Prologue 1 The Beginning

This story takes place in the year 10,000 Earth is now a wasteland, the mankind has made a mockery of the planet given to them. One day the Gods descended taking back the earth, under their control, the Gods decide to make all humans into full-bloods. Full-bloods are humans bound to a god they worship in their factions. five gods are ruling over the earth, and the continents have merged forming Gaia. Split into four factions controlling with their powers. Rio God of Hatred rules the north with an iron fist, destroying everything and anyone that doesn't follow his rules. Zydis the God of earth and the son of mother nature Lady Ella, Zydis rules the south and he hates humans for what they did to his mother destroying her lands. In the south natural disasters changed the area making it hard to live and thrive. along with the harsh environment, mutated beasts and monsters roam the south.

Igen is the God of Strength, in the east is the most and by far barbaric land only the strong survive that is that only rule. and the last God is the one that rules over the other three, Ialdin the God of Life and Death living in the west Ialdin has final say over those who live and dies, even the Gods respect him knowing that he could kill any of them at any time. In this new world of Gods and monsters, can the world survive the new changes under God's rule?

We follow the life of Bjorn Elfwin, starting with his mother a human woman who didn't choose a faction after the Gods came and made Demi-Gods and the Full blood human. Living in the west she meets a mysterious man who she fell in love with, going into hiding she fell pregnant with his child. "I will disappear from this world soon our child will be the new hope of this world, he will walk a path that only he can walk. take this necklace it should hide your presence from the Gods" those are the words Bjorn's father says before turning into green energy dust floating into the sky. a year later Bjorn is born, and his mother is in a weakened state, "Sorry my child, for what I'm about to do will make your life even harder," she gives Bjorn the necklace his father gave her. right, when she takes the necklace off and her human presence is released.

Calvin feels the presence of the human woman "what is the presence I'm feeling...a human that shouldn't be, we kill all the humans that didn't follow our rule or join a faction" Ialdin calls the other Gods for a meeting in the capital of the four factions. at the round table, the four Gods sit, "I called everyone here today to let you all know that a Sinner has survived" shocked the gods laugh "Sinner? how can a human still be alive in this world?" Zydis says angrily "I don't know but there are many things in this world now so it is possible, go find a kill this human, and all of our problems will be handled," Ialdin says as he looks at the others sitting at the table...That is all I know about my mother and Father...