
Matriculation Pt 2

Amongst the stands, Albert stood with both his arms folded before him with both his eyes closed as always.

There was visible distance between him and everyone as the people around didn't dare to actually get close to him, he didn't mind it though on the contrary he quite enjoyed it. He enjoyed the lack of distractions as he focused on the recruits who would be his students.

'As expected of one of the Bennu clan ' Albert thought as he sensed one his students Tumi pool which was as large as an experienced Exorcist.

Moving on to the the others Albert gave a nod finding them acceptable but as he finally moved on to Kojo, his expression was one of shock with his eyes even trembling and threatening to open.

Albert managed to gain control of himself stopping his eyes from opening but he was still overfilled with shock. Something just wasn't right here, and from the expressions of the people around him some of the others had noticed as well.

Kojo was not just having his spiritual eyes attuned with Tumi, but it seemed as though his very being was being attuned as well. And what was even more strange was he had detected a massive pool of Tumi so large it was actually comparable to the Dean.

Albert focused on him once more but was unable to sense that unnatural amount of Tumi, but rather a pool that was average for recruits.

That didn't allay his concerns however and rather brought about questions, questions he needed answers to.

"Someone interesting I see" a familiar voice was heard causing to temporarily shift Kojo aside. "Shouldn't you be focussing on your own students?" Albert turned to the source of the voice.

Before him was a man who was wearing a pair of shorts with flip flops, with his red jacket draped over his shoulders, the sleeves possessing three stripes as well, showing him to be equal rank to Albert.

His hair was shaved low with a fade on the sides, his ever present cocky grin eliciting the desire to punch him in anyone who looked at it long enough.

"Oh I did, lemme just say they're awesome but I guess that's a given after all I'm their tutor" He cocked his brows at Albert who simply frowned at him. "What jealous, haha it's alright as none can actually go up against me" he burst out in laughter.

"Hmm, I seem to remember your recent defeat at my hands last month, Acquah"

Those words stung deep as Acquah remained frozen mid laugh, "that was luck"

"you say that every time you loose"

"Urgh" Acquah's lips began to twitch as he recalled all his defeats at Albert's hands. "Okay, so you might have won some of those fights. But that doesn't mean your better!"

Albert let out a sigh, as he expected such an answer after all he had known this guy almost all his life. "Since we are tutors now let's settle this another way" "how?" Albert questioned as he knew the was no escaping this rival of his.

"The class ranking is four months from now, so we will see which class gets the higher ranking. The winner will prove who is the better tutor".


"Hahaha my students will crush yours" Acquah burst into a loud boisterous laughter which caused the others to put even more space between themselves.


The attunement was finally complete as the Dean gave another speech before declaring it was time for the tutors to pick their recruits, as he disappeared alongside the woman at his side.

Kojo looked around nervously as the ones who had been observing them earlier began to jump into the crowd taking some recruits with them before leaving.

Kojo continued to observe as the large crowd of recruits continued to reduce in number. As Kojo saw more and more and recruits leaving with their tutors he couldn't help but wonder who his tutor would be.

He didn't know much of this world... heck he didn't know it existed until recently, so he was definitely not informed about these tutors enough to actually have a preference in mind.

That did not stop him however from imagining just how the person to be his tutor was like.

"...Abena Qwansah, Dominic Bennu and finally Kojo Asare" Kojo was brought of his imagination when he heard Abena's name mentioned and was even more surprised when he heard his name mentioned as well.

"It would seem we will be in the same class" Abena spoke, turning to face her Kojo realized even though she was speaking with him she wasn't looking at him but was rather focussed on something else with her eyes filled with an emotion he had only seen once when some kids laid eyes on some famous movie star.

Following her gaze he saw none other than Albert walking towards them with his eyes closed same as always, 'okay I definitely have to ask one day... how the hell does he see ' Albert thought to himself.



The source of all Exorcist power and the fuel for all their techniques and seals.

This energy originated after the age of God's allowing for the birth of exorcists amongst the human population.


A ceremony performed to allow for an exorcist to fully awaken their spiritual eyes as well as weild Tumi
