Chapter 3 Chopping Block

Bjorn worries about the plan, while Captain Yabo is think aloud "I myself am a orange gate, you guys form a line behind me" Suddenly they hear more growls and roars can be heard from a distance. "Here they come anything the gets pass me kill it DO NOT LET THEM GET PASS YOU!" the Demonic come running savagely at them and Captain Yabo begins to channel his energy into his sword and release his killer intent towards the beast. Slashing through them as they rush him, few of the Demonic beast get through. "Some got through!" Captain Yabo yells Bjorn Titans his grip on his sword and swings cutting one and a half, seeing Bjorn kill one the others keep up killing the demonic beast. 39 minutes later everyone sitting on the bodies of demonic beast out of breath "Great you all did better than than I thought you would, especially you two Captain Yabo looking at Bjorn and Elijah, "Thank you sir" both of them says suddenly the whole area is filled with an overwhelming "What is this? Captain Yabo says Then the ground shacks as the heard heavy footsteps approaching here. "You killed all my's shame" a Arch demon shows up "The Gods sent some soldiers here? I was wondering why they weren't returning" Caption Yabo nervous says "An Arch Demon?" Bjorn and the other soldiers shake frozen in place from the sinister energy coming from it. "This is an Arch demon?" Bjorn says to himself "mhm only a few of you can even put up a fight, this will be easy" the arch Demon says and suddenly Bjorn's body screams telling him to move, Bjorn instinctively jumps back Elijah notices him and follows. the Arch Demon shoots an energy beam at them, Captain Yabo tries to block it but can't stop it all of the attack and the soldiers behind him get vaporize. "Damn You!" Captain Yabo yells Bjorn and Elijah barely escape the range of the attack surviving. "Oh it's looks like those two are nice bahaha!" the Arch Demon says to captain Yabo over to Bjorn and Elijah both short of breath from the shock of the sudden attack"If I didn't follow you just now I would have been dead like the rest of them" Elijah says to Bjorn while they look at the damage form the attack. "my body just move from the fear I felt...That Arch demon it's strong I don't know if we can even leave alive." Bjorn says to Elijah "What are we going to do?" Elijah says nervous thinking how to survive this situation. "The only option is to join Captain Yabo fighting the Arch Demon" Elijah smiles "you know that we are weak compare to both of them, Captain is at the Orange gate, your at green and I am am close to breaking into the green stage." Elijah says "if we lose Captain then we die anyway might as well help" Bjorn response saying to Elijah and he gives in, they both dash back to captain Yabo standing next to him. "we're here to help captain" Bjorn says The Arch Demon starts laughing "you think you two will be of any help haha" dashing at them The Arch Demon Captain Yabo slashing at him with his claws, Bjorn and Elijah both attack from the right and left forcing the Arch Demon to dodges back. "Break Point!" Captain Yabo steps forward with his sword raised above his head, channeling energy into it swings down at the Arch Demon cutting it's left arm off "Argh! That hurt it seems I underestimated you three!" The Arch Demon releases his demonic energy increasing his powers and his arm regenerates back then he disappears and reappears in from of Elijah kicking him into a tree "argh!" Bjorn tries to attack swinging his sword but is grabbed by the neck and is slammed into the ground making a small crater. Bjorn coughs up blood as he lays on the ground "Death Wave!" Captain Yabo swing his sword shooting a energy wave at the Arch Demon, forcing the Arch demon to jump back. Bjorn slowly gets back up stumbling trying to catch his footing. "Oh to get up after that your physical body must be great" The arch demon says, Captain Yabo looks at Bjorn breathing hard "Are you ok?" he ask Bjorn. Turning Bjorn seeing Elijah unconscious under a tree "Yeah...I'm fine" Bjorn Releases his energy and his eyes change into the blueish green snake eyes and Bjorn and Captain Yabo rush the Arch Demon. unleashing a fury of attacks together Bjorn and Captain Yabo attack consecutively, suddenly feeling a uneasy feeling the arch demon thinks to himself while dodging "Why does that boys eyes give me a bad feeling?" Bjorn rushes slicing the Arch Demon face hit in the stomach Bjorn is stunned, Captain Yabo knocks the Arch Demon back then uses a blessing "Divine Flame" a golden orange flame covers his sword as Captain Yabo swings his sword slashing the Arch Demons chest leaving a flame over the wound. "What...a blessing!?" Bjorn looks at Captain Yabo "a blessing?" The Arch Demon is nervous and makes some distance between them "I thought you had to have some form of special connection with the Gods, but your a soldier how do you have one?" The Arch Demon holds his hand over his wound on his chest and thinks to himself "My wound isn't healing, this is getting hard I have to be careful" Captain Yabo dashes at the Arch Demon "come on Bjorn!" as Captain Yabo rushes releasing a consecutive attack then Bjorn starts to gather energy into his body, his veins begin to bulge because he is reaching his limit but joins in attacking the Arch Demon. "Negative Force!" Releasing a foul energy the arch demon jumps into the air and begin to float " I'm done playing games" Bjorn starts to Coughing because of the density of the Demonic energy in the area the Arch Demon made. Captain Yabo covers himself with energy stopping the affects of the Demonic energy, captain Yabo swings his sword making a shockwave dispersing the energy fog. "That cursed blessing! you think that you can stop me!" The Arch Demon points his finger then gathers demonic energy to it charging an attack. Captain Yabo looks over at Bjorn then says "You need to retreat to Elijah with you tell the commander that arch demon appeared" Bjorn looks confused "What about you sir?" Captain Yabo stares at Bjorn with a intense look "I will be staying here holding the demon off" Bjorn yells at the captain "What!?" Captain Yabo punches Bjorn then yells "This is and order take Elijah and go!" Bjorn grins his teeth the dashes over to Elijah "your lucky to be alive man" picking Elijah up Bjorn run off. "Where do you think your going!!!" the Arch Demon shoots a beam at them "Your fight is with me!" Captain Yabo appears behind Bjorn Slashing the beam in half the rushes the arch demon with his Divine flame. Running away Bjorn heads back to the western army with the grave news. Hours later at night under some trees Elijah wakes up confused "!? what happened did you and Captain Yabo kill that thing?" Bjorn sits silent then says "Captain Yabo ordered me to grab you and retreat back to the Army" Elijah shocked "what!? then he fought that thing by himself?" Bjorn shouts "I know I had to run how do you think I feel, but we have to report the appearance of an arch demon we can't let his death be in vain." Elijah sighs saying "alright" Bjorn gets up and tells Elijah "Let's go we have to make up for lost time, you've been out for a few hours" Bjorn and Elijah continue traveling to get back to base. 3 days later Bjorn and Elijah arrive at the entrance of the army's camp, guards stop the for their ID tags "What happened to the rest of the Doomed Corp?" the guard ask "An Arch Demon appeared during the attack of the Demonic horde Captain Yabo sent us back to report this news" shocked the guards lets them through and take them to the medical area to get treated. later in the medical tent captain Jane come in "Bjorn, Elijah it's good you made it back but report what happened" Captain Jane looks at them intensely "Well the Demonic horde was way larger then reported stated, but we were able to handle it but that's when that Demon appeared." Captain Jane cuts Bjorn off saying "Are you sure that it was a Arch Demon?" Elijah response a little mad " of course it was our captain plus our group was wiped out!" Captain Jane looks at them with an emotionless stare "Great job making it back Captain Yabo will be proud that u made it and we handle that arch demon." Captain Jane leaves the medical tent, Elijah and Bjorn relax and rest for a few hours later they both wake up then talk about what to do now. "Bjorn what do you think they will do with us now?" Elijah says looking at Bjorn "I don't know hopefully they assign us to a different group." Elijah sighs "Just because you saved my life I will tell you my real name" Bjorn surprised "Real name?" Elijah nods his head " yes my real name is Roy Diamondback the son of Duke Diamondback, one the few chosen to gather with the gods in High society." Bjorn Shocked thinks to himself "A Diamondback? I have heard of his father before while I was learning in Baron Tasillin manor." Bjorn then says "Why did you come here under a different name? couldn't you have gotten better support" Elijah response"My father doesn't support me, he sent me here to get killed. I have a younger brother my father favors him over me wanting him to be the only heir, he inherited more of my father's powers than me" Bjorn sits quietly listening thinks "He seems to also have a hard life, he can't even use his own name because of his father" Then Bjorn says "Well it doesn't matter we're both here just trying to survive" Roy laughs "How about we become sworn brothers Bjorn?" Bjorn surprised says "you know I'm technically a slave fighter" Elijah laughs "Didn't you say that my statues doesn't matter so it's doesn't bother me that you use to be one your a solider now, we can make achievements that can bring us up in the ranks" the decide to become sworn brothers and get back in uniform, leaving the medical tent a guard stops them saying that commander Knox wants to see them. moments later they arrive a commander Knox's tent, "Commander I have brought the soldiers you asked for." the guard shouts outside his tent "Let them in" hearing commander Knox's voice makes them nervous as they walk into the tent. inside the tent they see commander Knox sitting behind his desk "So you two are the only survivors of Captain Yabo's group, I can't believe he died. The report says a Arch demon is leading the demonic beast?" commander Knox says to Bjorn and Elijah, Bjorn response saying "Yes sir it seemed to be on mission. It was holding it's position in Plawell, it only came out because we were killing the Demonic beast." Commander Knox then tells them "You will be joining Captain Jane's group, meet up with her and she will sort you two out...oh yeah be careful she is kinda a handful." Commander Knox's sends them away, moments later they meet Captain Jane. "So you two must be Bjorn and Elijah, for you to be able to Join my group I will be fighting the two of you in front of the others. this will be a show of your abilities so I hope you don't disappoint me later."