Chapter 4 Breakthrough

Captain Jane shows them around the area, then she takes them to a staged arena to get ready to fight Captain Jane. As Bjorn walk up he sees a crowd ready to watch them fight "You two ready" she walks onto the stage wearing brawling pointing to weapons rack. Bjorn walks to the weapons then thinks "I will use my hands the sword isn't good for me, let's comment with my hands." Bjorn walks onto the stage and Elijah grabs a spear and follows up. "Now before we begin this is your test to join my people, you two got to last 10 minutes fighting...Now let's begin!" the crowd of starts counting down from three "3..2..1!" Captain Jane dashes towards them and Bjorn releases his energy then charges at her. Captain Jane grabs Bjorn's shirt grappling him Bjorn spins breaking free, Captain Jane and Bjorn begin clashing. Elijah the attack thrusting his spear while Captain Jane focuses on Bjorn. Channeling energy into the tip of his spear, Bjorn leads her towards Elijah the he swings but she dodges saying "Not bad, is that all you got?" she parry's Elijah then covers her fist in energy punching him then throws him. spinning I'm the a Elijah uses his spear to recover, Bjorn comes racing in throwing a kick at Captain Jane knocking her back. Bjorn then throws a punch but captain Jane catches his fist "You physical body is amazing to be able to keep up with me,Time to get serious and have some fun." Captain Jane begins to raises her energy again pushing Bjorn back. "I have to do something to get Bjorn an opening" Elijah thinks to himself "Vortex Wave!" Captain Jane covers her hand in energy then wave them suddenly pulling both Bjorn and Elijah in. "Damnit" Bjorn says as he is pulled in but Elijah use this as an opportunity jumping into the air then throws his spear at Captain Jane at high speeds. Captain Jane stops her attack then let's out an shout enhanced by energy destroying the spear as it got close "you two only have 3 minutes left" Bjorn dashes in focuses his energy into his fist punching Captain Jane with a large amount of energy, knocking her back making a smokescreen block the view of the soldiers watching. suddenly they hear Captain Jane laughing through the smoke "hahaha great really great the two of you pass welcome to the Blue Diaster." Everyone starts cheering as the smoke clears, Bjorn and Elijah out of breath sit on the ground and Captain Jane walks up to them "You two are pretty strong, that arch demon must have been strong for Yabo to tell you to run." Captain Jane walks away "Oh yeah someone show them thier tents!" heading out Captain Jane goes over to Commander Knox tent "How we're the two I sent over to you Jane?" Knox's says to Jane as she walks into the tent with Commander Knox and Captain Luke "The fact that captain Yabo is dead is still a shock to me, those two you keep talking about did you confirm their story?" Captain Luke says to them "Chill out Luke I just fought the two of them, I know for sure they aren't spy's their still inexperienced in fighting." Right when they start to argue Commander Knox stop them "Stop the Death angel called for us we can't keep them waiting because of you two." leaving Commander Knox's tent they head over the Death angel's tent "I Commander Knox report with my Captain's" as they kneel outside the tent "Come on in we have lots to talk about" getting up Knox and the others go in and sit down. "I am Izvial the 2nd Death Angel, soon the Gods mock battles will begin. Ialdin doesn't want his army to lost to the others Gods." Izvial says to Commander Knox and the Captains "It's already that time...Then will we be joining the main army?" Knox response to Izvial "yes pick amongst your soldiers who will be worth bringing." back to Bjorn in his tent "I should meditate and try to make a breakthrough" Bjorn sits and begin gather energy as he close his eyes he sees his energy seal "I can see my green gate! it's close I just need to maintain thing energy flow. after a few minutes Bjorn starts to sees a dime Blue light from the 3rd level trying to appear. Energy starts flowing into his skin Bjorn's skin hardens creaking with blue light glowing throw it. grunting Bjorn holds back his yells of pain 15 minutes later Bjorn putter layer of skin sheds off, showing faint scales along with his hair growing longer. "I did it, I breakthrough into the 3rd level the blue gate. now I need to test what I can do, energy feels more alive. Bjorn leaves his tent grabbing his sword tying his hair up as he leaves heading to the training field. as he walks over to the field Bjorn stand with his eyes and is shocked as he a sees and feel the energy around him. "My senses are better than before, it feel like I can smell my surrounding...what is this?" suddenly someone shouts "Hey!" shocking Bjorn as he opens his eyes he sees tall guy walking towards him "Do I know you?" Bjorn says "Let's have a duel, I seen your fight yesterday I'll give you the honor of dueling with me." Bjorn gets little annoyed "sorry but I'm good" Bjorn starts to walk away to a different part of the training ground. "you think I'll let you walk away!" suddenly shoots an energy attack at Bjorn, blocking it Bjorn turns a releases and his eye turn into the blueish green snake eyes. nervous the tall guy starts shacking as Bjorn walks to him "I don't even know who you are but we are both soldiers of this army. if you think I am easy to push around think again." Bjorn stops his killer intent then walks away the tall guy collapse to the ground in fear then yells "I..I Conner will..make you regret your disrespect!" Conner is help up and carried away, Bjorn is practicing with a wooden sword thinking to himself while he swinging his sword "This also feels different now to, I can pull more power into my swings while minimizing my energy output." after some time later Captain Jane calls all soldiers for meeting. "Everyone I just got finish talking with Death angel Izvial along with Commander Knox and Captain Luke. soon the Mock Battles will begin, God Ialdin is forming a Company with us and the main army. Captain Luke's group will join ours then we'll leave heading to the main army camp. Bjorn thinks "Mock battle? this seem pretty serious If the Gods are involved, Join the main army is going to be an experience." Three days later Captain Jane and Luke join forces then heads to the main camp to Join the commanding group. as they arrive Captain Jane and Luke meet Major Fin. "Hello I am Major Fin I will be leading this company, in 40 minutes we will ride out to the Continental Stadium in Flento it will take a few days to arrive there." Everyone sits around relaxing. untill they leave Bjorn walks over to Elijah "Hey Elijah, can I ask you something?" "yeah what's up" walking to the side Bjorn and Elijah talk "what is this mock battle?" Bjorn ask "well it is a gathering for the Gods to compare their forces, having them compete in Life or Death battles in the Continental Stadium" Elijah says explaining to Bjorn. "Life or death matches? so the loser die?" Bjorn says shocked. after a few moments Major Fin yells "Everyone get on your horses and get ready to ride out!" everyone mounts up and leaves for Flento. In Flento at the Continental Stadium the Gods meet to talk, in their chairs above the stadium in the air they sit "its good to see everyone, I take it that you all have finished preparing your company for this years mock battle" Ialdin says "Ialdin yes my soldier form the east are almost here" God Igen response saying " I want to know what happen to those demonic beast Ialdin?, I lost a whole town near my border." God Ialdin sighs "I told you that the situation got out of hand, an Arch demon appeared" God Ialdin says " an Arch Demon? are the dimensional riffs getting worse, I thought that only low ranking demonic beast could only get though." God Zydis says to them "yes I thought the same but it seems the demons are planning something big." The next day back to Bjorn riding with his company making their way to Flento, "We will be arriving at Flento by tomorrow, let's set up camp up ahead." at the same time in a different location in the north a dimensional rift open and large group of Drow's exiting it as the come out a voice tell them something from inside of it "Go my children and kill all that lives under the sun along with their allies" all the Drow's bow holding a spider necklace then dashes off. in the northern region also riding to the continental stadium, the north Gods company is stopped by a group of demonic Drows "Who are you identify yourself!" The Major of the North company yells the drow's dash attacking them "Prepare for battle, kill them!" the Major says some of the drows up in trees throws a wave of throwing knives "Incoming Dodge!" surprised by the sudden attack some of the soldiers are dead or injured from the knives. The Company major think to himself "We need to retreat towards the border, I can't risk losing more soldiers before we even get to the continental stadium." "Retreat follow me!" the Major yells as he runs west. hours later Bjorn sitting near a campfire rest then Bjorn and others suddenly hear noises. Major Fin yells "Everyone get up something is approaching us prepare yourselves!" Bjorn gets up and grabs his sword, standing quiet they hear footsteps getting closer and closer then emerging from the bushes the northern company half of them I injured and tired. Major Fin walk over to them "I am Major Fin, what happen why are you in the western territory." Major Fin asks the Company major. "I am Major Eren, we were ambushed my demonic beings, they forced us to retreat I didn't have any option but to cross." "Demonic beings not demonic beast?" Major Fin replies saying "yes I don't know a rift must have opened letting demonic being out, they were a type of demonic elf." Major Fin has a worried face and thinks "If they were forced to retreat those demons must have been strong." "you can rest with us if those demon show up then we will face them will you." Major Fin say to the northern company major, "Thank you" Major Eren bows then lead his soldier to a empty spot in the camp and sits. "Each Captain send two soldiers to patrol the perimeter of the camp." Major tells the other captains in his company. sending four soldiers to watch Bjorn, Elijah from Captain Jane's group then two others from Captain Luke's are chosen a women and a guy to patrol the camp. some time later they hear the sound of sword clashing, they hurry over and sees the other soldiers That were patrolling also being attacked by demonic beings. Running over they start to feel a strong demonic energy "How didn't we feel this energy before getting this close!?" Bjorn says Elijah rushes over swinging his spear making them sleep back as the arrive "How did demons show up without us knowing?" Bjorn ask the female soldier as their surrounded sher replies saying "They just appeared out of nowhere, I think they can suppress their energy so that must be a form of scouts" with an intense pressure building the demonic beings talk to each other then start to attack.