Chapter 5 Demon Hunting

in the darken forest swords clashing Bjorn and three others soldiers fight against demon beings. attacking in formation dashing in and out, strangely Bjorn starts noticing that he isn't being attacked with the intent to kill. Thinking to himself " !? why are they only going for them?" one of the soldiers gets stabbed in the back piercing his heart "We need to get back to the camp we can't handle them by ourselves" Elijah shouts. Bjorn, Elijah and the northern female soldier run towards the camp. as they run away the Demonic beings throw knives at them, suddenly a whip chain is hooked on Bjorn's foot pulling him back. Bjorn falls to the ground then is dragged back "Bjorn!!" Elijah yells turning back Elijah tries to grab him. the demonic being dash blocking Elijah from getting to Bjorn "Leave me Elijah inform the captain's!" Elijah grits his teeth the continues to run away. the demonic being then surround Bjorn and start talking in a language he can't understand, one points at him. Suddenly Bjorn is knocked out and draged away, a few moments later Elijah and the female soldier from the northern company arrive back at camp and he shouts. "Demons! they have showed up a large group!" Major Fin and Eren rush over to Elijah "What happen explain the situation?" Major Fin shouts out of breath slouching over Elijah sits down then replies saying "as we were patrolling, Bjorn and I heard fighting this women and her partner were being attacked by demons the had pointy ears and darken black skin"

Shocked major Fin says "where is Bjorn? I don't see him?" Elijah walk up to Major Fin with a upset look on his face "they must have taken him sir" hours later Bjorn wakes up being carried by the demonic beings in a unknown place that doesn't look like earth. "Where is this? where are you taking me!" Bjorn yells but the demon stay silent as they ignore Bjorn they arrive to a giant pit. taking Bjorn the demons jumps down into the giant pit, as they land Bjorn sees huge webs all over the walls of the pit and demonic spider sitting all around. Suddenly an overwhelming voice with a dominating pressure says "Who is it you have brought to my home my children?" the demons kneel and in the dark tunnel in the back of the pit the sound of heavy thump in the distance. the ground rumbling Bjorn is nervous as he waits hearing the unknown sound getting closer and closer. appearing out of the darkness Sor'gol a huge women with the lower body of a spider "oh I feel a faint demonic energy coming from but you look human...mhmm interesting. how is it that a demon is living in the human realm with the gods?" Bjorn looks confused "I'm not a demon!" Bjorn yells at Sor'gol walks closer to Bjorn and leans down

"oh it seems your a half- I'll help you awaken" Sor'gol reaches one of her spider leg towards Bjorn. The demon drow's hold Bjorn in place "what are you doing let me go!" touching Bjorn's chest Sor'gol sends a surge of demonic energy through Bjorn. suddenly a sinister green energy starts to gather towards Bjorn "Ahhhhhhh" surprised Sor'gol notices something familiar about the energy coming from Bjorn "I have felt this demonic energy before but when was it mhmm.....Oh I remember this sinister energy is from the Leviathan Clan those descendants Serpent Dragon I thought they all died off" the demonic energy flowing from Bjorn starts to get reabsorb into his body. Bjorn's eyes change I to the blueish green snake eyes and his skin starts to to grow scales and claws. "Wonderful! the fact that I found the last descendant of the Leviathan Clan what Luke I have" after the swirly energy stop Bjorn turns back to normal then falls unconscious. Sor'gol smile while looking at Bjorn "Go tell the other commanders that I found a descendant of a lost demon clan" Sor'gol tell her children "yes mother" they repsoned. in the human realm the North and West Companies make their way to the continental stadium. after a few days the companies arrive at Dutch the city that houses the Continental Stadium. Major Fin and Eren leads there groups to Continental station, the meeting place for the representing groups from each Gods army. as the north and west arrive at the station, Major Fin and Eren talk to each other "This is a problem we both have lost members of our groups, we need to report to the Gods let head to the temple to send a message." Major Fin says to Eren "That's a good idea if Gods Ialdin and God Riorr know about the demons being this close to Dutch. those demon must have came through a dimensional rift in the North because they ambushed us" Major Fin and Eren leave going to the temple. back to Bjorn in the Demon realm Bjorn wakes up hanging wrapped in Spider webs, looking around confused he body start to throb causing Bjorn extreme pain "Argh!!" appearing faintly Bjorn sees the demon from before he passed off "What's wrong with my body!?" he yells at her Sor'gol let's out a loud laugh "It seems you don't know what you are" Sor'gol tell Bjorn. confused Bjorn replies "what I am?" "you are a Demon a rare one in fact, your an descendant of the great Leviathan Clan all are gifted with powers from the great Serpent Dragon the Primordial beast of darkness and chaos. we thought they disappeared but who who would believe that one escaped to the human realm." Bjorn is surprised by what the demon in front of him is saying "Your emerald blue snake eyes are only one of the signs that you are a descendant of them. have you experienced the life draining poison energy the Leviathan beast can use?" Bjorn shocked thinking back to the times his energy reacted on its own to drain the life of beast then he think to himself " am I a Demon? Leviathan Clan? I know mother was human it doesn't make sense." then shouts "How can I be a demon?" Sor'gol replies "I don't know, what about your father?" Bjorn tries to remember about his father " I don't remember much about my dad, all I have from him is a necklace my mother left me." Sor'gol cuts Bjorn down and he falls to the ground "Show me the necklace, oh and don't think of running my children are watching" turning around large spider on the wall and webs looking at him. Bjorn pulls out a necklace with a Black and green snake eating the world. as Bjorn pulls this out Sor'gol sees it then releases an overwhelming killer intent at Bjorn. "Wha...what is it!" Bjorn takes a steps back suddenly the killer intent stops "I will let you go this time" Sor'gol swings one of her spider legs slashing the air opening a dimensional rift back to the human realm. "you should find out about your origins half breed, next time we meet I don't know if I can help you" Sor'gol throws Bjorn into the rift back sending Bjorn back, appearing in the middle of the forest. "Damnit what am I suppose to do now?" Bjorn starts trying to enhance his body with energy but suddenly a wave of demonic energy begins flowing shocked Bjorn stops "was that demonic energy?" Bjorn tries again and Demonic energy surges out again but suddenly pain rushes through Bjorn making him let out a roar fused with demonic energy. put of breath on his knees Bjorn say "this is bad I can't return to the army having random outburst of demonic energy that I can't control." Bjorn begin to look around "it's colder than this the west still? just where did she let me out at?" Bjorn heads southeast trying to make his way back to his company. "i need to check my energy seal, something is wrong with my energy." in Dutch at a temple Major Fin and Eren send a message to the gods, letting them know the situation of both the western and northern companies. "God Ialdin this Major Fin on our way to Dutch, demons attacked us and the northern company one of or Soldiers was taken." Major Fin says in front of four statues of the Gods. after a few minutes Major Fin leaves the temple heading back to his company. by the entrance of Dutch a loud explosion goes off "!? what was that?" hearing screams as people run pass him Major Fin dashes towards the noises. when he arrives major Fin sees a wave of demonic Spider hissing and killing people as the large Demonic spiders push into the city. "What is going on?" Major Fin sees dimensional rift with demonic spiders coming out. Major Fin run drawing his sword cutting through some demonic spiders moments later the rest of the western and northern companies arrive and begin fighting the demonic horde. suddenly the city Dutch now is under threat from the attack from these demonic spider "What's going on? how did these just appear?" captain Jane yells at Major Fin "a dimensional rift opened up in front of the city, we can't lose this city" as Major Fin finishes replying a overwhelming wave of divine energy burns and evaporates the Demonic spiders in the city. in the sky floating Ialdin the God of the west "What is this? when I got the message about demons near Dutch I didn't think that they would attack us so openly." God Ialdin flies over to the dimensional rift raise his hand to it, covering his hand with pure divine energy grabbing the fabric of space around the rift shutting the rift close dispersing the Demonic energy. "How dare you appear here!" looking down at the city God Ialdin vanishes from the sky. "I didn't think God Ialdin would appear himself to deal with this." Major Fin with a surprised look, shocked Captain Jane says "I have never felt that much divine energy before." Jane says Major Fin sighs then says "Thing are about to get out of hand." back to Bjorn somewhere in the northern region Bjorn sitting on the ground checking his energy seal "The center of my energy seal is now surging with demonic energy, I can still use my normal energy but I have to get my demonic stuff under control." Bjorn takes his army ID and the identifying pieces of clothing off throwing them on the ground then continues to walk. "I have to find a place here that demonic energy is present" suddenly the sky rumbling it starts to rain, pouring down Bjorn searches for a place to shelter himself from the rain. moments later dashing through the tree Bjorn find a cave ridge. "That's a good place to shelter from the rain"