
Demonstration pt2

Kojo was completely focused on Caleb, so far he had seen someone spit fire, another perform God knows what so at this point he truly did not know what to expect.

Another creature similar to the one which had appeared earlier popped out and soon focused on Caleb.

The audience was curious on how Caleb was going to deal with the creature before him, when a chain of energy formed in his hands. "Sealing chains huh, I guess it's to be expected from a guy whose goal is to stay alive" Abena spoke up with a smile on her face.

"Sealing chains huh" Kojo muttered the name to get a feel of it before focussing on Caleb's battle. His strategy was similar to the others as he kept his distance using the glowing chains to seal the creatures movement before eventually taking it out.

It was honestly a boring much but Kojo heart was up in his throat as he realized it was his turn to step in there and face one of those creatures.

Abena began giving him words of motivation with Dominic simply staring with interest clear in his eyes as Kojo made his way into the arena. All other sounds disappeared as Kojo made his way into the arena with the sounds of his heartbeat overwhelming all others.

His eyes focused on the black slab that had began to ripple, and it was only at that moment that Kojo remembered he had no way to perform the things his teammates done. "How do you thinks he is going to do it?" Abena moved to Caleb's side nudging him which caused him to move aside trying to get out of her grasp.

"He'd probably use a simple technique" Caleb gave his answer trying his best to keep his tone even, the girl frightened him. He had originally hoped for a normal team, a team which wouldn't stand out too much. All hopes for that were tossed out the window when he heard Dominic's name, someone from the Bennu clan.

He was proven right as well when he had spat out those flames proving himself to already posses the family art, but Caleb thought he would be the only special one. Then came this wierdo who popped out pills and some weird concoctions which caused a spirit to explode, fricking explode.

"Hmm, I guess that's true" Abena spoke putting one of her fingers on her chin with her eyes wandering seemingly lost in her thoughts, " but you know I think he might use his art".

"Art?" Caleb turned to her with a brow raised with even Dominic focusing on their conversation. "You think he already has one?"

"Not sure but he was apparently brought here by our tutor himself, to have been brought by a grandmaster much more one of the new gods. He has to be special don't you think". Abena now seated on the floor with her head in her palms observed as the spirit walked into their world, the others could not argue with her and focused their attention as well wanting to see just what was special about their new team mate.

Kojo who stood but a short distance away from the creature observed the creature surprisingly not terrified, scared yes I mean who wouldn't be when such a thing appears before you to kill you but Kojo wasn't terrified.

He truly expected it to be like when he had faced the dark dragon but compared to it this thing before might as well have been air. The spirit had noticed Kojo and began to mindlessly charge at him just as its predecessors had done, Kojo quickly got into the stance he always used and simply remained put.

The creature soon got close and swiped at his head ready to rip it off, but Kojo timed its attack allowing him to move out of the way before delivering a strong punch to the creatures jaw the spirit stumbled allowing for Kojo to jump back looking at his fist which had made contact with the spirit, "what the?" Kojo was stunned by the force which had resulted from his punch he was almost certain that had enough strength to snap someone's neck with one punch alone.

Kojo was not alone in his shock as the spectators were slack jawed at that moment albeit for different reasons, "did that just... happen?" Caleb asked with pure disbelief, when Kojo had allowed for the spirit to get close he had assumed him to be a body enhancer but then he... "He hit the spirit relying on his physique alone" Abena confirmed they had all seen same her eyes starting to gain stance.

Dominic had lost the look he gave Kojo earlier and was now stunned not slack jawed like the others but surprised all the same. He understood what had happened and that made him even more surprised.

To be able to make contact with a spirit using ones physique alone was something only peak grandmasters above could do, but the brat was obviously not one which could only mean one thing this brat had a some sort of special bloodline like him. It made sense now, that must be why Grandmaster Albert himself brought him here.

Grandmaster Albert himself who was observing this was more confused than his students, he unlike them knew about the boy's background and he knew he did not descend from any exorcist clan so how in the first's name did the boy do it.