Chapter 1 Awakening

Somewhere in the west faction, a baby on the ground is covered in blood crying, as the yells echo in the forest a group of wolves approaches the baby with a hungry look. suddenly as they get close the baby releases an overwhelming force that drains the blood and life force of the wolves and is absorbed into the boy. three years later Bjorn Elfwin lives in the forest as a wild child. he jumps through the trees as the wind blows through his hair, he hears noises and dashes toward them. Bjorn hides in a tree looking down he hears "John come on we don't have time" Bjorn sees them unloading stuff into the carriage " let's finish setting up before dark" Bjorn sneaks down from the tree and goes into the carriage, looking around in the back of the carriage "clink" Bjorn bumps into a crate knocking something over making noise "what was that?" one of the people outside of the carriage says "I don't know go check it John" John sighs "alright" as he slowly walks around to the back of the carriage. Bjorn hears footsteps approaching and hides behind some crates "who's in there!" John shouts looking into the back of the carriage, beginning to climb in and see Bjorn hiding "oh my God look at you, how did you get in here?" John reaches his hand out towards Bjorn, and he bites John's hand "shh calm down" John reaches into one of the crates pulls out some bread, and gives it to Bjorn "here eat this" Confused Bjorn looks at the man not knowing what the bread is, John gets up and leaves the carriage and Bjorn grabs the bread sniffs it then begins eating it. "Hey what was taking you so long?" The boss shouts yelling at John "Sir there is a child in the carriage" John says "a child!?" his boss looks at h shocked "how did a child get in there!?" they walk back to the carriage and see Bjorn sitting eating the bread "what the!" John tells his boss "I think this boy has been living in this forest sir" John says "that can't be true this is the Forest of the Damned it's known for having monstrous Beast and bandits throughout here. this boy looks no older than four years old" the boss replies saying to John "well what are we going to do with him?" John asks his boss while looking at the boy "lock him up and finish our work the lord with not accept a loss of any material" John goes over and grabs Bjorn and puts cuffs on him then, three hours later they ride back with Bjorn in the carriage sleep. Thirty minutes later they arrive at the city gates of Vita, stopping at the gate a guard stops them "Identity yourself" he shouts at them "We are mercenaries hired by the Baron, we have finished the work he orders us to do" looking at them "alright go on" the boss ride through the town, shortly they arrive outside a manor. "stop" they are stopped, and a guard sends someone to inform the lord. after a few minutes of waiting a butler comes back saying "Baron Tasillin will see you this way" the mercenary boss gets down from the carriage and says "unload the carriage and bring the boy inside" the butler nods and a maid goes a get, Bjorn. the boss walks into the manor and hears a cold voice saying "Hello, did you finish what I asked you to do?" the Baron says looking down at a mercenary from the top of the stairs. "Ye..yes I have goods, they are unloading them now" Baron Tasillin smiled then says "Give him the money" a maid walks out with a sack of silver coins, as the maid approaches him the mercenary shouts "There is something else my lord, we found a young boy with black and white striped hair on our way back in the Forest of the Damned" Baron Tasillin stares intensely at the mercenary "A young boy? where is this boy?" nervous the boss says "the maid should be coming with him lord," The Baron thinks to himself while he waits "for a young boy to survive in the Forest of the Damned he must have some sort of special ability" after a few minutes a mid comes in with Bjorn in front of her " mhm so this is the boy you spoke of" Baron releases a little bit of energy asking they boy "What is your name!" shacking from the Baron's energy "B...Bjorn Elfwin" Baron Tasillin looks over at the mercenary and says, "I'll take him to give him some more money" Baron's butler nods "oh, and take the boy to the slave quarters. I'll decide what to do with him tomorrow" the mercenary boss bows repeatedly saying "thank you, thank you Lord" the maid take Bjorn to the Slave quarters were the other slave rest. "This is where you will sleep" the maid shows Bjorn a room full of bunk beds in a big room "go to sleep" Bjorn lays down and the maid leaves the next morning bursting into the slave quarters the maid shouts using energy to make her voice loud "Wake Up!" Bjorn is shocked getting up he sees everyone lined up, lined up are young kids and young teens. "We will be doing attendance everyone lines up" Bjorn gets in line, and the maid starts walking down the line with a clipboard checking names. as she walks down the line she comes to Bjorn " oh you must be the new slave we got yesterday, well you're going to have a hard time today hahaha. everyone follows me!" following the others outside to field with wooden weapons played out next to a man. "From this day forward, you will be trained to be Fighter for Baron Tasillin" looking from a balcony window the Baron watches as the Slave begin training "I wonder will survive this time, we lost quite a few last times and there is an interesting one this time." Baron Tasillin let out an evil laugh, and back over to Bjorn everyone holding two water buckets on the ends of a pole. "I am trainer Wells; the buckets I gave you all hold it for 3 hours. Do Not drop it you will be punished." Bjorn holds the buckets struggling a little bit "This will increase your endurance; we will do this every morning. this is only the beginning after 3 hours we will do more training, I'm watching" as time goes on Bjorn and the others start to struggle to hold their bucket. after an hour some kids drop their buckets and trainer Wells walks over to them and kicks and punches them in their stomachs. "didn't I say not to spill the water" Bjorn looks at trainer Wells and he sees Bjorn staring at him and walks to him. "You're the new slave the lord bought yesterday" trainer Wells kicks Bjorn in the stomach making him drop his buckets. Bjorn looks up at trainer Wells "Didn't I say not to drop the buckets hahaha" Bjorn growls at him "oh that's a nice look you got there" Bjorn gets up and continues to hold his buckets, after 3 hours trainer Wells starts the next thing. "Now let's move on to combat training, you will be training on how to use energy. Energy is something the Gods created after coming to earth, everyone's energy is sealed in their core. broken into Six levels by color from the weakest to the strongest level it is red, green, blue, orange, yellow, and purple. Unblocking these energy gates is how you get stronger" walking around the kid's trainer Wells gives them all a manual to learn energy "hold on to these but for now combat training begins, of you can land a hit on me you pass this part of training, but each person has to land on to pass" all the kids look around at each other than rush trainer Wells trying to attack him. Bjorn watches as the kids fail missing as trainer Wells dodges them. Bjorn dashes at fast clawing at him "oh your pretty good, way better than expected" jumping doing kicks and punches Bjorn misses trainer Wells. "hahaha great you probably don't even know that you're using your energy subconsciously, you already unblocked your first energy gate." trainer Wells pushes Bjorn to the ground "Stop you pass" with a confused look on his face Bjorn stares at trainer Wells. trainer Wells calls over a maid "take this boy he can already use his energy from his red gate, teach him how to read and write make sure to take his manual" the maid nods her head the grabs Bjorn taking him back to the manor "I will be teaching you" Bjorn nods his head....11 years later Bjorn is now 14 years old working as a bodyguard for Baron Tasillin. Currently training at the training grounds "Bjorn Baron Tasillin is looking for you" someone shouts at Bjorn "alright I'll head over there now" Bjorn responds leaving the training grounds and heading to the Baron's office. a few minutes later Bjorn arrives outside Baron Tasillin's door seeing two guards. "Lets him in," Baron Tasillin says and the guards let Bjorn into the office "Sit down," baron says Bjorn sits in front of his desk. " I will be sending you to the army, you are 14 years old if I remember correctly this is an opportunity for you to climb the ranks. you have skill this is needed in the army right now, so I hope you are happy for this opportunity" Bjorn bows saying, "thank you my lord of course I am thankful" Baron begins to pour himself a drink "there are demonic beast appearing, so the need soldiers God Ialdin requested that everyone send useful soldiers. I chose you along with some others, you will leave today when they get here, they will call for you" Bjorn bows thanking him, Bjorn leaves the Baron's office heading back to his quarters to pack up his things. In his quarters Bjorn thinks to himself "mhm joining the army huh...well it's better than being here. The Baron was right I can climb the ladder of rank" Bjorn waits in his room for him to be called, a few hours later a soldier comes knocking on Bjorn's door. opening his door the soldier says, "are you Bjorn?" the soldier says standing in front of Bjorn's door "yes I am" Bjorn grabs his things and follows the soldier outside the manor "get on the carriage we are leaving" Bjorn climbs into the carriage and he sees five others two girls and three guys. "Hello," Bjorn says to them sitting in the back of the carriage and sitting down. some of them greet Bjorn back and after a few hours of riding in the carriage, they arrive at the main camp of the Western disaster army. as the carriage pulls into the camp Bjorn looks around seeing tents, everywhere along with soldiers training and walking around. exiting the carriage guards escort, them to the two Doomed Corp areas for the recruits. Bjorn and the others are given a uniform to wear and shown to a tent to get dressed. after getting dressed Bjorn walks out of the tent to hear an overwhelming presence saying "come and line up" sending a shockwave stunning everyone. the soldier begins to run towards a stage and line up in rows Bjorn joins and lines up. staring ahead Bjorn sees four people standing on the stage with one sitting in a chair. "Good from today on you will be members of the Doomed Corp and soldiers of the western disaster army, I am your commander Knox these next to me will be your captains, captain Luke, Jane, and Yabo. staring at Commander Knox Bjorn thinks "he is strong, I can feel the power in his words" the commander says "soon we will be fighting a small horde of Demonic beasts, they have been appearing of late and the Doomed Corp first mission Is to handle this small horde" some of the recruits are shocked to have been given a mission so fast. "We will be putting you into the group, come grab a tag" the three captains walk off stage holding a box with a hole on the top "Line up in front of one of the captains and get a tag from the box"