

The four recruits remained still with confused looks etched upon their faces, all except Dominic who simply smirked and took a step forward.

His actions drew the attention of all the others who stared at him with curious eyes. "hehe... is that it", Dominic chuckled as he came before Albert staring him in the face with a wide grin.

With a grunt Dominic leaped off into the pit, creating a cloud of dust with his landing. The tortured ghost immediately after sensing his presence charged straight at him.

"Pathetic" Dominic took to the sky with flames from his feet allowing him to easily leap over the creature. Landing in a stance Dominic simply stretched his palms out, they both caught aflame as he looked a the creature before him with a wide grin on his face, his entire posture screaming arrogance.

[ Breath of the Phoenix] Dominic called out as he brought his palms together and let loose a breath which spat out enough flames to devour the creature leaving nothing but ash.

Kojo eyes widened as he saw that, "Those flames... just what you would expect from a member of the Bennu clan" Abena let out a whistle which caused Kojo to look others who were at the side.

Abena looked down at Dominic but he didn't find the shock he expected to see in her eyes, Rather all he found was clear interest in her eyes and on the face of the boy who called himself Caleb, Kojo saw and expression that could only be described as 'as expected'.

"Who is next?" Albert questioned as Dominic made his way back, he locked eyes with Kojo as he did so giving him a challenging look, which only served to confuse Kojo. Before he could ponder on the look anymore though Abena simply smiled as walked into the pit different from Dominic who just jumped straight in.

After she had made her way into the pit Albert simply nodded before uttering the words "begin", with those words the slab had another ripple before another creature similar to first one made its appearance. Laying eyes on the creature Abena lost her earlier carefree attitude as she entered a battle stance and moved her one of her hands into her backpack.

All the other recruits watched her actions with curiosity as they waited to see what she would do next.

Just like its predecessor the creature charged straight for Abena once it took notice of her presence. Its speed was truly remarkable as it closed the distance in but a few seconds, with the creature only a few meters away Abena pulled out something which resembled a small bronze ball to the others.

Abena quickly threw the ball at the creatures feet, *Bang* the ball exploded as it made contact with the ground producing a mist. The creature le tout a harrowing scream as it made contact with the mist before it, taking advantage of this Abena pulled out a vail containing some blue liquid and doused herself in it.

After doing so she began to sprint to the other side at a speed that would put Olympic runners to shame. The creature who was now free from the mist chased after her an all fours letting out a rage filled roar, its speed had reduced drastically though compared to earlier.

Performing a sharp turn Abena turned to face the creature who was heading towards her and pulled out three bronze balls, the creature seeing this was quick to move aside as it remembered what the earlier one had done to it. The balls simply fell harmlessly between them due to its sudden movement, Abena was quick to pull another vail this one containing orange liquid which she quickly gulped down.

The creature not willing to allow her escape once more leapt at her. Abena seeing this had a smirk on her face as she pulled out a lighter. "Jimi" Abena spoke as she lit her lighter the creature simply exploded before it could make contact with her, Putting her lighter away he turned to face the others with a wide grin before walking back to the others.

Kojo continued to watch her unable to grasp just what it is he had seen, sure Dominic's performance was amazing with him dominating his creature in one move but Kojo had seen how he did it, he didn't fully understand but he could say he partially understood but with Abena, he simply couldn't understand how she made the creature explode.

"How?" Kojo questioned as she returned to her position beside him, "The power of science, it is awesome isn't it" Abena looked to Kojo with an expectant look but before Kojo could say anything Caleb went down into the pit next opting to walk in just as Abena had done.


Jimi: This word is Twi simply meaning in English idiot.
