Chapter 17 Rebirth

Bjorn sits quietly thinking to himself before answering lady Ella's offer as he thinks "becoming the hope that can save the world or the monster that destroys it, there is a chance that Volgath was lying to me about coexisting along the rest of us this may be the best option for me to be able to get my revenge I should be able to stop the demons myself if I have the same level of power as the Gods." then he says "this is a really good offer but the thing that gets me is what do you gain from this this is literally giving away what makes you mother nature." Bjorn says to her Lady Ella puts a dental smile on her face then says " I will die that will be my punishment for allowing such a thing to be done to my children humans." shocked Bjorn replies instantly "you will die!? are you sure that this is something you want to do?" Bjorn says "yes I've had years to sit and think about my decisions, the world I see isn't the same world I nurtured." sitting in silence for a few moments then Bjorn replies "I will take your divine essence and become a divine being." Smiling Lady Ella bows to Bjorn saying "Thank you for choosing humanity, now we will do the oath are you ready?" "Yes, I am" Bjorn says "Great Spirit of the World take this oath" an golden light appears in front of her heart flowing to Bjorn's heart "Bjorn do you swear to Protect the world from the Gods and the demons and rebuild what's left of humanity?" Lady Ella ask Bjorn "Yes I swear to protect the world and humanity." Bjorn says back "if you break your oath and use your powers for evil purposes your soul will cease to you still except this oath?" Lady Ella ask Bjorn "Yes I do" the golden energy leaves an emblem of a tree imprinted in Bjorn's soul completing the oath. "Now we can move onto the Divine essence, I will now channel my essence into your core this Divine energy will begin to destroy and reconstruct your entire body purifying the Demonic energy in your body turning it into pure holy energy once the transformation is done your mission will begin...walk over to me and knew down." Getting up Bjorn walks in front of Lady Ella kneeling down with his head down, resting her hand on his head Lady Ella begins to speak while channeling her essence into Bjorn "If Shadows Is all you see in front of you turn around to face the light, keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the Shadows." lady Ella's body begins to fade turning into golden particles as they begin to flow into Bjorn. Bjorn's body begins to crack letting a golden light through as he screams in pain Bjorn's body begins to deconstruct itself while also being purified of demonic energy. forming around Bjorn a sphere of divine energy with a small sphere of demonic energy inside of it, the Demonic energy slowly fades away and the Divine energy takes his place beyond his body begins to reconstruct itself. as this happens in the Gods pocket dimension God Zydis feels his mother energy fading away "!? my mother's energy is gone, what's happened!!" Zydis leaves the pocket dimension and heads to the Tower or his mother was, back to Bjorn as his body forms he begins to transform into his new Divine beastial form. bursting through the top of the tower the golden sphere floats above the collapsed Tower, arriving moments later God Zydis sees the tower destroyed and a floating ball of divine energy. "MOTHER!!!" Zydis shouts as it begins to expand forming inside of the sphere a large serpent like dragon with emerald scales in gold lining in between the scales a golden man down the back leading to its tail. letting out a intimidating Roar as he shatters the Divine sphere. " that the demon boy from before? how can this be, why do I feel so much divine energy coming from his!" surprised to see that Bjorn has appeared in front of him as a Divine Beast "What did you do to my mother!!" Zydis yells to Bjorn, opening his eyes for the first time as a Divine being Bjorn feels such peace and comfort naturally gathering energy as he breathes. Bjorn replies saying "Your mother is dead Zydis, soon you will join those you killed, now I will be judging you God's now!" Bjorn flies charging towards Zydis "Divine Wave!" Bjorn shouts as his golden like mane begins to burn like fire, Bjorn's wipes his tail at Zydis "You think you can hurt me?" Zydis tries to block Bjorn's attack but is knocked into the ground. "urgh!!! what!?" In shocked from the sudden attack from Bjorn Zydis spits blood on the ground then thinks, "He has made me bleed!!! Me Zydis God of earth...No!!!!" suddenly surging with energy Zydis Flies back up "Divine empowerment!" Zydis yells as he enhance his whole body with light energy punching the body of Bjorn knocking him back, leaving a scratch on his armor scales. "I hope that you do more than or you will die." Bjorn says to Gods Zydis gathering a large breath a golden cracks between his scales begin to Glow channeling Divine energy. "Holy Blast!" shooting a emerald gold beam of Divine energy at Zydis "!? Light manipulation!" Zydis form a light shield deflecting the energy beam into the ground destroying part of the forest. "what happened to you how are you now a Divine Beast when you are a demon not long ago." God Zydis ask Bjorn "That doesn't matter just know that I will be erasing you Gods from this planet." becoming nervous Zydis sends a message to the other gods "My mother is dead and the demon boy is here but something unexpected has happened, he is releasing so much Divine energy makes me think that he is now a Divine being like us." in the pocket dimension the Gods are surprised by the news they received from Zydis "how can a demon.become a divine being, that is impossible" God Igen shouts "I do not know but from the energies I'm feeling right now zydus is definitely fighting some type of divine being." God Ialdin says to the others "Zydis said that his mother is dead, could it be that he can take Divine energy?"God Riorr ask Ialdin "no that is impossible if that was the case we would see more demons doing that and that hasn't been the case. we may need to go and help Zydis, with him being able to use Divine energy that means he can ultimately kill us." God Ialdin replies saying back in the southern region Bjorn and zydis clash releasing large waves of divine energy. "Holy volley!" Zydis shouts as he dashes back swings his arm summoning multiple small orbs of lights "Take this!!" pointing his arm at Bjorn the orbs suddenly shoots at him. as the incoming attack reaches bjorn, spinning his body in a circle he begins to create a vortex redirecting the attacks back to Zydis. "What!?" hit by his own attack a smoke screen blocks his vision for a brief moment, appearing in front of him Bjorn grab some with his claw and flies down slamming him into the ground. "Let's see you deflect my attack this time!" charging up another energy beam while pinning zydis to the ground. struggling to free himself Titus tries to channel divine energy but it's too late "Holy Blast!!!" shooting a beam straight down on top of Zydis hitting him creates a large explosion and shockwave that can be felt throughout the southern region. after the explosion clear a larger crater replaces what was once the rubble of the Tower and some of the forest. in the center of the crater Bjorn on top of Zydis missing an arm a covered in burns, " You are a failure to be called a God this world doesn't need you." The Gods arrive seeing the the aftermath of their battle and Bjorn on Zydis "This is worst than I thought." God Ialdin says, noticing that the other gods have appeared bjorn crushes zydis underneath his claw killing him then he flies up in front of the other gods. "now it is your turn to be judged I will fix the wrongs that you gods have made." Bjorn say to the three God's "Do you think that you can kill all three of us? Hahaha u must have gone crazy from gain so much divine energy." God Ialdin says to Bjorn , "Yes I can, my battle with Zydis was just a warm up." Begining to change again form his Beast form to an half transformation shrinking in size as Bjorn appearing on his arm a black snake tattoo wrapping up his left arm, a emerald tail stretching from Bjorn's back. scales cover his torso and back. a golden mane under Bjorn's neck going down his back to the tail. "now it's time to put it into this." Bjorn says after finishing his transformation nervous from the overwhelming density of Divine energy coming from Bjorn. "this strength of yours I will respond to it!" Igen shouts releasing his energy changing Bjorn trying to punch him, landing the blow hitting the scales on his chest. tanking the hit Bjorn looks at Igen grabbing his wrist, Bjorn punches Igen in the stomach sending him flying into Riorr. " You have to be serious if you want to hurt me now." Bjorn says to the Gods, angered they all release their energy's "Absolute hatred!!" Riorr releases am overwhelming killing intent "!?" Bjorn puts his guard up as Riorr appears in front of him swinging his fist covered in a wave of Divine energy, the force of the hit sends Bjorn flying back. God Ialdin then palms his face then throwing him into the ground. Summoning black lighting in his hand, "Dead Lighting!!" Shooting lighting down at Bjorn, Bjorn barely dodges as the lighting strikes the ground missing him. "!?" landing in Bjorn's way God Igen "you're so annoying running around... Ruthless Shine!!" God Igen throws a high speed jab hitting Bjorn in the liver stunning him in his tracks, "Deaths symphony!" God Ialdin using his energy to hold bjorn in place "annihilating Force" God Igen shouts hitting Bjorn with multiple high speed attacks while Igen enhances his body with Divine energy. sending Bjorn crashing through the forest back into the western region on the border. "Urgh dammit" getting up Bjorn sees the gods above Bjorn looking down at him "Holy Wave!!" Gathering the energy from his mane Bjorn shoots a emerald gold beam of energy up into the sky.