
"I assume you guys are the ones Fulton had warned me about, or at least told me ahead of time about," the man said, as he straightened out his jacket.

Brie lifted her hand over her head, which the sun glared through the sky, lighting up the little field. The grass was still swaying excessively from the blades' airy force.

"Yeah, you'd be right. But I don't think he warned you, I think he mostly informed you, to be honest sir," Brie corrected with mockery present in her voice. He nodded. 

"That's why I corrected myself, but I do appreciate the respect. I guess that's why Fulton loves you guys so much," the man said. "My name is Jack Jacksaw, and I'll be attending to you guys for the time being here. Let's get inside before your enemy corporations decide to bomb us."

"Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they did," I could hear Hans mutter from behind, which a laugh escaped my throat, but I managed to catch it.