
Matriculation Pt 1

Today was the day, Kojo stood before a mirror wearing a red hoodie with his black sweatpants and a pair of Nikes.

Wearing the hoodie himself allowed Kojo to realize it wasn't a normal hoodie. It was made of some material that was comfortable to wear but had an insane level of defense.

Kojo didn't admire himself for long as a knock was soon heard. "Heya, you ready?" Abena stood before him her slightly tilted to the side with a wide grin on her face.


"Great, let's go. I can't wait, I've dreamed of this day for years" She began as they made their way out of the dorms and towards the Academy alongside hundreds of others.

With over a hundred people all wearing the exact same hoodie moving in unison, it looked like a literal sea of red.

"To join the academy?" "huh well there is that but what I really want is to attune my spiritual eye. "Attune?..." Abena just sighed and narrowed her eyes at him.

"It's disturbing just how much you don't know, this whole matriculation ceremony is basically to attune our spiritual eyes to Tumi. You do know what that is right"

"yeah! definitely haha" with a nervous laugh Kojo lied through his teeth, "well obviously we can't use that properly without the attunement that's why every Exorcist goes through this ceremony at least once.

The sea of recruits poured into the Academy and made their way towards a massive hall. As they made their way in, Kojo quickly took notice of the massive Devil's trap etched into the ceiling.

Numerous older guys in either a red hoodie or jacket with either two or three stripes on their sleeves, their eyes continuously shifted from recruit to recruit with the expressions varying with each person they laid eyes on.

The recruits had different responses when they realized the numerous eyes trained on them.

Some began to shiver with cold sweat running down their backs, some stood with their chest out, showing their best features and some just remained standing ignoring the people who were staring at them.

Kojo of course was in the first category as he had no idea what was going on, with Abena falling in the last category. Kojo continued to look around taking notice of a few special ones.

One kid's response was completely different from the rest with both his hands crossed before his chest with a haughty expression on his face, unlike everyone else this guy actually seemed to have a hint of disdain for the people watching them.

Kojo moved his gaze from the kids surrounding him to the platform before them, on the platform stood the old man he had seen before with a lady in a suit standing by his side.

The lady stood out amongst the crowd as she did not wear red clothing, rather she was clothed in a sharp business suit. With her hair tied into a bun with glasses propped on her nose.

Her whole demeanor just screamed business, and considering how she was standing up there with the old man, he reckoned she must be important.

The old man took two steps forward, and a podium suddenly grew out of the platform allowing for him to rest his hands on, as he began his speech.

"It is with great pleasure that I welcome you, students, to this Academy. Some of you may already know who I am, and some of you may not, so let me introduce myself. I am the current High Chancellor, head of this institute, and the Dean of this Academy.

When the first 13 put an end to the demon era they established the first academy, they did so knowing that the battle was not truly over and that the future needed capable Exorcists to fight against evil.

Today as I stand before you all I see greatness, I see raw talent. Talented individuals who would rise to meet all challenges.

This academy takes pride in training our students, based on the assumption that when you are ready to graduate, you will contribute meaningfully to our fight.

Our goal at this academy is to raise the best of the best and as I look at you today I sincerely hope you rise to reach the heights of the 13 crowns.

Now I think this has gone on long enough, so let us begin your attunement shall we"

A wide grin formed on his face as he slammed both his palms together as a seal began to form before him.

The seal took a few minutes to fully form but Kojo took no notice of the time as he was engrossed in the symbols drawn by some mystical force he could not begin to explain.

With the seal complete the space above suddenly began to crack producing crisp sounds which finally snapped Kojo out of it as he stared at the cracks with his mouth agape.

A massive pillar proceeded to descend through the rift that was now formed, from that pillar shot countless golden beams which fell on each recruit in an instant.

As Kojo was baptized in this golden light he began to feel something flowing through his body and all around him. At this point Kojo could firmly say, there was no turning back.