we are there will be a red hoodie in there for you, I'll be here tomorrow morning so we can head to the Academy together, bye Kojo."

Kojo responded as he watched her leave thinking back to what she said about 'New Gods ' as he did his mind wandered back to that night, and how the Albert guy beat the Dragon into submission.

"Just you wait Jake, I'll get strong as well and rescue you" Kojo muttered to himself before turning and entering his room.


New Gods;

This title was bestowed upon six Grandmaster Exorcists after an event that happened a couple years ago where they proved themselves to have combat ability way beyond their rank.

They are believed to have talent that would allow them to rise far above even the 13 crowns themselves.
