Chapter 18 (FINALE) The World Serpent

Shooting a emerald gold energy beam up into the sky at the Gods, all over the continent everyone feels the presence of the gods fighting. seeing a beam of divine energy shooting into the sky, the death angels in the western army feel a new Divine energy "What is this energy this isn't God Ialdin or the others Gods...who is it?" Hayyle says out loud looking east in the western camp. back in the southern region, Dodging the beam from Bjorn the Gods charge in at him. Bjorn suddenly releases a shockwave of divine energy knocking the Gods back, Creating a dome barrier "Now we can't effect the rest of the world with or fight." Bjorn's says making a taunting jester with his arms to the Gods, Gods Riorr getting angrier forming a Black flamed sword made of energy over his arm. "Die!!!! Enveloping Slice!!" He shouts swinging his arm down sending a powerful attack a Bjorn, unable to dodge Bjorn is force to tank the attack as it reaches him. energy hits him cutting deep into his scales all over his body. "Ahhhh!" Bjorn shouts from the pain, "Now that hurt...Primal instinct!" Bjorn says smiling as he enhances his reflexes Bjorn rushes them, beginning to clash Bjorn dodges all three of them while landing multiple blows on them. "This is crazy how can he move like that!?" God Igen says "absolute hatred!" finding an opening God Riorr tries to land a blow on Bjorn but using his tail to stop Riorr's attack from connecting. "Divine wave!" Bjorn shouts as his tail begins to burn Riorr's arm. "ruthless shine!" suddenly appearing from behind Bjorn Igen goes for an attack, pulling God Riorr in Bjorn uses him a shield to guard from Igen attack. Bjorn steps back destiny himself from the three gods, "for God's you aren't really combat experienced, you have never fought anyone that is just as strong as you three." beyond says to the gods while they stand looking at each other intensely. "inexperienced! who do you think you are? I have lived thousands of your life and have experience things you can't even comprehend it is you who isn't experienced." God Ialdin yells engaged as he begins to channel life and death energy in both hands. "I will not lose everything I have built to be taken away by a child that hasn't even reached maturity... cataclysmic Awakening!" standing behind God's Riorr and Igen in a flash Ialdin punches his fist through both Riorr and Igen's bodies "(coughing up blood) Wha..what doing?" Riorr struggles to say "w..why!?" using the life and death energy in both hands God Ialdin begins to absorb their energies killing them. shocked seeing God Ialdin betray his fellow Gods "THE REAL FIGHT STARTS NOW! Rupturing Smash!" God Ialdin shouts punching the ground creating a shockwave flinging large rocks and destroying trees. "!?" stabbing his tail into the ground bjorn braces himself trying to stopping him from being blown back. outside the dome of energy people start to gather around it, the elites of the armies also make their ways to the large dome containing divine energy. back inside of the dome now a large crater filled with debris, climbing out from under the rubble Bjorn looks around seeing the damage done "God Ialdin is really corrupt how could he kill two Gods without any hesitation." in the center standing covered in a sinister divine energy, "you survived even that? your physique it's quite interesting after I'm done killing you I will use your corpse to run test on." shouts as Ialdin enraged taking heavy steps towards Bjorn shacking the ground with each step. Bjorn walk up to Ialdin, as they both close the distance they eventually are standing right in front of each other staring each other in the eye. suddenly attacking at the same time Bjorn and Ialdin making them both stumble, Bjorn using his tail sweeps for God Ialdin's legs. "!?" pulling his leg from up under him Bjorn then hits Ialdin in the fast sending him flying back, recovering landing on his feet Ialdin channels his energy "Life and Death Shot!" shooting from his hands at Bjorn "Holy Wave!" countering God Ialdin's blast they cancel each other out. disappearing leaving an afterimage God ialdin appears behind Bjorn "Dead Lighting!" shooting lightning at close range hits the Bjorn's piercing a hole through his left shoulder "Ahhhhh!" Bjorn screams in pain but swings his tail, God Ialdin jumps back dodging Bjorn attack. "Bawahahahaha look at you now covering wounds you look like a a worm waiting to be stepped on." falling to his knees holding his shoulder Bjorn is exhausted from the prolonged fight and injuries, God Ialdin walks up to him channeling his energy into a blade covering his arm. "this is the end of you boy, your struggles means nothing and you will change nothing. I will rule this world and destroying those demons and those who would refuse follow my rules, you are abomination a mix breed that wasn't supposed to exist.....Die!!!" looking up at Ialdin Bjorn's vision is blurry and God Ialdin's voice begins to fade as he swings down at Bjorn but suddenly a mysterious energy Shields Bjorn from God Ialdin attack "what is this!?" covering Bjorn in a yellow sphere of energy, appearing made out of energy runic words float in front of Bjorn. confused Bjorn read it to himself "creator of Earth I come to you in my time of need. illuminate me with your life so I may proclaim your praise. I plead this of you with open arms, o giver of life absolve me with your divine soul." suddenly the yellow sphere of energy flows into the Bjorn chest forcing him to slowly transform into his divine Beastial form while healing . "what was that energy that protected him it felt familiar...ah Lady Ella!!!! That traitor. I wonder how he became a divine being despite having demonic origins, she must have purified and changing him." trying to stop him from transforming God Ialdin attacks "cataclysmic Awakening!" trying to absorb his energy just like he did the other two guys God Ialdin charges in but is stopped by the same mysterious force that stopped his blow earlier. appearing in front of him in a astral form Lady Ella says to him "you have done enough you have already killed two of the Gods yourself." lady Ella tells God Ialdin "you are a traitor how can you join with this abomination!!" God Ialdin shouts trying to free himself "this boy isn't an abomination he's the last Hope of this world something you can't see, I did join forces with him against you including my son because as God's you were making the world much worst after you all intervened with humanity changing the nature of things." Lady Ella says "so this is all to revert is back to normal hahaha are you crazy! how can things go back to normal now then find energy and natural energy has become common here now, things will evolve being able to naturally use them to benefit from." God Ialdin says letting out a condescending laugh Lady Ella begins to chant a spell and threads of astral energy break from her stretching towards God ialdin. "wha..What is that!" God Ialdin shouts "I will be using what remains on my astral soul to seal you away to an forgotten realm." as the threads latch on to God ialdin his body begin to fade away being sealed "NO!! NO!! YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS I WILL BREAK FREE AND WHEN I ESCAPE I WILL DESTROY THIS REALM! THAT BOY AND ALL OF THOSE USELESS AND INSIGNIFICANT CREATURES THAT ROAM THIS REALM!!!" God Ialdin disappears after being sealed away and they forgotten around turning around she approaches Bjorn "What!? how are you hear I thought you said you would die after giving me your divine essence?" Bjorn says "I do not have much time left my astral soul is fading away so listen closely... you are now and the only Divine being in this realm. you will be the world serpent guarding this realm from all external enemies from other realms, I will transfer this last bit of knowledge to you so you can make your own pocket dimension around the Earth." lady Ella reaches to her head pulling a memory from her mind appearing as a feather in her hand. "now that you are a Divine being cannot interfere with the progression of humanity now only protect them from afar." lady says suddenly as she finished talking the whole continent begins to shake rumbling as the sky begins to darken. "wha...what is going on!?" Bjorn shouts looking around "it is the demon faction they are trying to pry their way into our realm merging them causing our world to be destroyed this is what you need to do as the world serpent living in between realms keeping the world safe, now take this" Lady Ella puts the astral feather into Bjorn's head transferring her knowledge into the Bjorn as she fade away, leaving Bjorn to save the world "Okay let's do this" Bjorn flies up releasing the energy barrier as he leaves the barrier gathering around are the elites from each army. instantaneously speaks to them all enhancing his voice with Divine energy. the Gods...are dead from now on humanity must adapt and survive on their own, I will be handling the demon infection on my own as the world serpent I leave these parting words to mankind...You can't control how people treat you, but you can control how you react. How people treat you is their karma; How you react is yours" Bjorn chant a spell releasing an overwhelming wave of divine energy growing in size Bjorn flies into the dark in the sky. instantly dispersing the dark and sky going between dimensions Bjorn curls around the Earth creating a Divine field protecting the planet. in the demon realm to Volgath currently using demonic energy to force a portal into the human realm his energy is suddenly rebound back to him causing internal injuries. "urgh That damn boy, how is he a Divine being now. just what has happened in the Human realm or rifts have all been closed, I should have killed that brat... Ahhhhhhh!!" fading away from Volgath throne room back in between realm Bjorn taken his place as the world serpent.