Chapter 14 turning point

searching the area in the western region the demigods as they make their way into the forest they begin seeing demonic Beast charging at them. back in the demon realm "if you want us to coexist the gods will have to disappear, I will give you a few more days to stay here I would advise you to gather as much demonic energy as u can because I know it's a lot harder to gather it in the human realm." Volgath tells Bjorn before sending him away, suddenly appearing in a forest with abnormally large trees. looking down "where did he send me to?" Bjorn begins climbing the tree dashing up the tree. approaching the top Bjorn can see the landscape, across the horizon all around him " that must be where I was just at" Bjorn looking north he sees a large Rocky skyscraper surrounded by a mountain range. to the east a long red rivers stretches through the land "he said I have have a few more days left in the demon realm" Bjorn sits down at the top of the tree then starts to gather demonic energy, surging into his body pure demonic energy "Argh! this is more pressure than normal" Bjorn stops gathering energy then proceeds to climb back down the tree, while making he begins to hear screeching noises echoing through the forest. suddenly appearing flying towards Bjorn a large bat like creature with bright glowing red eyes. "What the!?" charging in the creature tries to attack Bjorn, jumping from the trees dodging the creature crashing into the tree. in the air falling Bjorn transforms into his beast form flying back up, gripped into the side of the tree the lunges down towards Bjorn's head. dodging his head Bjorn then wraps his body around the creature holding it in place then bits it's body in half. "I have to be careful around here that thing was wildly aggressive." flying though the forest going east to the river. currently in the human realm in the forest of the damned Ingreg and the twin brother fight against demonic beast and arch demons, slashing through beast with a sword made form light "there's a lot of demonic beings here because was right to send us" Ingreg says as he kills arch demons and beast, right next to him killing demons the twins "that is true there number won't go down no matter how many battle we have." Marlon says "hey, something doesn't seem right?" Jaylin says to the other two " what do you mean?" Ingreg replies asking "I've seen a bit of spider webs allover the place but I don't see any spiders." as the other two stop to look around. getting closer to Northwich they see webs covering everything. meanwhile in the north near Saker keeps "Mighty Blow!" swing his great sword chopping through some hell fiends, "we need to close this rift quick, they are burning the land fast we don't want anymore getting through." Vemion shouts to his sisters "we have to locate it first, fighting though this smoke is already difficult enough. only because our divine energy we aren't effected by the fog but it's still hard to see." Velaa says pulling her short sword out of a fiend walking over to Vemion, "They keep coming from that direction, we can search there first." Velaa tells Vemion and Mema as she points to where the hell fiends are coming and going from. heading toward the large gathering as the get closer the ground becomes lava rock and dirt. shinning through the thick fog a red rift, guarding the rift is a demon fire elemental "An Elemental no wonder hell fiends we're running rampant through our the keeps" Velaa says "So how are we going to kill that any physical attack won't be effective?" Mema ask Vemion and Velaa as they look at the elemental from afar. "we have to find it's core if it's elemental then it's should have a core in it's center, we just have to destroy it. I will distract it while attacking as much as I can, while I do that you two try to find the core." Vemion says to his sisters "Divine Skip" Vemion vanishes reappearing and disappearing in circles around the demon fire Elemental catching its attention. letting out a ferocious Roar extruding an intense heat, then throws a fire ball at Vemion as he reappears. "Mighty Blow!" Vemion slices through the fire ball thrown at him, while Vemion fights the Elemental his sisters circle around from afar searching for the core of the elemental. "it's hard to pinpoint where it's core may be, judging from its size the core will have to be a decent size." Mema says to Velaa attacking the elemental Vemion jumps back shooting an energy wave towards it, when the attack lands large clumps of magma falls off the elemental. back to Bjorn in the demon realm currently being chased by more giant bat like creatures chase after Bjorn trying to attack him. "Damn these things are annoying" diving to the ground Bjorn changes back to his normal form as he lands, above him four giant bat like creature charges in. suddenly releasing a overwhelming blood lust Bjorn dodges landing on top of one then palm the top of its head. Bjorn eyes change and he begins absorbing its Life energy killing one. "It seems my beast form draws to my attention." channeling demonic energy through our his body he covers his body in scales then dashes clawing at the creatures. after killing the remaining creature Bjorn continues on towards the rushing sound of water, as he arrive he sees a blood red river flowing. "is this water even drinkable?" Bjorn says walking up to the edge crouching down Bjorn scoops up some of the water in his hand. "It tastes pretty good just like normal I guess it just looks different here." while drinking water suddenly a shadow appears getting larger and larger underneath the surface of the water. Suddenly jumping out the water a demonic beast trying to bit Bjorn, startled Bjorn falls back "Woah! what the!?" getting back up Bjorn looks at the water "they have creatures that big living in the river." continuing down the edge of the river heading north Bjorn begins to sees demonic beast on the other side of the river. "I should hunt soon I'm starting to get hungry." Bjorn jumps across to the other side river releasing a blood lust Bjorn lunges bitting onto a beast injecting poisonous energy into it paralyzing the beast. Bjorn then absorbs the life energy from it "ah absorbing life energy stops my hunger and increases my strength." meanwhile in the center of the demon realm in the throne room Volgath talks with his commanders Sor'gol and Malrag "That boy...Bjorn was it, how is he faring in our realm so far?" Volgath ask his commanders "mhm he is doing good so far...I can send some of my children to him as a little test." Sor'gol replies saying to Volgath "Sor'gol there isn't a point to test him you just want to feast on him, he already killed Ziglalth" Malrag say to Sor'gol "haha it would be fun to see if he can handle them." Volgath releases a intense pressure Saying "Quite stop bickering in front of me...Malrag send one one of your strong fire beast to one that will push him to the limit." happy Malrag agreed "As you wishy lord I will send a volcanic lion to play with him" Mali replies calling the beast with his powers "that should be nice from what i felt from the boy the volcanic lion should give him a hell of a experience bawahahahaha" in Onyx burn the fiery lands home of the second Commander Malrag, roaring a huge lion with lava like skin with the end of it's body darkened like volcanic rock. the volcanic lion dashes west towards the direction Bjorn is, 30 minutes later back to bjorn is resting near the river in the tree. as time passes Bjorn begins to sweat noticing that it is getting warmer, waking up he sees that some of the tree are on fire "!?" looking towards the burning trees a thick red fog blocks, through the fog Bjorn hears a low growling sound. piercing through the fog bright orangish red eyes stare at bjorn, suddenly flying through the smoke molten rocks flies at him. barely dodging the molten rock hit the tree melting a hole where it lands "that going to be trouble, I can feel it's energy from here." Bjorn thinks to himself looking at the volcanic lion, clawing at the bottom of the tree Bjorn is in the volcanic lion melting the base of the tree. "It's shooting molten rock from its tail, I have to be careful of taking any damage." Bjorn says to himself as he lands on the ground the Volcanic lion charges at Bjorn melting the ground as it gets closer, wildly clawing at him the Volcanic lion leaves melted claw mark as It rushes trying to kill Bjorn. in the throne room Volgath watches Bjorn with a spatial ocular ability "that boy has great instincts, if he happens to survive the volcanic lion I may take him in as a commander seeing that we need one." Volgath says out loud "what you want to take him in, can we trust him?" Sor'gol says responding to what Volgath told them "I don't see why he is from an old Clan nearly as old as, there is potential to give him a great task in the human realm being that he is and half-breed he would be the most qualified to lead are faction in the human realm once the gods are gone." Volgath replies saying to Sor'gol " Sor'gol it seems you're eager to sink your fangs into the humans and feast after being hungry for so long. patience is key Sor'gol I am also aching to use my strength against The Gods but if I Rush our plans we will ultimately fail, I have received word that the gods have sent their children to handle our forces in the land we taken over." Volgath adds then he continues to watch Bjorn fight against the volcanic lion, meanwhile in the human realm near Narthwich Ingreg and the twins are being attack by a wave of of demonic Spiders, "where did this wave of demonic spiders suddenly come from!" Ingreg Yells to the twins while cutting and dodging the demonic spiders, "I don't know just focus on killing them, we need to find an open area." Jaylin shouts to them "shattering Ice!" Jaylin yells as he begins to channel has Divine energy releasing and chilling ice starts to spread from under his feet creating a wall around them. "this one only give us a few minutes we have to think of something now and are we going to be in a bad spot." Jaylin says