
Who is First

Kojo alongside three other recruits followed Albert as he led them through a bunch of trees, all he had said earlier after calling their names was to follow him to the training grounds. With no other words uttered the four recruits followed after him silently as Kojo continued to take in their surroundings.

Arriving at the grounds, they were surrounded on all sides by towering trees with the grounds he had earlier on assumed to be flat, resembling an arena of sorts.

Looking into the pit he recognized the weapons on the racks at the side and for a brief second Kojo couldn't help but think to himself, was he actually mistaken was this no training ground but an arena.

"Line up" Albert's words were heard, stopping Kojo's thoughts from wandering as he lined up with the others with his attention completely focused on Albert who know stood before them.

"I am Grandmaster exorcist Albert and I will be your mentor or tutor if you would prefer. My goal is to rid my family name of its shame. You are wondering why I brought you here... but first introduce yourself alongside you reason for becoming an exorcist"

There was a brief moment of silence before a voice was heard, "Dominic Bennu, I have only one goal and that is to be High Chancellor". Kojo turned to look at the guy and as he laid eyes on him the haughty tone in which he spoke was no longer surprising, the boy was the same one who looked at the tutors with disdain.

The boy who was a head taller than him and had unnatural orange hair that faded to red at the tips, his eyes were a mixture of gold and brown with his head tilted upwards it seemed as though he thought of everyone else as beneath himself with what seemed to be a permanent frown etched unto his face.

"Ehm... my name is Caleb Yirenkyi," The guy who stood next to Dominic started of with a nervous tone. He was for all intended purposes average with seemingly nothing about him standing out, "As for my reason well I just want to live a long life" his words elicited a reaction from Albert as he raised a brow seemingly in disbelief of his words.

Abena who was next in line bit her lips trying to hold in her laughter, "my name.." she took in a deep breath calming herself before she began once more. "my name is Abena Qwansah. My dream is to be like Maxwell Ampong and further develop the Art of science among exorcist" as she mentioned the last bit her lax attitude disappeared with her voice replaced with one of determination.

And finally it was his turn, all the other recruits moved their eyes towards him awaiting his introduction. " My name is Kojo Asare and...", Kojo came to a halt as the memories of that night flashed through his mind once more. He tightened his fists as his nails began to dig into his palm, Abena who was right next to him noticed all this causing a frown to appear on her face.

"I became an exorcist to do only one thing, to kill the Dark Dragon" his words caused various reactions amongst al those present. Abena looked at him with disbelief, Caleb on the other hand looked at him like he was insane and Dominic who had been giving everyone a haughty look, looked at him with what seemed to be rage.

Albert though.... well it was a bit hard to read what he was thinking considering he had both his eyes closed and all. "Exorcise the Dark Dragon" "What" "We are exorcists. we don't kill, we exorcise"

"Now that introductions are over I brought you all here to get to know you", "What? you are saying you brought me here just to listen to these nobodies talk?!" Dominic spoke up with his anger barley disguised. "Getting to know an exorcist has nothing to do with words but their measure of skill."

A sound drew all their attention to the pit where a massive door opened and revealed a pitch black slab of some material, the surface began to ripple before a crack was formed.

From that crack a clawed hand first came through followed by the rest of the creature which looked like some tortured ghost straight out of a horror movie. "Each and everyone of you is going to face one of those and show me just what you are capable of, and note once you are in there I won't interfere no matter what until either the creatures or you are dead."

Kojo looked at Albert with wide eyes with a look that seemed to say, 'please tell me you are joking', but Albert completely ignored him and shifted his focus to Abena who had her arm raised.

"Grandmaster Albert we haven't gotten our Arts yet"

"I know, I want to know, what the you now is capable off. So who is first"