
"Lord have mercy, talk about a trend," Greg criticized, as we walked over to the swimming pool area, which immediately men began to flash their curious eyes at us. My mouth was not ready to move yet, being that the horde of people in this place was so great.

Then, Hans bent down as he locked his eyes on a blonde guy with a skinny jaw with slicked hair, and then he asked, "Hey, when's the game happening?"

"In a few minutes, I assume you're new?" he asked, his French accent thick. "I can speak all languages by the way."

"I can speak most," Hans said with a little bragging hint in his voice. "Can't wait for it. How does it work?"

"Well, there's a series of people that race. It's basically a tournament, but everyone is just too dumb actually know how it works so we just get that guy over there," the man educated, which then he pointed to a guy with black slicked back hair, wearing very colorful shorts who was holding a paper..