Chapter 13 life on the other side

Somewhere in the Demon realm Bjorn lays in a bed in a cave like room. learning that he has been unconscious for 3 to 4 weeks in the demon realm Bjorn wonders who saved him and why. after talking to a demon guard Bjorn waits for the demon to return, still in the bed Bjorn hears footsteps approaching the room. "is that the demon from earlier? walking into the room the demon guard accompanied by demon that looks like it hold a high rank. "You awake a lot sooner that I expected you had a hole in your body alone with burns from a divine type energy, My name is Irkoth I know you may be confused but I don't know what you got involved in in the human realm but a human gave you to the arch demons for us to save you." Irkoth says to Bjorn standing next to him "Someone handed me over to you?" Bjorn thinks to himself "Who could have brought me to the demons? mhmm" remembering back to after he was hit by the divine attack on the ground "It must have Izrail he looked at with a sympathetic look before I passed out, but why did you saved me I have been killing demon?" Bjorn ask Irkoth "Our leader want to meet you to have a conversation about the events that have taken place." nervous Bjorn response "your leader? as in the ladder of the demon faction?" he says to Irkoth "Yes right now you are in Cragmore an underground city inside of a large carven, our leader is in the capital once you are fully healed you may leave Cragmore by order of the leader" Irkoth tells Bjorn "(Sighing) that find they God's betrayed me so and tried to kill me, how long till I fully recover?" "Since you already been here healing for a while and that you have demon blood not very long till your able to go and meet the leader." Irkoth replies to Bjorn, surprised that he know that Bjorn is a demon "How did you know I was part demon?" Bjorn ask "Well in this realm demonic energy has a strong a devastating effect on the environment, human can't survive here long without the help from divine powers. we expected you to die when our leader allowed for you to be healed after a day of being here, but you started to absorb the surrounding demonic energy while unconscious." shocked "I did?" Bjorn says "Seeing how you don't know much, you must have recently found out you were a demon seeing how you lived in the human realm." Irkoth explains to Bjorn "yeah I found out I was part demon about 3 years ago when I first manufested my demonic form." Irkoth gets up preparing to leave "Well at least here you don't have to hide who you really are, I hope that our leader doesn't kill you. you seem like a nice guy" Irkoth says as he leaves the room as time passes Bjorn recovers slowly getting used to life as a demon amongst them. in the city of Cragmore bjorn is able to observe the demons and their daily life. while living amongst them Bjorn notices that the demon are not much different from the human realm. Now 2 weeks later from the day Bjorn now he is fully recovered, back in the human realm the God argue with one another in their pocket dimension "HOW is it that he still hasn't appeared yet!!" God Ialdin yells "It has been month since the disappearance of that boy and the Demonic faction is steadily growing taking more land by the day." " God Riorr says to the other Gods "That is true rifts are opening back up on other parts of the continent, we can worry about the brat later." God Igen say "He is right no need to get work up over a demon boy, even if he is alive he is bound to be badly injured or have a physical problem." Zydis adds in "what is the situation in the north Riorr, how much have the demons gained over your region." God Ialdin ask Riorr "It's has gotten pretty bad, they have gain more land extending from play well taking more of the border between the North and west. if we don't find a way to stop them from gaining land we will lose the Northern and Western armies main camp." Riorr replies saying to Ialdin "I have an idea why don't you send your kids they are half Gods?" God Ialdin says to the other talking they children of the Gods. "send our kids? Zydis shouts "my children would be please to go hunt demons" Igen response saying to zydis after talking for a moment the agree to send their kids, sending a message to them telling them to meet at Dutch to receive a mission of great importance. back to Bjorn in the demon realm handcuffed Bjorn is about to be summoned to Necrohelm the capital of the demon realm, "How does this work? you said I will be teleported shortly?" suddenly a red light flashes blinding Bjorn making him cover his eye "Woah!" suddenly Bjorn appears standing inside of a large throne room surrounded by high ranking demons. standing in a large throne room Bjorn feels an overwhelming large Demonic force from the end of the hall and sitting in the throne a demon "You must be the young half breed that's been killing the soldiers and demonic beast I've sent to the human realm." Volgath the primal demon leader of the demon faction, he stares at Bjorn filled with oppressing energy. "I have many things to ask you, what is your name young one?" Volgath asks Bjorn "'s Bjorn Elfwin I am 17 years old" Bjorn says nervously "Mhm I heard from Sor'gol that you are a descendant of the Leviathan Clan, those from that clan are quite respectable...are you really one?" Volgath releases a his primal demonic energy forcing Bjorn to instinctively begins to change into his Serpent Dragon form letting out roar. shocked to be in his demonic form "What's going on!?" Bjorn shouts "ah so you are one hahaha I haven't seen someone from that clan in a long time, don't be alarmed I forces you to change sorry but it's something I had to do...not just for my curiosity." Suddenly releasing a intense killer intent "Now onto the pressing issues, tell me why a half breed is working with the Gods to kill us...your life depending on how you answer this question so think careful." feeling like he is being crushed Bjorn think slowly before answering "He will kill me if I answer with have truths and lies." then Bjorn replies saying "I don't know who my parents are but I was raised in a small town in the western region in the human realm, living amongst them for years and about 3 years ago I was captured by demons taken to a spider woman. that is the day I found out I was a demon. hearing Bjorn response Volgath let's out a loud laugh "Hahaha so your telling me that forces were defeated by a young demon that just awakened his powers...tell me why they God's did what they did to you?" Volgath asks Bjorn "the gods betrayed me when they found out I was a half breed they was designing whether or not to keep me alive. eventually we came to an agreement that they would let me live peacefully as I was in the human realm as long as I helped stop the demon faction. after fighting the arch demon commander the God's decided they didn't need me anymore and I was dangerous today lured me out and attacked me." hearing that the Gods did Volgath tells Bjorn "That is how those God's act, betraying a demon is nothing to the Gods even if you lived as a human they don't care. it seems that you now have nowhere to go, only because you are the descended of the Leviathan Clan will I allow you to live through the deeds you have committed but let me ask you this....How will you respond to this betrayal?" Volgath asks Bjorn "I will avenge myself and destroy the gods freeing the land from their tyranny." Bjorn replies Volgath looks surprised by to hear what Bjorn has said "So you want demons in the new human race to live coexisting along with each other?" Volgath says "Yes, there is a possibility" Bjorn replies back to Volgath, back in the human realm the children of the Gods gather in Dutch to receive a mission. "This must be a pretty serious task for the Gods to summon all of us here" Vemion says the Son of Riorr "Brother it must be about the demon gaining land over the past few weeks, what do you think sister?" Mema the youngest sister of Vemion says asking her sister "Just wait and stop asking we will know when that time comes." Velaa replies saying to Mema "how long will it be until the twins from the East arrive here we have been waiting for a while those two are always late." Ingreg son of Zydis asks the others as the wait for the last people to arrive. suddenly arriving the two twins brother son of Igen " I see we are the last to get here" Jaylin one of the brother say as the walk up "what took you so long we are here for an important mission!" Ingreg shouts at Jaylin and his brother "we are here now so stop your complaining." Marlon says as they are talking all talking they are suddenly teleport to the Gods pocket dimension "Hello children we have brought you here today to assign you all a task this task will be to eradicate the demon forces, pushing their way into the Western and Northern regions splitting into two groups. Vemion, Mema and Velaa will be fight the demons in the northern, Ingreg and the twins go to the western region and take back the forest clearing the demon from the forest." God Ialdin tells them "this will be an extremely hard task so make sure to be careful demons of high ranks stay inside of that force in the areas that they have gain if anything serious arises do not confront them retreat and report back to us." God Riorr says to them, the Gods teleports them splitting them up sending Vemion, Mema and Velaa to the Northern region to the Northern armies camp then sends Ingreg Marlon and Jaylin to the forced of the Damned as both groups arrive they begin to recon the area.