Although, now, from time to time, he organizes parties of acquaintances.

After a dinner where they were able to talk and relax, his parents convince him to stay overnight.

At dusk, Jhon, goes up to his room, passing through a room, he stops a little, remembers that, he has not entered there for many years ... more than you can remember... after the death of his brother.

He knocks on the door with the palm of his hand and pauses for a moment to meditate, takes a breath and continues along to his room, enters, looks around after closing the door, gives a small smile.

He feels safe, in his refuge in which, he still keeps some toys from when he was a child, only the most precious, of course.

A cozy room, with its single bed, a wooden bureau and a metal base.

There are a few shelves with Transformers toys out of their packaging and some posters on the wall of some classic rock bands: some of guns and roses, doors, scorpions and metallica.

Jhon lies on his bed and observes his surroundings, no doubt he had not felt so much peace in a long time.

In the neighborhood of the city, some lights of houses next to Jhon's, have turned on the lights for a moment, little by little, each of them is turned off.

end of chapter 14