Chapter 7 True Nature

Turning into his demonic form, Vemion shocked to see such a demonic beast. "Watch out he's a demonic beast!" Vemion shouts, Bjorn slams his claw down smashing a soldier underneath it. "Damn you!! Mighty Blow!!!" slashing the side of Bjorn's body leaving a scar. Bjorn let's out a hissing roar, letting out a green gas from his mouth. Vemion walks straight through the gas "poison of this level does not affect me I am a Divine being it won't work on me Bjorn charges Vemion grabbing him with his mouth the flies into the sky then dive down slamming into the ground creating a crater. "ugh! dammit now that hurt, your on le crazy beast. hahaha I haven't had this much fun in a while!" Divine Rage!!!" suddenly a surge of radiant divine energy illuminates the area, burning the scales on Bjorn he let's out in agonize agonizing roar. Bjorn begins to try to escape flying into the sky heading deeper into the mountain range. "Your not getting away! Hostile Divine Smite!!" Vemion channel his divine forming a Bow in his hand, as he drawing the string an arrow made of energy appears. "Take this!" Vemion shoots the arrow hitting him in the back but he flies away. "dammit it got away!" looking around Vemion sees his dead soldiers "useless mortals now I have to head home myself" over to Bjorn moments later still in his demonic beast form arrive to his cave, crashing into the ground Bjorn goes into the cave into the carven deep inside. The next day early in morning Bjorn wakes up in excruciating pain with a hole in his back " Ahhhhh! dammit it (ugh) happened again at least this time my beast half saved me." breathing hard Bjorn think " how did he feel my demonic energy? it's the same with that demon women she new I had some demon origins." Bjorn. gets up and walks to a small water channel he begins to wash himself. at the same time in the eastern region near East Hallow an large dimensional rift opens, coming out of the rift a horde of hell fiends fly out of it burning the area as the move. heading west the hell fiends will soon arrive at Kamiraska. at the same time in a pocket dimension for the Gods, "My mother has just told me a rift has open in the eastern region, it's is destroying nature at a alarming rate" Zydis says to the others Gods enraged Riorr yells "My eldest son was just attacked on his way home to Norton by the same demonic beast that attacked Doveport years ago. but you know the funny thing?" Riorr replies saying to everyone "What" Ialdin says "that it was a young demon boy he transformed into the beast when backed into a corner." shocked Ialdin says "There wasn't an rift open near him?" God Ialdin replies "No Vemion told me it wasn't it seemed like he lived here, so I think the demon was born in our realm. this is shocking new to even think about. Riorr says "what type of demon are in land?" God Igen of the East asks zydis "My mother said that it is a large group of fire type demons" Zydis replies "this is two occasions on where this beast showed up when or before s rift appears." the Gods continue to talk amongst themselves, back to Bjorn in side the carven drying off he gets dressed putting on cloth and beast hide. "It's time for me to leave the mountain range" gathering some dried meat Bjorn leaves the carven exiting the cave, then he set off east leaving the mountain range. in the eastern region at the Eastern Stronghold the Executor Unit is having a meet to form a plan of attack "Yafal we need to send soldiers now, our land is being destroyed even more that it was before we have to respond." Madiir says to Yafal as he looks around the table "Madiir is right we should hold the hell fiend back as much as possible to contain the collateral damage." Mil'lynn says she turns "We have enough soldiers to do so, they will gladly fight for this land." Yafal sighs then ask " then we will take a vote with a show of hands, raise your hand If you want to send our forces to fight the fiends." three of the five people raise their hands Madiir, Mil'lynn, and Selina "it's 3 to 2 the majority wins so we will send out some of our forces, they are probably Kamiraska now so we have to hurry if we want to save the town." back to Bjorn in the forest walking eating a piece of dried meat, he soon comes across a road leading to a town in the far distance. after walking alone the road Bjorn sees a signpost saying Kilead this way with an arrow on it. an hour later Bjorn arrive at the town Kilead, Bjorn walk over an old ask a local "Hello do you know the way to the nearest inn?" replying to Bjorn "Yes, I'd you keep on down this road the business with the wooden lion sign" Bjorn thank them then continues on moments later he sees the Inn. walking everyone looks at Bjorn because he is barely wearing clothes alone with beast hide on his back. "What can I do for you?" the Inn owner ask Bjorn as he gets close to the front desk "I need a room for the night" Bjorn replies saying the Inn owner tell Bjorn that he need 2 silver for a room, reaching into his pouch Bjorn pulls out 2 silver coin handing it to the Inn owner. "here you go this is the key to your room, your room is upstairs number 20. "Thank you" Bjorn leaves going to his room, moments later in the room Bjorn flops onto the bed "(sighing) this feels great I've missed this" Bjorn goes to sleep for a few hours, back in the eastern region Kamiraska is currently being attacked by the hell fiends going through killing everyone in the town burning it. suddenly the eastern forces arrive being lead by Madiir "Kill them!! save any townspeople you find!"Madiir yells as the large forces of soldiers charge to battle the the demons. screams echo the battlefield as soldiers are taken burn and dropped back onto others soldiers. "be careful, don't get touch by them aim for their wings then go for the head!" Madiir yells organizing his panicked forces as they recover they start to get in a circular formation. Slowly rotating covering the person next to each other they accurately kill hell fiends without losing any soldiers. inside the town soldiers search for survivors throughout the rubble of the town. back to Bjorn in Kilead wakes up "(Yawning) man, that was the best sleep I got in 3 years" Bjorn get up and leaves his room, walking downstairs a groups of armed people are sitting eating. as Bjorn makes his way to the exit eyeing him one of the armed shouts "HEY are you one of those eastern barbaric idiots!" ignoring him Bjorn tries to walk away but the the guys grabs Bjorn shoulder "Hey I asked you a question" Turing Bjorn releases killer intent feeling the inside of the Inn "Let go!" nervous he let's go and stables falling. Bjorn continues to leave the inn stepping outside "What to do?" Bjorn's decides to walks around the town, not long after sight seeing he notices at poster that's says be on the loo out for a demon in the area Bjorn thinks back to when he fought the Demi-God in the mountain range. " I need some new clothes I can't keep walking around like this, drawing touch attention." Bjorn looks for a tailored shop moments later Bjorn sees a tailor shop and goes in, as Bjorn walk in the store owner she looks concern and walks up to Bjorn "um are you here to purchase anything today?" Bjorn looks then replies saying " I done have any money left but what can I get for this dire bear hide." Shocked the store that's a closer look at the hide he has " is this really a dire bear hide, just how did you get it?" "I killed it, so can I trade for some clothes I don't want anything that draw attention to myself." Bjorn says "mhm yes I can find you something, can you step this way so we can get your measurements." 30 minutes later Bjorn has new clothes and some money for his dire bear hide. "Thank you" Bjorn says while leaving the store then thinks "alright now that that is done let's head back to the Inn." going back to the Inn Bjorn arrive going straight to his room. "I should channel some energy for a bit" Bjorn gathers energy for a bit the goes to sleep for the rest of the day. Back to Kamiraska the town is left devastated the eastern forces stop the hell fiends but the town is destroyed "Make sure that there isn't any demon left in the perimeter of the town." Madiir orders the soldiers as the Madiir receives a direct message from Igen "Madiir my loyal warrior, great job stopping the Demons. I will inform you and the other executors about future plans." "My lord the town has been destroyed most of it is burn to ashes." Madiir says replying to God Igen "it is fine that town was only had weak ones don't worry about it." looking around Madiir is in disbelief that the Gods don't care for the lives of the innocent. to the Gods in their pocket dimension they discuss the plans of the future. "Soon the demons will launch a full scale invasion, I have gotten some information from the demon realm." God Ialdin says to the other Gods and disbelief God Riorr ask "How did you get information from that realm, if we even take a step into their realm that annoying demon lord would notices." Riorr says "he's right even though I don't want to agree with him." God Zydis says after Riorr "(sighing) a few years ago without anyone's knowledge, I used a death spell on one of those demonic spider that attacked dutch. letting it return I know I have a soul link to it, all the information the queen tells to her spider hive I now know." Igen let's out a laugh "I can believe you linked yourself with a lesser being like that." Ialdin get annoyed then shouts "SHUT UP are any of you doing anything to stop these demons. in the past 20 years demons have appeared move tham ever, so linking with that filthy creature was the only way to figure out that there is a war coming." as God Ialdin finishes Zydis shouts as he comes to a realization "I just thought of something Ialdin, remember that child you wanted me to fined?" "Yes, you still haven't found the child so I don't see the point of this" God Ialdin says replying to Zydis " what if that child was the demonic beast that has been appearing. if that is the case then. it would mean the reason we didn't find him was because we was searching for the wrong type of energy, instead of human energy we should have been looking for a demonic Force. God Ialdin has a shocked look on his face "mhm yes it was weird that that demonic beast always appears where there isn't a dimensional rift. so it has been living in this realm the whole time and the others are from the rifts." at the same time in the demon realm the The leader of the demon faction Volgath the primal demon lord is having a speech to his army " Soon, we will take the land of the Gods for our own, they think they can stop us and that we are lesser than them...well NO MORE!!! we are the superior beings they are scared of our potential growth. I also know some of you are worried about the Gods but my commanders and I will take them down you only have to destroy everything under the sun!!!"