Chapter 2 Fate?

After everyone grabs a tag Bjorn looks at his and sees the number Two on it "group one is being led by captain Jane, if you have a one on your tag go line up by her. this will be the same for the other groups, two is led by Captain Yabo and three by captain Luke" everyone gets in there with their captain. "You will report to your captain's orders not any other and follow their rules...That is all!" Captain Yabo his group "Come on we have a lot of work to do" Captain Yabo leads his group to his section of the camp, and a few minutes later Bjorn sees a bunch of tents. "This is where you will for now on, find a tent" Bjorn looks around for a tent as he sees people rushing to get one. Bjorn sees a tent he wants a walk over to it saying "This one" as he gets into the tent, he unpacks his stuff. Captain Yabo shouts, "Come grab your swords before you get comfortable" Bjorn sighs as he gets up and walks out of his tent, Bjorn grabs his sword and heads back to his tent as he is walking back Bjorn looks at his sword "This is a pretty good blade...I'm bored they said we will go on a mission soon." about an hour later captain Yabo make an announcement " everyone I have news, Training starts tomorrow we will be doing mock battle amongst yourself I hope you're ready." everyone is looking at each other because of what the captain said Bjorn thinks to himself "they look nervous this is just training there is no need to be scared" Bjorn goes back to his tent a rest for the day, early the next morning suddenly a loud rings and Captain Yabo shouts "I will give you all a few minutes to get dress and ready" Captain Yabo sits on the stage. "We will be doing combative training, as you see these wooden weapons. You can use these or bare hands the choice is yours, there is a number on the back of your tags that is called come up on the stage and fight. The winner will get extra food tonight." Bjorn checks his tag "I am 16, it seems he is doing this to check how strong everyone is. this is a great opportunity to test my strength" as time goes by people's numbers are called and they go up to fight. At the same time at the capital of the western region, God Ialdin is talking to God Riorr the God of the north, "Riorr, the small horde of demonic beasts making trouble by our border. I will be sending soldiers to deal with them soon." God Ialdin tells God Riorr "Good the damn beast has been messing with my cities, they need to be destroyed...oh, and Ialdin you remember the human women we had killed 14 years ago?" Riorr tells Ialdin " "what about that sinner!" Ialdin responds quickly looking mad "well I have found out that she was pregnant before we got to her and also had her child before we got to her" with a serious look on his face Ialdin says "What!? How did she have a child without me knowing, I don't feel the presence of the sinner's child!" Ialdin Shouts " I don't know I asked Zydis because he is the one who killed her, he would have known I don't know for sure" Ialdin Smashes his fist onto his desk scattering it into pieces" That damn Zydis can't even finish what he is told correctly, I have to look into this" back to Bjorn in the western disaster army, his number is finally called "16 and 20 please step up." Bjorn walks up and decides not to use the sword, also walking up is a tall guy with long brown hair holding a wooden spear. Captain Yabo says, "state your names before your comrade" "Bjorn!" "Elijah!" "Now let the battle begin!" Bjorn and Elijah get in their ready stances, Elijah suddenly lunges forward and thrusts his spear at Bjorn. Dodging to the left Bjorn counters attacks hitting Elijah in the rib and knocking him back. Elijah coughs and then says " Such wild reflexes" Elijah then smiles swinging his spear at Bjorn and hitting his forearm, Bjorn then grabs his spear twisting it making Elijah flip Bjorn and then put him in an armbar. trying to get out of the arm bar Elijah struggles, Bjorn's energy begins to leak out and Bjorn starts to squeeze harder. "Stop. That's enough the winner is decided" Bjorn gets off of Elijah "number 16 Bjorn wins" Bjorn is given a food pouch and then walks off the stage as he is walking Bjorn hears "Hey" turning around Bjorn sees Elijah walking toward him "your name was Bjorn right, nice fight you were great" extended his hand out for a handshake. Bjorn shakes his hand thanking him then goes am sits until the rest are done with their fights. Two hours later they finish the training Captain Yabo delivered a message to deploy now and ride out to Plawell " Urgent news we have been told to ride out to Plawell, a city near the border north from here it will take us 3 days ride from here. Prepare to leave in 30 minutes" Captain Yabo leaves to get ready and everyone rushes back to their tents to get ready. Bjorn head to his tent to get his sword, "I have time to meditate and refine my green gate" Bjorn sits and gathers energy for 30 minutes later captain Yabo calls "It's time to go all of you come a get on a horse and prepare to leave" all 33 soldiers mount up and ride out following captain Yabo. little later as Bjorn rides with the rest of the soldiers the ground rumbles make their way to Plawell. meanwhile at the western army Commander Knox makes his way to talk to one of the Death angles to get new orders. Commander Knox standing outside of a tent "Come In" With a warm yet chilling voice telling Knox to walk in, as he does Knox kneel and sees someone sitting "I greet Death angel Cordia" Knox says looking at a woman with golden hair and a faded white eye. "I Cordia the 3rd death angel am here with a message from God Ialdin, the horde of the demonic beast has increased in size. God Ialdin says to handle this without any problems...that is all." Knox gets up and leaves the tent "I hope Captain Yabo can handle the sudden change from the horde" Commander Knox thinks to himself. Over to the Doomed Corp "We will set up camp here go and get firewood then set up the tents, we rest here tonight" Captain Yabo says to the Doomed Corp. a few minutes later Bjorn finishes setting up his tents then goes to get some food in the cook's part of camp. Walking over Bjorn sees a line for the food and joins. "Sup Bjorn" Bjorn turns to see Elijah behind him in line "oh hello Elijah," Bjorn says back to him "How are you feeling about being on a mission so soon," Elijah asks Bjorn "well it's better than working as slave soldier for a household." Bjorn says to Elijah, shocked Elijah "you were a slave? how are you so strong?" Elijah asks, "I don't know, I just practice a lot," Bjorn says Elijah burst out laughing "your one weird guy" Bjorn gets a little annoyed Elijah puts his arm over Bjorn "you're a funny guy how about we be friends, your background doesn't matter to me" Bjorn Sighs "yeah I'll be friends with you even though your annoying" Elijah laughs. after eating and chatting for a bit they head back to their tents and rest for the night. early the next morning they pack up camp and continue riding to Plawell. Riding the whole way day without stopping they arrive sooner than expected, setting up camp in the woods close to Plawell but something feels off the silence in the air no animal at all. "Set up camp fast some of you check the parameter to make sure there isn't any demonic beast close." Bjorn is sent to help check the parameter with others. slowly walking the parameter Bjorn and another soldier, suddenly they notice a body of a dead soldier from the camp. Bjorn Shouts, "WE HAVE A BREACH DEMONIC BEAST SRE HERE!!!" as he yells that two demonic beasts appear charging on biting his companion and the other biting Bjorn's shoulder "Ahhh" Bjorn yells as he tries to grab his sword then Suddenly his energy releases itself Bjorn's eyes change turning into blueish green snake eyes. the Demonic beast lets go of him and his wound heals itself Bjorn dashes at the Demonic stabbing it with his hand and starts absorbing its life energy killing it. after absorbing its life energy Bjorn's eyes turn back to normal and Bjorn falls to the ground unconscious for a second then wakes back up "Huh? what happened?" Bjorn looks around seeing a dead demonic beast, also his dead comrade. The ground begins to rumble, and they Bjorn hears growling noises, Bjorn rushes back to the camp and sees dead beast and soldiers "Everyone gather and get ready the horde Is coming to be ready to fight!" everyone gets in position, and they start to see Demonic beast coming over the horizon "HERE THEY COME ATTACK!" The Doomed Corp charges at the Demonic beast, Bjorn draws his sword and rushes with the others slashing through the demonic beast. a few minutes later screams and sounds of swords hitting the hard skin of the Demonic beast. "This is more than expected!" captain Yabo says as they are surrounded by the demonic beast. "Death Wave!!" Swings his sword covers in energy slicing through some demonic beast and making an opening. "Everyone retreats we need to regroup!"

forced to retreat a few minutes later captain Yabo and what is left of the Doomed Corp, Captain Yabo asks what the casualties "we lost 10 soldiers, and 5 more are badly injured" a soldier reports to captain Yabo. "Dammit that was way more than the Intel said, everyone, that is fine and had no injuries come here" Including Bjorn, there are only 18 other soldiers that can fight. "Captain what are we going to do? one of the soldiers asks captain Yabo "We have to come up with a plan, if you already noticed those demonic beasts are smart, they didn't chase after us when we escaped earlier. we can't return until they are dead." Bjorn has a concerned look on his face and thinks to himself "is the only one thinking of himself, with only 18 of and he wants us to go up against an unknown number of demonic be beasts should leave a gather more forces."