Above all, in those dates that are about to come... those in which he was locked in his room... even, those that will happen inside your closet ... for fear of being seen, found by his own parents.

Jhon, feels somewhat dismayed, uncomfortable and angry.

Those walls hold many memories... so many that, it is difficult for him to fall asleep.

He begins to have a slight migraine, such as an oppression.

Jhon, looks sideways at a photo, recognizes one of his uncles, from when he was young... it's strange to see a picture of him in this place...

For a moment, he becomes restless, but decides to try not to pay much attention.

As she recalls, the last time she heard from him... that's when he moved to the city... right in the neighborhood that, now is your home.

They lost contact more than a decade ago, I would be about 25 years old.

And his parents, they stopped mentioning it, that's why he had forgotten it.

Seeing the photo, he feels something strange, as if something attracts his attention.

Observe carefully, but, it does not distinguish anything out of the ordinary.

It makes him uncomfortable, and he lies down the portrait holder, face down.

Despite having had a good day.

He feels that it was not a good idea to sleep in his parents' house, he feels the need for time to pass quickly and at dawn, to be able to leave the house.

end of chapter 16