Chapter 15 New beginnings

Surrounded by demonic spider, Jaylin forms a Ice wall around them blocking the spiders Ingreg, Marlon and Jaylin "We only have a few minutes before they get through the ice." Ingreg begins to charge his Light sword with energy "When I give the signal jump" Ingreg tells the twins moments later "Now!" Ingreg shouts as the twins jump into the air as they leave the ground Ingreg spins making a energy rings expanding it cutting through the demonic spiders surrounding them. finally clearing some of the Demonic spiders Ingreg "Let's retreat for now these demonic spider are far more powerful than the beast and arch demons we fought so far" Ingreg suggest "yeah, we need to form a plan if we want to get closer to that City and close the rift." Marlon replies leaving the forest Ingreg, Marlon and Jaylin brainstorm. in the demon realm fight against the volcanic lion, Bjorn luring the lion near the water dodging lava. "This thing is dedicated in trying to get me." Bjorn says out loud then suddenly he get an idea thinking to himself "the river!? if I can get it near the water I can get a chance to escape." standing on the edge of the river Bjorn kicks a twig into the water, as the volcanic lion rushes Bjorn, dodging out of the way the lion, as it approaches the edge suddenly a large demonic beast lunges out grabbing the lion pulling it into the water. steam shoots up from the water as it bubbles "(breathing hard) that should do it!" bjorn says to himself sitting down "This place is crazy!" watching him, Volgath smiles "this one is smart using the beast in the river to get the lion, he would be a great weapon for a great use. do any of you have anything against having the boy join us now?" Volgath asks his two commanders, looking at each other both Sor'gol and Malrag bow their heads "No my lord" Malrag suddenly says "but what will his task be lord?" Malrag asks "It will be to bring chaos to the Human realm so I can open a rift that we all can come through, when that happens I can descend into the human realm destroy." Volgath replies then he begins changing a spell wave his hand, and summons Bjorn back to the throne room "argh! can you stop doing this" Bjorn says throwing up a little bit. "Haha it's good to see a young demon with such potential, I have a offer for you alone with a task. I want you to take the position of commander like those two." Volgath tells Bjorn " you want me to join you army? if I join what do you want me to do because I was already betrayed before." Bjorn replies staring at Volgath "why would I betray one of my own, you are a demon Bjorn you can't denied the blood running through you veins. that blood is of great origins you have a duty to your clan." Volgath tells to Bjorn sitting in his throne releasing an intimidating Force "mhm alright I will join you so what is the task you want me to do?" Bjorn replies looking at the commanders "I want you to cause chaos in the human room releasing as much demonic energy as you can while you do that and give us enough time to make a rift for us to come through. I will be sending back in the forest we took you from, you will now be know as Bjorn the Leviathan." Bjorn bows to Volgath, opening a small rift next to Bjorn Volgath using his demonic energy to throw bjorn into the rift sending him back. suddenly appearing in the forest of the damned, taking a deep breath Bjorn stretches "Ah it's to be back...Now I can have my revenge!" Bjorn says releasing a killing intent while having a flashback to when the Gods betrayed him. "(Sighing) now it's time to do what I was tasked to do." outside the forest Ingreg Marlon and Jaylin feel killer intent coming from deep in the forest "what was that!?" Jaylin shouts "I don't know when we were in the forest I never felt that type of demonic energy." Ingreg say checking over his equipment, "You two need to be serious for ones this isn't some low rank demon these are soldier from the demon realm." Ingreg says warning the twins before they continue on back into the forest. "I know I don't want to make the Gods mad, if we fail we will be done for." Marlon says to Ingreg the begin to walk back into the forest to continue their task, in their pocket dimension the God Ialdin feels demonic bloodlust coming from the western region. "I feel a strong presence.... it can't be patient he should be dead we couldn't find him for a while!" God Ialdin Shouts, surprise by Ialdin's outburst "what's going on? what has made you so upset" Riorr asks "the demon boy we had thought was dead I feel his presence in the western region again, this will be a problem now on that the hordes are gathering. I don't know if the children will be able to handle this that boy is quite stubborn when it comes to death." God Ialdin replies saying to the other Gods "my son Ingreg will not lose to a half breed!" Zydis yells "advise you don't underestimate him seeing how he got away from us the four gods of this realm." God Ialdin says to zydis staring at him admitting an intense pressure. back to Bjorn in the far west side of the forest "they said they wanted it to be chaos or I'll start by destroying this terrain" Bjorn jumps into the air changing into his demonic neat form, opening his mouth wide the orange starts to drain the life energy from all the nearby living creatures and things. waves of Life energy flow towards bjorn, under Bjorn the forest begins to wither away. as creatures run away some fall to the ground dying as there Life energy. after gathering all the Life energy the gaps between Bjorn scales at to glows plunging into the ground causing the ground to shake, Bjorn releases a green gas covering the field of dead Forest almost like a fog. "We have to go check what that was whatever it is it's worse than the spiders." Ingreg says to the twins as they walk through the forest heading farther west near the noises and energy they felt. minutes later as they arrive they begin to see a green fog in the distance ahead of them "what is that? was they're always a fog in the forest?" Jaylin says out loud "no look the surrounding trees and near that fog are all dead, it is also weird that there isn't any type of wildlife around here." Marlon says stopping Jaylin from getting any closer "yeah whatever calls this fog is definitely a poisonous type of demon we need to use our divine powers to negate the effects of the poison from here on in." Ingreg tells them as they start to pass through the fog they begin to notice bodies of creatures in laying everywhere dried up "this is crazy what could have released something that could kill all living creatures in the surrounding area." Ingreg says covers his nose from the smell of decaying flesh, "keep your guards up we don't know what type of demon didn't this." moments later watching them from close by Bjorn in his normal form is hiding in the poisonous fog, "Who are they? I can feeling divine energy coming from them, do they have bleeding or are they Demi-God's focusing demonic energy into his eyes making the surrounding fog clear. dashing in at Marlon Bjorn tries bitting him suddenly appearing next to him. pulling Marlon out the way Ingreg swings his Light sword slashing at Bjorn but the attack is deflected by Bjorn armor scales. "Who are you!" Ingreg shouts "you three must be demigods the gods kids." Bjorn replies saying to Ingreg, thinking to himself "the demonic energy I'm feeling coming from him is definitely the same level as us, but it's three on one." Marlon releases a shockwave making the fog disperse clearing some of the forest. "Now you have nowhere to hide!" raising his hand Ingreg raising summoning light swords above Bjorn, "Take this Dominating Light!!" swinging his hand down the light swords fly down onto Bjorn, piercing the ground a smokescreen blocks their view. shining through the smoke cloud Bjorn's emerald eyes stare at them releasing an intense demonic pressure. to the Gods in their pocket dimension, God Ialdin send a message to his army telling them to go to the forest to help the Demi-God. "Ialdin, do you not trust the strength of our children why are you sending your forces?" God Zydis asks Ialdin "it's not that I underestimate your children, it is that that demon boy is stronger than you all think he's in a descended or rare breed of demon making him attention as strong as those commanders. I called for my forces so that in the worst case scenario they have backup." Replies saying to Zydis, in the southern region Lady Ella also known as mother nature sits looking over the horizon with her faded golden Lady Ella watches all the events taking place. In a tower deep in the southern region, "My sweet world, coming to a end because of the decisions please by my son and the other Gods. watching this special boy fight against destiny is a interesting thing, being one of my last forsaken children the last spark of humanity mixed with the blood of the demons let's hope that what humans once had you will manifest forced too late." Lady Ella says looking west back in the western region fighting the twins combined their attack launching Shooting a Fire and Ice blast "Twins Star!!" Jaylin and Marlon shouts sending a fire and ice blast of energy at Bjorn "!?" surprised Bjorn guards covering his arms in scales some of Bjorn clothes is burned off and has some frost burn. dashing in close Bjorn begins to fighting in close range dodging attacks while counter attacking all three of them. Bjorn punches Ingreg throw the truck of a tree then does a spinning side kick Jaylin back a few feet. "You are quite agile dodging all of us" Marlon says to Bjorn "this is just the beginning I hope this isn't your all." Bjorn releases his demonic energy charging into his beast form swirling up as he changes in front of them. shocked by the size of him towering over them Bjorn let's out a roar enhanced in energy.