Jhon, with his hand on his forehead, covers his eyes to rest.

It weighs a little, but, he will leave in the morning, so he will have to replenish the time that he did not work today in the model.

Inside Jhon's house, the bathroom light has been turned on... from the closet, something resembling a shadow, look around.

A shadow comes out of the closet and roams the house, finding no one, returns to the room and perches on the bed as if lying down.

With moan drowned as if it were a moan of pain or rage.

Wrinkle the sheets and this presence disappears.

About 10 neighbors, all dressed in black... most of them elderly, have left their homes in silence, go to the house next to Jhon's.

The light is turned on for a moment.

Then they leave that house, heading towards the house at the bottom of the street.

They carry a body inside a blanket from which they pull from several sides.

The silence is absolute.

At his parents' house the young architect, tries to sleep, turning on his shoulder, a slight strand slipping from his forehead.

There are too many things in this house that bring you regret.

But, also joy.

Something difficult to explain, this home... the one who once felt it as his prison.

end of chapter 15