Chapter 16 Destiny & Origins

Letting out a overwhelming roar Bjorn starts to charging at Marlon, appearing on top of Bjorn's body Ingreg grabbing Bjorn's head turning him making Bjorn miss Marlon by a hair. "Get off me!!" Bjorn yells as he begins to spins trying to fling Ingreg off "Shattering ice" suddenly a ice wall appears in front of Bjorn, crashing into it Ingreg flies off hitting the ground rolling into a tree. "Thanks Jaylin" Ingreg says to Jaylin as he gets up, "No problem but you know that didn't do anything." changing back to normal form with his scaled armor Bjorn dashes to Marlon and Bites his neck injecting a poisonous energy into him. holding Marlon up by the neck Bjorn says "If you want him to survive, your going to have to let me leave here. unfortunately you Demi God's aren't my target." Bjorn tells Jaylin and Ingreg. "So...what are you going to do?" starting to be effected by the energy Marlon begins to cough up blood "Alright we will let you go!" Jaylin shouts looking over at his brother "Come on Ingreg put your sword away or my brother is going to die." Jaylin tells Ingreg as he sighs Ingreg's light swords disappears, " then" Bjorn eyes change into the emerald snake eye then absorbs his poisonous energy back, throwing Marlon at then dashing away. meanwhile in the northern region Vemion and his sister killed the elemental, closing the rift as they begin to make their way back to the northern army. leaving the forest of the damned in the western region Bjorn runs into the western army seeing Major Fin and his old captains " that you?" Captain Jane says seeing him covered in scales with his eyes changed "I am not the Bjorn you once knew." Bjorn replies saying then transforms into his beast form then flies off. confused on what they just seen, moments later Ingreg and the twins come out from the forest covered in injuries. "did that demon come through here!!" Jaylin shouts "Demon sir? what do you mean are you talking about Bjorn?" Major Fin replies with a confused look "Bjorn who is that? that boy you just seen is a demonic beast of a high level, get yourself together!" Jaylin tells them "That boy is a former member of our army sir, Bjorn Elfwin he join years ago but some thought he was dead." angered Ingreg summons his light sword pointing it at them "By order of the Gods all demon will die, including that boy you call Bjorn we have fought him already and he greatly injured Marlon." Knelling down Major Fin responds saying "No lord" "have some of you take Marlon back to the western army for medical attention, while the rest of us head back into the forest to close the rift deep in there." looking amongst themselves the captains look concern, to Bjorn flying east towards the southern region. "Thing are getting out of hand, I can't believe i meet Captain Jane and and Luke back there, I need to lay low" continuing east Bjorn days later eventually arrives at Haran a town near the the southern border, going into the town Bjorn covering his face with a cloth hood. "Their is already enough chaos in the western and northern region, i will head to the southern and eastern regions." meanwhile the Gods get the news that the western region rift is closed but a demon got away. "How did they lose To one demon" Zydis shouts mad "They said that the demon injured Marlon making an offer to either let Marlon die or let him go." Igen says to Zydis "Ialdin was right, we underestimated that boy and now because of that we lost him." Igen continues saying "Can't we track him by his demonic energy?" Zydis asks "yes and no because I'm his normal form we can't find his energy signal for some reason we have to wait for him to resurface again." God Ialdin replies answering zydis question "my kids did a wonderful job completing their task they did have some trouble, struggling more than what I want to see." back to Bjorn as he makes his way through Haran a soft voice starts to speak to Bjorn "my forsaken child come find me, I would like to talk to you about the current events go to the southern region and fun the tower near the edge." The voice fades away leaving Bjorn is shocked, thinking to himself "who was that sounded like a woman's voice but to be able to transmit their voice into my head they would have to be on the same level as the Gods. she said heads south and find the tower on the edge." leaving in a hurry Bjorn starts heading Eastland crossing the border into the southern region searching throughout the southern region Bjorn looks for the tower on the edge. "why was her voice so familiar... no it wasn't that I felt a sense of comfort from her voice I wonder who she is." to Lady Ella sitting in her chair in front of a window as she thinks to herself "I will show this boy the truth and if he accepts I will change him for the better. he has the potential save this world from annihilation." Lady Ella gets up walking away, at the top of a tree looking over the landscape the orange sees a tall tower in the distance. "that must be the Tower on the edge, what is that!?" through the trees near a road he sees soldiers marching up north, leaving a town close by dashing through the trees Bjorn head to the tower in the horizon. hours later getting close to the tower Bjorn hears her voice again, "you came, I didn't think you would." "Who are you! want do you want?" Bjorn shout out loud "calm down I am no threat to you a I said before I just want to talk to you make you way here. climb the stairs to the top to find me." as Bjorn continues on he arrives at the bottom of the large tower he sees a old wooden door. "(Sighing) this just what is going on, this looks abandon" Bjorn proceeds to walk up the stairs minutes later at the top a large metal double door. pushing the door open with both hands Bjorn sees a room filed with green wildlife and surrounding a old lady in a chair. "You made it here my forsaken child" the woman says to Bjorn facing the window "Forsaken child? what do you mean by that and why did you call me here?" Bjorn say the the lady " I am Lady Ella some call me mother nature, I wanted to talk to you because you are the last remnant of humanity but you are also part demon." Lady Ella tells Bjorn as the ground underneath her chair rotates turning her towards Bjorn, "aren't you God Zydis mother? why would you be wanting to help me when you know I want you to destroy the Gods." Bjorn replies asking her as he sit down on the floor looking at he notices that she is blind "Yes I am, but I do not make the decision for him. how everything is going the world will come to an end, so I decided to make a option for myself... and that option is you. Your mother was the only human to choose to remain the same bearing the sins of the whole race, passing that alone to you." Lady Ella tells Bjorn ,But what does this have to do with me? I can just join the demons I'm already being classified as one." Bjorn says back to her "Bjorn I want to give you my Divine essence, accepting this will purify you of your demonic origins transform you into a new being. what you become is up to you but for you to gain this you have to take an oath bounded by our souls." Lady Ella says staring at Bjorn with a faint golden glow around her eyes, "an oath bound by the soul? then what is this divine essence you are talking about?" Bjorn ask lady Ella "Divine essence is what make a God or an Divine being their powers, giving you mine will purify the demonic energy in your body. reconstructing you into a new being one that is isn't human or demon. this is needed for the current world someone who has seen both sides of all things as a demon, a human and finally as a Divine being. this will give you what is needed to rule the world and bring peace to what is left of humanity." surprise me what he's hearing beyond begins to think to himself as she continues to talk "she really wants to bring an end of the land of God's returning it to has thing were." "So what will you do Bjorn?" Lady Ella says staring at Bjorn intensely looking into her eyes beyond suddenly feels a thumping feeling in his chest as it feels like she is staring into his soul. "can I still have my revenge if I except your offer?" you're an ass staring back at her while holding his chest "yes you will be able to have your revenge this revenge of yours is your destiny, unfortunately my son Zydis has changed his hands by killing most of humanity himself using me as an excuse. those who are once human now live a life in this harsh world of monsters and beasts but because of the Gods interference everything is now and out of control, there was a time when things were okay but now that they're demon race our a threats to our whole world." confused bjorn interrupts her saying " then how did my father get in this realm, I would told of his origins that he is a Great Leviathan clan and demonic Beast Clan of serpent dragons." Bjorn tells lady Ella "Child your father was living amongst the human before the Gods chose to involve themselves with them. I watched as he immersed himself amongst the humans, he wanted to find a way to coexist but being a demon made that extremely hard. when I heard of your mother death I was said because I knew that humanity was gone but years later you appeared, you are the hope that can saved what's left of humanity break they systems of the Gods and rebuild human I ask again will you take my Divine essence and become the hope of the world or will you destroy everything and bring the demons here to rule the world making it a living hell?"