Chapter 12 Decisions

shocked by what Bjorn just said "You can't remember?" Mil'lynn say back to Bjorn "Yes, I was dying all I remember laying on the ground if it wasn't the others that helped me then I don't know. I could have ran rampant in my beast form but Im not sure." Bjorn replies saying "Well death angel Hayyle want to talk to you, so in a few minutes get ready." Bjorn gets up covering his upper body with a cloth the,follows Mil'lynn. heading to Hayyle moments later he approaches a tent, "They are waiting for you inside" Mil'lynn says pointing at the tent walking into the the tent Bjorn sees the death angels staring at him. "Hello Bjorn, we were expecting you the angels and I want to know how you defeated the Arch devil." nervous Bjorn begins to explain "When we arrived to the town we felt an overwhelming demonic energy appeared not knowing it. we discussed if we was going to continue or not and we did, as we approach the city edge demonic Beast guarded the outside." Bjorn says "tell us more about the arch devil and you" one of the death angels says "Alright, so we we walked in into the town after killing the demonic beast we become surrounded by arch demons and standing in the middle of the road was a Arch devil. I used my blessing and rushing to it I was knocked away and knocked unconscious for a few minutes. when I came back seem Mil'lynn and the others were injured and our soldiers dead, I decided to tell them to retreat to inform the rest of the army. after clashing for a while I was stabbed in the chest and when I came to I was in the tent." Bjorn says Surprised Hayyle Izrail replies saying "you don't remember what happened, the scene looks like a monster rampaged through it!"

Izrail says "I could have went on a rampage in my beast form, but I don't remember it though." Bjorn replies "When you recover we would like to see your blessing." the death angels send Bjorn away, he goes back to the medical tents. flopping down onto his bed in the tent Bjorn continues to rest. meanwhile in the Gods pocket dimension they talk about the resent appearance "Those demons are getting crafty using spell using the blood of the people they killed to summon the arch devil." Ialdin says to the others Gods "it seems they are trying to hold this piece of land from us at all cost." Riorr replies saying "That demon boy did a pretty good job I thought he was dead who would have thought that he could heal and transform again." Looking concerned God Ialdin says "That power he used was something really dangerous, I felt him getting closer to death but suddenly that power he holds saved him." Ialdin says to the others Gods "What do you mean Ialdin?" Zydis ask "His powers are dangerously close to our power he has the potential to be harmful to us. as you seen during the battle he was dieing and his powers saved him own its own, forcing a transformation. that Arch devil seem to know about what that boy was, it makes me curious to how he is connected to them." God Ialdin says "Should we trust him? isn't he also the sinners child should we really allow such a thing to live here in our world." God Igen suggestions to the others "we could have killed him quite easily while he's injured it would make our lives much easier not having to worry about this demonic boy." Igen says "that is right, Ialdin you can have the death angels kill him, all soldiers I've been around him too long for us to try to have them do it." Riorr adds in "ever since that first appearance of him, demonic riffs started appearing right afterwards nonstop Igen's proposes a good idea." Riorr says to Ialdin, The Gods continue talking trying to come to a decision about what to do. back to Bjorn in the western army in his tents the next day, Bjorn looking at his body "My light wounds have healed, I can do some exercise." Bjorn begin to workout in his tent doing pushups and situps. To the the death angels the Gods sends them a message "Kill the boy, he is a danger to the world by order of the Four Gods destroy him." confused by the orders of the Gods Hayyle response saying "Has something happened? he has just returned from fighting demons a few days ago." Hayyle says replying to the Gods "Just do as you are told take him out of the army camp then kill him while his is still weak!" God Ialdin says them them. conflicted the death angels follow the orders of the Gods, They leave their tent heading to Bjorn. moments later in the tent Bjorn resting the death angels come bursting into the tent "Bjorn come with us form a moment, we need to talk with you for a minute." Bjorn gets up "Did something happen?" "No we just want to sees your powers for ourselves." The death angels take Bjorn outside the army camp explaining to him that they're doing this outside the camp so they don't raise any alarms. as they arrive outside the camp before death angels stand in front of Bjorn "show us some of your powers" confused Bjorn begins to channel his energy closing his eyes and suddenly Hayyle launches an surprise attack towards Bjorn knocking him back "What's going on! why did you attack me!?" Bring shouts at Hayyle, Hayyle turns to the others then says "I'll handle this no need to step in." releasing a wave of divine energy Hayyle steps to Bjorn, he thinks "What's going on are the Gods trying to kill me? damn I'm not fully recovered yet" not able to move due to the divine energy pressuring him down "Sorry Bjorn for having to do this but there isn't anything I can do." Hayyle grabs Bjorn holding him up in the air "God Ialdin strike him down for his sins!" Hayyle shout looking into the sky, suddenly dark clouds start to form spiraling above them generating energy. enraged Bjorn yells "Are you going to betray me! after what I have done i will make you regret this!" Bjorn tries to channel demonic energy but Hayyle stops his punching him in the stomach. hearing the God Ialdin's voice "Did you really think we would allow a demon to live among us, you probably didn't know but your mother was a sinner for loving a demon giving birth to you. I am just doing this world a favor erasing your existence." Hayyle throws Bjorn up into the air and suddenly after charging up in the clouds a yellow beam of divine energy pierces through beyond burning his body as it goes through. "Ahhhhhhh!" yelling in agonizing pain Bjorn falls to the ground with the whole in his stomach laying unconscious, Izrail looks down with a conflicted stare as he thinks to himself "this isn't right how can we do this, he help save peoples lives. a demon? from the looks of it there is more to this then the God are letting on." The death angels leave Bjorn's lifeless body laying in the forest outside the army camp. in the Gods pocket dimension the see Bjorn laying on the ground "The deed is done now we can focus on the demons coming through the rifts now." God Ialdin says, when they go to look at Bjorn again he is suddenly gone leaving a large blood stain behind enraged Ialdin yells "WHERE DID HE GO!!" shocked the Gods are in disbelief that he survives or was able to move. God Ialdin sends a message to Hayyle "Go back and search for him!" Confused Hayyle response "what do you mean he was dead?" "He isn't there he couldn't have gotten far...find him!" God Ialdin orders him, somewhere in the western region Bjorn slowly fading unconscious while being carried on someone's back. Hours later arriving to the forest of the Damned Izrail holding Bjorn "Man, I'm going to get killed for this. Bjorn I don't know what you are but right now the only one that can help you are the demons." Izrail says to Bjorn suddenly appearing from the shadows arch demons approach them. "Save him and Take him with you..." Izrail says pointing at Bjorn "He is Demon!" as Izrail says the word demon the faces of the arch demon look at Bjorn, stepping back Izrail begins to leave slowly. surrounding Bjorn the arch demon release demonic energy making it flow into Bjorn keeping him alive, they then take him deeper in the forest eventually coming upon a town. in this town the arch demon have taken over Bjorn is brought to a rift. Weeks later Bjorn wakes up wrapped in bandages in a somewhat familiar environment the thinks to himself "Wha..ugh..what in the world? this looks familiar hold on" Bjorn closes his eye then Feels the surrounding energy "This!? this is demonic energy and lots of it everywhere, this is the demon realm." looking around Bjorn seems to be in side of a cave like room lit with torches, holding his stomach Bjorn feels a deeps scar "how did I heal, how long has it been?" stumbling to get up Bjorn tries to leave the room walking to a old wooden door with hole in it. as Bjorn pushes the door open guarding the a demonic being, "you can't leave please return" Shocked Bjorn says "How can I understand you and where am I." The demon replies to him saying "This is the demon realm, you we're brought here about 3 or 4 weeks ago in critical condition. go back in I can't allow you to leave this room." surprised by what he has heard "3 or 4 weeks I've been here that long,what in the world is going on..Ugh!" Bjorn collapses falling to his knees coughing up a little bit of blood. "Please go back and rest I will tell my superiors that you have awakened." the demon hides Bjorn back to bed for him to rest and recover, leaving the room the demon goes to report to his superiors. bjorn thinks to himself as he lay in the bed "things are about to get complicated, who brought me here and is this place unground or not....(Sighing) The Gods betrayed me I can't believe it." Bjorn think back to what Gods Ialdin said "Did you really think we would allow a demon to live among us, you probably didn't know but your mother was a sinner for loving a demon giving birth to you. I am just doing this world a favor by erasing your existence."