
"That was cool Annie, how did you do that ?"Stephanie asked.

"Oh that was nothing, it's just one of the many tricks I know " her doll Annie responded painting her nails with nail polish"

"Hmm…this color isn't so pretty " then she shrugged and added "well, it isn't as bad as the last one "

Stephanie was in her room on her bed with her doll Annie. She was a little girl of about six or seven.

She was fair and beautiful and had beautiful black eyes but there seemed to be nothing cheerful about her if anything she looked dull, sad and reserved.

"I wish I knew a few too, so that way I could protect myself " she sighed then suddenly her eyes brightened as she asked " Could you teach me? I'm a really fast learner and I promise I'll be on my best behavior and I won't give you a headache"

"Oh no stupid, Stephanie it doesn't work that way "

" But why?"

" Because you're human Steph, human" she spat out.

"Oh" she said feeling all hope was gone.

"You don't have to look that way "

"Easy for you to say Annie, you don't go through what i do. If only I could do something anything at all, then I would…. Oh forget it, perhaps this is my fate" she said resignedly and sadly.

Annie smiled.

"Actually… there's something we could do…"

"Really?" Stephanie beamed.

"But don't get so excited yet steph, this is something you need to give a serious thought " her doll Annie said smiling sinisterly.

"Anything Annie anything" she said, determined. "I'd do anything Annie just say it "she said grabbing the doll's hands.

Annie loosened her hands from Stephanie's grip, turned around and smiled evilly "Are you absolutely sure about that?"

"Yes, Annie anything" she said.

Annie turned around and said "Stephanie we would have to merge, are you up for that?"

"Wait…like become one?"

" Yeah like become one, like share the same body and all"

"I don't know about that, I.. I didn't think about that"

"Hmm… it's okay Stephanie , no pressure " Annie smirked.

Silence descended the room for about a minute and Annie resumed painting her nails, then they heard the sound of a car pulling up in the garage.

"Let's do it Annie, I'm in"

The doll lifted a brow " there's no going back after this dear Stephanie "

Stephanie answered with a firm nod.

"Hmm" the doll said putting the nail polish away and jumping off the bed and she came to stand in front of Natty. "Give me your hands dear Stephanie and recite these words after me" she said stretching her hands out.

Slowly Stephanie slipped her hands into the doll's. She smiled.