Chapter 6 Demonic Manifestation

After finding the cave ridge Bjorn shelter himself, taking his clothes off to let them dry while the rain does down. Bjorn sits down and close his eye then thinks "that demon seemed to know about this necklace that mom left me" holding the necklace in his hand Bjorn starts trying to channel the demonic energy, the energy swirl inside of Bjorn warming his body as he channels it then suddenly he isn't able to control the amount of demonic energy he can handle and his veins all over his body start bulging "Argh!" Bjorn's bones start breaking and reconstructing itself. Bjorn's eyes begins changing while growing fangs, he let's out a hissing roar enhanced by demonic energy. "Ahhhh!" the sound of Bjorn's bones breaking echo throughout the cave while it storms outside. the ground begins rumbling then bursting out destroying a giant Demonic serpent dragon with black and green scales. letting out another hissing roar then goes crashing through the forest wildly, destroying everything I'm his path. Bjorn now in the form of a demonic beast is near the town Doveport, as he get close Bjorn see a carriage on a road goes to attack. "WHAT IS THAT!!!!" releasing killing intent alone with a deadly demonic gas, Bjorn goes through eating and killing people. Guards from Doveport rush to attack Bjorn "Did a dimensional rift open near here? how could something this dangerous." he says to another guard near him, they land hits on Bjorn cutting through some of his scales. Bjorn let's put another Hiss then retreats into the forest heading east....The next day later in the day Bjorn wakes up in the middle of the forest near a mountain range. "Huh...where am I? what happened" turning around Bjorn sees part of the forest that is destroyed and wrecked leading to were he is standing. "What have I done?" Bjorn think "all I remember was being in the cave trying to channel demonic energy, I felt a sharp pain in the chest then I blacked out." walking alone the damage trail and sees a huge footprint "What is this?" looking down Bjorn sees claw like talon paint. "!?" nervous Bjorn run towards the mountain range in the distance hoping to hide for a bit. back at Dutch the Gods hold a meeting about the recent events "There has been a sighting of a large demonic Beast near doveport, Ialdin what is going on I though you said that the demon couldn't make dimensional riffs as frequent as they are doing it now." Riorr the God of north says angry because of the damage done in his region. "calm down Riorr nothing happen that would make it a big deal" Zydis says in an instigating tone "Shut up Zydis, you are so annoying tell me why we have him here when we can have his mother here instead." Riorr replies "it is embarrassing to hear you too whining over something so trivial my Eastern region is one of the harshest environments here and you only see my people thrive for strength." Igen the God of Strength of the eastern region. as the Gods talk amongst themselves Ialdin thinks deeply to himself "Those people in Doveport said that a dragon like snake attacked the town...but here only demonic spiders appeared." God Ialdin then says "I didn't feel any other rift open beside the one I closed in Dutch, whatever attacked that town in your region Riorr wasn't connected to the demonic beings." back to Bjorn near the mountain range in the northern region, runs into wild wolves while making his way "Damn I don't have my sword" looking around wolves begin surrounding him growling the wolves release killer intent at Bjorn. one of the wolves lounges at Bjorn, stepping back the wolf bites his arm scattering it's teeth on his arm "!?" swinging his arm Bjorn throws the wolf back then thinks while looking at his arm, "What the? it didn't pierce my skin?" shook the wolves leave Bjorn after noticing that it won't be easy to hunt him. Sighing Bjorn continues on as he arrive at the base of the mountain range he sees a sign post reading "Beware of mutated beast and monsters" reading the sign Bjorn thinks out loud "I haven't seen a mutated beast monster before, I need to be careful up here" slowly making his way through the rough mountain terrain, "This will be the best place for me to practice my abilities, if someone of looking for me it would be hard to find me in here." after hours of searching Bjorn finds a cave deep in the mountain range, deep inside this cave is a pit that goes to a large carven. "woah now this great I can live here if I need food I can hunt it." Bjorn sits down and checks his energy seal "mhmm I am at green stage right now not something looks different about my seal now." bigger than before and with a pattern than normal a new outer dark ring. "What is this, that wasn't there before!" suddenly Bjorn's stomach begins making a growling noise " I need to go get some food" exiting the carven then leaving the cave Bjorn searches for a beast to hunt. 30 minutes later after leaving the cave Bjorn hear a loud Roar, echoing through the mountain range. Bjorn investigates the sound jumping into the tree Bjorn begin dashing twords the sound in the distance. as he approaches Bjorn sees a large Dire bear eating an unknown beast, Bjorn thinks "that's one huge dire bear, it's eating a fresh kill." watching quietly Bjorn notices something off about the beast the fire bear is eating. "What is wrong with at skin of the dead beast it's eating?" looking closely at the dead corpse of the beast Bjorn sees infected and old skin, something that shouldn't be on a fresh kill. " is that an mutated beast the fire bear is eating right now?" suddenly the dye hear start to seizure collapsing to the ground as some of his first starts to fall off showing large blisters on its hide. "this is bad, that dire bear is changing into a mutated beast." letting out another roar the newly mutated dire bear wildly charges attack the dead beast and eating it. Bjorn watching almost gags from the rotting smell, the mutated dire bear turns noticing the sudden sound. the mutated dire bear rushes towards the tree Bjorn's is in crash ok ng into it on nocking it down. surprised Bjorn landing in front of me the bear, it swings it's paw at Bjorn barely stepping out the way Bjorn dodges "!?" leading a claw mark on Bjorn's chest he holds his hand over his chest in pain as Bjorn steps back dodging another swing from the bear. instinctively be Bjorn starts channeling energy then suddenly the mutated bear charges taking him down to the ground trying to bite him, Bjorn reacts grabbing the mouth of the mutated bear stopping it from biting him. "Dammit I can't be eaten here by this mutated bear" as Bjorn struggles he suddenly let's out an overwhelming bloodlust as his eyes change to a bluish green snake eye, he suddenly grows fangs as he bites into the hide of the mutated bear injecting a poisonous energy into it. the mutated dire bear lets out a agonizing Roar as it moves away from Bjorn. suddenly overwhelmed with a side of bloodlust as he blacks out. Bjorn wildly charges bitting and ripping into it as it's unable to move due to the poisonous energy, killing the mutated dire bear. moments later Bjorn comes to covered in blood of the beast Bjorn gags throwing up chunks of meat from the mutated dire bear. "ugh !? wha...what did I do? I blacked out when the beast charged me." a warm feeling comes over Bjorn and his demonic energy actives on its own absorbing the rest of the mutated dire bear corpse only leaving bone remains....3 years later in the carven Bjorn now 17 years old is channeling both demonic and normal energy at the same time " I've finally figured it out! my demonic energy has a different energy seal than my normal energy. now I'm at blue stage alone with my demonic seal at green stage." after finishing gathering energy Bjorn notices a presence in the mountain range near him, also with a divine presence "!? someone is here? I haven't seen a person in a few years" Leaving the cave Bjorn head towards the presence. dashing through the mountain range Bjorn sees a Carriage being guarded by soldiers traveling

"The pattern on that carriage is pretty unique" looking closely he notices the northern God Riorr's symbol on the side of the carriage. "The northern God? he wouldn't travel like that, is that a Demi-God?" at the some time inside of the carriage a man with short red hair and pale white eye sits "I feel the presence of something near by...STOP!!" Vemion the son of Riorr shouts to the soldiers outside "Search the area! something is watching us." back to Bjorn he sees the soldiers dispersed searching the area. Bjorn thinks "Did they feel my presence?" as Bjorn looks away for a split second a suddenly beam of energy is shot in Bjorn general area. "!?" barely dodging the attack destroys the terrain next to him, "what in the world!" then Bjorn hear a voice "So you were the rat I felt watching." shocked Bjorn looks up seeing someone floating him the sky above the treeline, "who are you and what are you doing here?" Vemion ask Bjorn "I am just traveling, I've lived in these mountains for a few years" Bjorn says trying not to looks suspicious "Mhmm interesting" Vemion says as his eye let off a faint red glow "did you think you could fool me?" Bjorn confused looks at Vemion "I wouldn't fall for a demons tricks...Mighty Blow!!!" Vemion suddenly attack Bjorn swinging his great sword "Scale Armor!" Bjorn shouts and armored scales appear on Bjorn's arms as he blocks the attack "how come I don't feel the presence of a dimensional rift near by?.how did you get here?" Vemion ask Bjorn "I am not a Demon!" Bjorn shouts releasing a shockwave of energy knocking Vemion back. Vemion surprised by Bjorn " How are you using energy? no demon can use that type of energy" Vemion lunges forward swinging his sword at Bjorn's head, dodging Bjorn counters Channel demonic energy into his hand growing claw he slashes at Vemion cutting he face. "not bad your quite the unique one being able to use both Demonic and normal energy, but sorry I can't let you live." suddenly the soldier come running at Bjorn "Dammit!" Bjorn starts to dash away jumping into the trees as he tries to make an escape. "Your not getting away...Divine Skip!" Vemion disappears and suddenly reappears in front of Bjorn swinging at him again. "Woah!?" Bjorn dodges but misses his footing and falls out of the tree, hitting the ground Bjorn rolls to recover and continues to run. the soldiers swings their swords shooting energy waves at him, not able to dodge out the way Bjorn use his scale armor to tank the attack hitting he back sending him flying crashing into some trees. coughing up blood his vision blurry Bjorn struggles to get up, as Vemion and the soldier get closer he thinks to himself "(Coughing) Dammit what am I going to do?" looking up Vemion stand above him "you did pretty good for a rat running from the exterminators but in the end you still die" Vemion swings his sword down to Bjorn's neck and right before it connects, a wave of demonic energy burst from Bjorn sending a shockwave sending the soldiers and Vemion back. "What was that!?" looking through the smoke Vemion sees a pair of glowing emerald eyes. rasing out of the smokescreen a giant dragon serpent appears letting out a overwhelming hissing shrouded in demonic energy.